Warning To Your Loved Ones!

Peace to all those who follow the guidance.

Our brothers and sisters in GOD,

A duty has come to warn all those to whom this message reaches of a great injustice we have all committed in the eyes of GOD, that is, setting-up partners to our Lord without knowing we have done so.

The enemy of mankind (Satan) has said:

"He (Satan) said: 'Since You have willed that I go astray, I will stand against them on Your straight path. "I will come to them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left, and You will find that most of them are unappreciative." (Quran 7:16-17)

Messengers and Prophets

It is common to hear, when a discussion is revolving around the historic figures who were chosen by God, that so and so was a “Messenger”, or sometimes they would say, so and so was a “Prophet.”

The definition of these words varies depending on who you speak to, but the most commonly heard opinions are:

  • Prophets are people who receive a scripture/book but do not have to relate it to the people;
  • Messengers are people who receive a scripture/book and must relate it to the people (a Messenger by default here is also a Prophet);
  • Messengers are people who must deliver a specific message warning and are not necessarily recipients of a scripture/book;
  • Prophets are recipients of a scripture/book and they are also required to deliver such scripture/book to the people (a Prophet by default here is also a Messenger).

Useful Hints For Reading The Qur'an


As presented in the section (Quran, fully detailed Scripture), we will be accountable on the Day of Judgement to abiding by the law of God which is given to us in the ‘law giving’ verses of the Quran. Because of that, and since God is the most Fair Judge, He has given us these verses in very clear and straightforward language. Nevertheless, and as a reader, you may have often come across the situation where you have just read one of these ‘law giving’ Quranic verses only to find that in the interpretation it has been given a completely different meaning by the interpreter! If you should inquire into the reason behind this discrepancy you will be told that the Quran is very difficult to understand on your own, and that these proficient interpreters have spent many years of their lives in mastering the science of Quranic interpretation and thus their interpretation in fact presents what the verse really is supposed to mean! You may also be told that this is the interpretation given by the prophet himself.

Hadith: The Question Of Authenticity

Hadith are such an integral part of traditional Islam in all its variations, that when someone suggests that the Qur’an alone should serve as the source of religious law and guidance for Muslims, the idea is usually met with shock and amazement. So, those who advocate following the Qur’an alone must address the issue of hadith.

The Arabic word "hadith," means a story, or saying. Any story, or saying, from anyone. For traditional Muslims, it has come to mean specifically a story or saying told about, or attributed to the prophet Muhammad.

How Did It Come To This? (Part 1)

In the article entitled Language Barrier we have seen how even important events in Sira (the biography of the prophet) are problematic, for example, when the prophet was born and where he lived. There is no evidence of a pre-quranic town named Mecca and the evidence shows that the common noun "mecca" (destruction) in 48:24 was appropriated after the great reading was revealed. So naturally, the question arises, where did the prophet really live?

Far in the Horizon

The interpretation of the first verse of Al-Isra’a chapter reads: “Most glorified is the One who summoned His servant during the night, from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose surroundings we have blessed, in order to let him see some of our signs. He is the Hearer, the Seer.” [17:1] What are the signs that the Prophet saw?

Halal & Haram

How many times have you heard this phrase: "This is Haram, That is Halal"!

If you are a Muslim, then you probably hear these words repeated around you every day. You will hear them in school, you will hear them on TV, you will hear your parents say them, you will hear scholars and Imams say them, and, you will find tons of books written on the subject.

Just click on any of the traditional Islamic Web Sites and read any Q&A or Fatwa section they may have. You should find something like this (someone actually asked this question in an Islamic site):

"Is it Halal to eat in a Microwave in which Pork has been heated?"

Evolution and the Qur'an

Recently, within the past couple of decades, there has been a revival of the debate between evolutionism and creationism. By creationism, believing that God created life without the process of evolution, is meant.

Honey: A Gift From God

16:68- and your Lord revealed to the Bee saying: Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in that which they (people) build; 16:69- then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of your Lord submissively. There comes forth from within it (the bee) a beverage of many colors, in which there is healing for men; most surely there is a sign in this for a people who reflect.