Palestine and the One State Solution
The Iraq War - An Islamic View
Political Islam - The Coming Battle
Fighting Satan
In a struggle that has spawned the ages, Satan, along with his followers, have endeavored to pervert the course of humanity towards purification and salvation to lead us away from God’s straight path and towards a path of selfishness and destruction.
Satan’s primary tool is his ability to “whisper” to humankind and thus suggest actions, using twisted logic, that are not in the interest of our species.
20:120 But the devil whispered to him, he said: “O Adam, shall I lead you to the tree of immortality and a kingdom which will not waste away?”
Refutations Against the Sects
After being active for a number of years now, the revival movement of Islam based on God Alone has caused some stir in the circles of the "sects" who seek to silence our voices while implementing their corruption of the holy scripture to allow for tyranny, oppression, and injustice as a supposed way to God!
We have selected a number of articles written against our position by these 'sects' and will (God willing) show the inconsistencies with their arguments (our comments are in red).
An Interview With the Prophet Mohammed
Muhammad the messenger of God answers some important questions...........
Imagine Muhammad, the messenger of God being interviewed, on various issues confronting the so-called "Ummah"; what would he say?
Q = Interviewer
M = Prophet Muhammad
5 Types of People in the Quran
‘Only God can judge me!’
How many times have we heard the above statement made by people when the discussion regarding their faith or actions becomes too heated?
The problem with the ‘only God can judge me’ statement is that God has already judged people by their words and actions and told us, in His Book, where this person or that person is heading unless there is a drastic change in the actions/behaviors that will change the person’s classification.
Koran and Self-Reference
There was a fundamental crisis in mathematics about a hundred years ago, a basic disturbance that affected all of logic till it was repaired. Logicians realized that for centuries they had left out the concept of "Self-reference." For centuries, Aristotles rule of the "Excluded middle" had been used. This rule is a proposition that states, "Every proposition is either true or false." Somebody was smart enough to question that very proposition. What if that proposition that states that every proposition is either true or false is false? People had overlooked that for centuries. Not so the Koran. If the Koran is what it claims to be then it should be aware of self-reference, as applied to its own statements.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Quran
The following is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was adopted on December 10, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The attempt of this analysis is to show how all of the fundamental human rights guaranteed in this declaration were already established guarantees in the Holy Quran.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,