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Decide what Allah spoke thru Quran... it's up to you..

Started by jkhan, January 25, 2025, 12:25:12 AM

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The below passage of explications is about atheists and similar to them..

45:23 Have you encountered one who took his propensity (hawa) as his Divine(ilah), and Allah let him in astray upon his realization and impressed upon his heeding and his thought and placed upon his insight an impact, then who will guide in addition to Allah; Then will not you consider?

When someone has decided through his propensity that there is no Entity called The Divine, then Allah makes his situation very tough as stated above.. cus his heeding and thought are impressed against the Divine but on his own Divine (propensity) and his insight has impacted by them..
If (ilāh (إِلَٰه)) is taken as god or deity, etc, it would not give right justice to the statement. Here in the verse, Ilah is not god. And he never believes in God or gods or any of such and they are nothing for a such one. Nevertheless, for him, his propensity (hawa) is DIVINE (ilah). Divine could be anything that one admires to the highest point in his life and there is nothing beyond it that one admires. That's Ilah/Divine. His highest point of admiration was his propensity.

45:24 And they said, not it is except our life of the temporal; we live and die, not destroy us except the state of inevitability/fate (dahar). And not for them in that any realization/knowledge that they but assume.

That's what such people said when they have taken their propensity as their Ilah (Divine) to themselves, and it is a common statement of all atheists regardless of time because they don't believe in a life to come.
So that clarifies the statement 'la ilah illa Allah'  i.e. 'No Divine save The Divine'.. cus nothing can be considered as Divine except the one who is the Divine so he has the attribute to be the Savior/Merciful and many more..

1:1 In attribute of The Divine; The Merciful, The Generous.

Merciful is not simply kind but it has an in-depth meaning of Saving/redeeming/forgiving and that's Mercy. That's why Allah is the Savior...Attributes of The Divine are indeed deciding what The Divine means. Without His attributes, there is no Divine, and The Divine possesses all equitable/unprejudiced attributes, and that makes Him the Divine.


tis'ʿat (تِسْعَة) does not mean 'nine' in Al Quran, though its root is predominantly nine. Nine is the last digit of numbers and is considered the principal or PRIME of all numbers.  tis'ʿ (تِسْع) is referring to the digit Nine but not the former. Let's see the couple of occurrences ..

28:48 And there were in the city prime (thisat) coalitions(raht) corrupting through the land and not refining.

Here, there is no point in telling about their number, but the word itself is PRIME. Because they were the leading/prime/principal coalitions that kept corrupting through the land. It's not 9 coalitions.

Let's see the other occurrence. To explain this occurrence, I have to bring all the preceding verses so that you would get a good grip on it..

74:1 O you the scrutinizer.
74:2 Ratify, then avow.
74:3 By your Lord, then enforce.
74:4 And replenish you, then cleanse.
74:5 And the impurity, then forsake.
74:6 And do not solace overstating.
74:7 And for the sake of your Lord, then persevere.
74:8 So when it is inquired through the inquiry.
74:9 Then that is the time of a difficult day.
74:10 Upon the rejectors beyond relief.
74:11 Leave it to me by one that I shared exclusiveness.
74:12 And I had assigned for him continuous wealth.
74:13 And involving children.
74:14 And I had accustomed to him habituating.
74:15 Subsequently, he aspires that I expand.
74:16 Never, that he was to our explications, of assessment.
74:17 I will task him uphill.
74:18 Verily, he pondered and determined.
74:19 So, he had wrestled with how he determined.
74:20 Later, he had wrestled with how he determined.
74:21 Subsequently, he eased.
74:22 Later, he glowered and dismayed.
74:23 Subsequently, he retreated and arrogated.
74:24 Then he said that this is except trail of sorcery.
74:25 That this is save sayings of the mortal.
74:26 I will let him suffer scorching.
74:27 And what had acquainted you with what scorching is?
74:28 Neither lasting nor leaving.
74:29 A steaming to the mortal.
74:30 At its prime (thisat) effect (ashara).
74:31 And not we assigned mates of the Hell except the earned ones/possessed ones(malika), and not We cited their allocation (iddathHum) except trial/temptation for the ones who rejected; perhaps the ones who were rendered the ordainment convince, or the ones who professed enhance faith...."

