Whilst the title of this article may seem like a very bizarre and silly question “of course God doesn’t!” the reality of the matter is that some in the English-speaking world have inadvertently made God into a racist by mis-mashing words in the Qur’an and then making claims that God said what He did not say.
The topic here of course is “The Arabs” and we will cite the favorite verses being twisted and repeated which is 9:97 & 9:101:
“The A’raab are the worst in rejection and hypocrisy, and more likely not to know the boundaries of what God has sent down upon His messenger. God is Knower, Wise.” (9:97)
“And from among the A’raab around you are hypocrites, and from among the people of the city, they persist in hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. We will punish them twice, then they will be returned to a great punishment.” (9:101)
A’raab = Arabs (therefore God hates the Arabs – except some good ones maybe!)
We can see how this entire construct took us all of 2 seconds, and voila, we have come to a conclusion that is as clear as day.
Where it gets even more nonsensical is that while this new definition of “A’raab” does not occur anywhere in the spoken Arabic language, or in the Arabic dictionaries, or in the Arabic literature, the champions of this agenda simply “double down” and invent more nonsense by stating that the Arab speakers of today and the Arab literature has been corrupted and the language of today is only a fraction of what was revealed at the time of the Qur’an!
So, now that we have given the background to this claim, let us look at what our Lord and Master tells us in His words.
1. Does God Punish People Genetically?
“O you who believe, let not any people ridicule other people, for they may be better than they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they. Nor shall you mock one another, or insult each other with nicknames; miserable indeed is the name of wickedness after attaining faith. And anyone who does not repent, then these are the transgressors.” (49:11)
“O people, We created you from a male and female, and We made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely, the most honorable among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. God is Knowledgeable, Expert.” (49:13)
“And no bearer may carry the burden of another. And if one who is weighed down by his load calls on another to carry it, no part of it may be carried, even if it were a relative. You will only be able to warn those who are concerned towards their Lord while unseen, and they hold the Connection. And whoever contributes, is contributing for himself. And to God is the final destiny.” (35:18)
Whilst this claim may be agreeable to those from a Christian background (where we are all genetic sinners from Adam’s crime), the Qur’an clearly tells us that the sins of the fathers are not passed down and that each soul carries its own burden. More so, we are told that our different tribes and features are designed so that we may know one another and that God looks to our hearts for righteousness – not to our DNA.
2. Does God Reward People Genetically?
“And it was so, that Abram was tested by commands from his Lord, which he fulfilled. He said: “I will make you a leader for the people.” He said: “And also from my progeny?” He said: “My pledge will not encompass the wicked.” (2:124)
“And We granted him Isaac and Jacob, and We made within his progeny the prophethood and the Book. And We gave him his reward in this world, and in the Hereafter he is among the righteous.” (29:27)
“So when she had delivered she said: “My Lord, I have delivered a female,” and God is fully aware of what she delivered, “And the male is not like the female, and I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge for her and her progeny with You from the outcast devil.”(3:36)
“And those who say: “Our Lord, grant us from our mates and our progeny what will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the righteous.” (25:74)
The answer to the above question is a conditional “yes” that the progeny of a Prophet or righteous person who made the prayer for God to guide his progeny are also good/righteous. We see this in the Prophethood and the Book being passed down genetically through the bloodline of those Prophets with whom God has made a covenant.
What Does “A’raab” Mean?
Now that we have clarified the falsehood that God punishes or misguides genetically, we need to go back to the subject of “A’raab” and what it means in the Qur’an.
“And from among the A’raab around you are hypocrites, and from among the people of the city, they persist in hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. We will punish them twice, then they will be returned to a great punishment.” (9:101)
“It is not advisable for the dwellers of the city and those around them of the A’raab that they should lag behind after the messenger of God, nor should they yearn for themselves above him…” (9:120)
Without even needing to point to the Arabic language or Arabic dictionary, it should be very clear to reader from the two simple verses above who the “A’raab” are. They are mentioned in contrast to the “City Dwellers” (i.e they are NOT the city dwellers).
A’raab = Nomads
This is the meaning that is used throughout the Arabic literature and the Arabic dictionaries. The Qur’an is referring to a behavior of people and that such behavior (being nomadic) causes them certain problems such as being quick to say what they do not mean (hypocracy) and speaking when they do not fully understand.
What About 33:20 and the Badu/Nomads?
“They thought that the Confederates had not yet mobilized. And if the Confederates do appear, they wish that they would begin (Badoon) with the Nomads (A’raab), as they are seeking out news for you. Even if they were among you, they would not have fought except very little.” (33:20)
The same group that makes “A’raab” as “Arabs” quotes 33:20 to show that the A’raab cannot be Nomads because they are mentioned in the same verse as “Badu”
Unfortunately for this group, not only is it clear from the context that this is a wrong interpretation, but the word in 33:20 is not even “Badu” but is “Badoon” which is “to begin/start with” (see 27:64, 29:20, 30:11, 30:27 for derivatives of this word).
What Does “Badu” Means?
“And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they fell in prostration to Him. And he said: “My father, this is the interpretation of my vision from before. My Lord has made it true, and He has been good to me that He took me out of prison and brought you out of the Badu (wilderness) after the devil had made bitterness between me and my brothers. My Lord is Kind to whom He wills. He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.” (12:100)
Whist the reference to 33:20 was a complete mess for this group, they are correct in that the word “Badu” (not Badoon) is related to Nomads. The word means “wilderness” (as we can see from 12:100 above) and is a common word used today in-place of A’raab.
What Are Arabs Called in the Qur’an?
“He is the One who sent to the gentiles a messenger from among themselves, to recite to them His revelations, and to purify them, and teach them the Book and the wisdom. And before this, they were clearly astray.” (62:2)
Say: “O people, I am a messenger of God to you all. The One who has the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, there is no god except He; He gives life and causes death.” Sobelieve in God and His messenger, the gentile prophet, who believes in God and Hiswords; and follow him that you may be guided.” (7:158)
The name given to the Prophet and his people is the term “Gentiles/Ummiyeen.” He was the gentile Prophet to the gentile people-not sent to any race or genetic pool, but sent to all those who had not received and previous scripture for God to guide.
Why Does the Qur’an Say it is “Arabic?”
The term “Arabic” is only ever used to refer to the “language/tongue” of the people and is not a genetic disposition as some would incorrectly believe.
“And before it was the Book of Moses, a beacon and a mercy. And this is an affirming Book, in an Arabic tongue, so that you may warn those who have transgressed, and to give good news to the righteous.” (46:12)
Although this may sound strange to the first-time students of the Scripture “why is it stating it is in Arabic when it obviously is in Arabic!” The answer comes when we realize that the Qur’an is a book that transcends place and time. The language of the old Scriptures has changed between Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to the point where we are no longer sure which language the original texts were revealed in. The Qur’an locks and protects itself for all time by stating in the very text that the language it is being revealed in “Arabic.”
The Arabic tongue/language can be traced back all the way to the Nabataens who lived several centuries before Mohammed and were masters of trade who ruled the trade routes from the Levant all the way down to Yemen. It was the tongue of these people that was being spoken throughout the region where the Qur’an was revealed and had nothing to do with the genetic disposition of the audience. The audience of the Qur’an was most likely a mix of various bloodlines and nations who have intermingled in the area.
We hope that this article has helped to dispel what has been spoken about God without truth and we hope that all who now know will take heed…
“And those who when they are reminded of the revelations of their Lord, they do not fall on them deaf and blind.” (25:73)
Written for www.free-minds.org