1- According to the verses, everyone has innate divine knowledge—signs/verses(ayats)—within them from creation. With these fundamental inner truths and the intellect granted to us, we are responsible for seeking what is right and good.
2- The punishment of societies after the arrival of a messenger refers to their collective destruction. Otherwise, individual punishments and the punishments of the afterlife are continuously occurring.
3- In fact, throughout history, every nation has received warners. However, there have been long periods during which some nations did not receive a new messenger.
4- The verses state that the innate signs/verses/(ayat) within us, along with our intellect, make us accountable. Additionally, societies that have received a sacred book have, in a way, also received a messenger. For example, today, thanks to the internet, the Quran has reached all nations of the world. This increases responsibility, as warnings and guidance are being conveyed.
5- All prophets are a mercy to the worlds. However, the final prophet, Muhammad, brought the last sacred book, the Quran, which has been preserved and passed down to us. Until the Day of Judgment, the Quran will be a mercy to everyone it reaches.
10:57 O people, advice has come to you from your Lord and a healing for what is in the chests, and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.
7:203 And because you do not bring them a sign, they say: "If only you had brought one." Say: "I only follow what is inspired to me from my Lord. This is an evidence from your Lord, and a guide and mercy to a people who believe."