“Obey the Messenger” or “Obey the Prophet”?
“And obey God and the messenger so that you may obtain mercy.” (Qur’an 3:132)
“And obey God and the messenger so that you may obtain mercy.” (Qur’an 3:132)
It is common to hear, when a discussion is revolving around the historic figures who were chosen by God, that so and so was a “Messenger”, or sometimes they would say, so and so was a “Prophet.”
The definition of these words varies depending on who you speak to, but the most commonly heard opinions are:
The accepted faith of most of the Muslims is that Jesus(pbuh) is alive in the Heaven. According to them Jews wanted to kill him on the cross and Allah raised him alive in the Heaven.
The significance and role of prophets and messengers in the Qur'an has been extensively studied by all schools of thought in the world of Islam.
I have included Maccoby's work because it contrasts well with Brandon's critical hypothesis that most traditional scholarship on this topic fails to cover the "context" that is the "historical context" of events within Judea at this time under opp
- Ibrahim broke the Idols and then lied about it, how true is this concept?
- He placed the axe on the shoulder of the big idol to shift accountability, right?