Messengers and Prophets

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It is common to hear, when a discussion is revolving around the historic figures who were chosen by God, that so and so was a “Messenger”, or sometimes they would say, so and so was a “Prophet.”

The definition of these words varies depending on who you speak to, but the most commonly heard opinions are:

  • Prophets are people who receive a scripture/book but do not have to relate it to the people;
  • Messengers are people who receive a scripture/book and must relate it to the people (a Messenger by default here is also a Prophet);
  • Messengers are people who must deliver a specific message warning and are not necessarily recipients of a scripture/book;
  • Prophets are recipients of a scripture/book and they are also required to deliver such scripture/book to the people (a Prophet by default here is also a Messenger).