Malaika here is possessors as they were well deserved/earned/owned in negative connotation .. i.e. owners of Hell


In the Divine attribute, The Merciful, The Generous

73:1 O you the counterbalancing,
73:2 Regulate the concerns except for the minutiae,
73:3 Of its Precision, in addition to mitigating from its minutiae.
73:4 Furthermore, augment upon it, and distinguish The Resolution (al quran) of distinction.
73:5 Verily, We will validate a considerable statement.
7.3:6 Verily revitalizing the concerns. It's a more robust step and consistent statement.
73:7 Verily, for you along the proceedings, immersion of philosophy.
73:8 But, consider your Lord's attribute and exert upon Him of dedication.
73:9 Lord of the enlightenment and the benightedness; No Divine save Him. Then, take Him as Executor.
73:10 And persevere at what they say and forsake them of decent forsaking.
73:11 And leave it to Me by the falsifiers; philosophers of the excellence; let them recreate for a while.
73:12 Verily with us deterrence and strictness.
73:13 And subsistence consisting of grievance and painful humiliation.
73:14 An era of agitating the expositions and the scholars and became the scholars a scattered fragmentation.
73:15 Verily, We dispatched to you a Dispatcher, in involvement upon you like what We dispatched to Pharaoun, a Dispatcher.
73:16 Then disobeyed Pharaoun the Dispatcher, so We grabbed him in a vehement seizure.
73:17 Then, how can they be conscientious about what they have rejected in an era that elevates to the pinnacle, the adolescents?
73:18 The higher order is coming forth by it, as it fell to fulfill its promise.
73:19 Indeed this is a consideration, then whoever acted, be it griped to his Lord's tenet.
73:20 Verily, your Lord reveals that you regulate closely over the major concerns and its precision and its assertion and dissemination among the ones with you. And Allah determines the concerns and the proceedings. He realized that you do not number it. So, turned toward you. So, finalize/resolve what is simple from The Resolution. He realized that there would be dejections among you and others, exemplifying through the exposition deserving the preference/favor of Allah, and others wrestling through the tenets of Allah. So, resolve what is simple from it (al quran); and, uphold the interaction and render the purity, and lend Allah an equitable/unprejudiced lending. And whatever you advance to yourselves from prosperity, you will find it at the sides of Allah. He has a prosperous and greater reward. And Allah sympathizes. Verily, Allah is Sympathizing, Generous.



In the Divine attribute, The Merciful, The Generous

113:1 Say! I resort to Lord of the Calamity
113:2 From spark what it shared
113:3 And from spark of overlap when it despised
113:4 And from spark of enchantment through the twists
113:5 And from spark of resentment when it resented

114:1 Say! I resort to Lord of the Chaos
114:2 Possession of the chaos
114:3 Turmoil of the chaos
114:4 From the confusedness that's lingering
114:5 The one who confuses through the consciousness of the chaos
114:6 Among the Jinnkind and Mankind

Yes.. Our Lord can be 'Lord of the Calamity' and 'Lord of the Chaos'.. He can push us to Calamity and Chaos when He acts as such, and when He does so, He does it with reason.. He can assign whatever He causes so that triggers against us. You need to implore and resort to Him to keep you from such situations.. Allah may form calamity to accomplish His cause, such as to discipline people who have turned away from Him. Similarly, chaos using others


Below is one of my oldest research, and it is quite interesting if you read verse 74:29 (above in my translation) and notice the word 'STEAMING' is mentioned, and the below verse convinces it.

54:13 "And We carried it (Nova ship) upon containing (zath) steam (alwah) and propellers (dusur)."

Traditionally words 'alwah and dusur' are translated into planks and nails but it is not.. It is so insignificant to mention the materials of the ship, but how it was propelled is key.. it was propelled with Steam through the usage of coal and Propellers and the words used are crystal clear.


The tablets of Musa were not just tablets.. The word 'Al Alwaugh'  الْأَلْوَاحِ is precisely The Wax Tablets..

85:20-22 could be literal or metaphorical and subjected to interpretation..
85:20-22 By Allah, from beyond their encompassment; Nay, It is a resolution (quran) gleaming (majeed); In wax shielded (فِي لَوْحٍ مَحْفُوظٍ Fee Lauh makhfudh)

7:145 We wrote for him in the Wax Tablets. (الْأَلْوَاحِ AI Al laugh)

These wax tablets are involved with heat and steam as well if they want to remove the writing or even to further preserve it.. All these with the same root, lām wāw ḥā (ل و ح)


What did Nabi Isa, son of Maryam indeed perform with the leave of Allah.. All translations mostly distorted the exactness of the verse. Did he perform miracles bring dead to life and giving shapes of clay to literal life.. let's see..

3:49 And a Dispatcher to constituents of Israel, 'Truly, I have come with an absolute explication from your Lord, which I share through performance, resembling aspects of the disciple. And I invigorate him, so he takes flight (i.e. awaken transformation) by leave/will of Allah. And I disown/free the concealment and the blemishes and revive the insane by the leave of Allah. Further, I am informing you of what you internalize and what you satiate through your awakenings.' Indeed, in that surely an explication for you, if you were to be faithful ones.

Explanation: The statement reflects a divine mission of healing, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation:
•    The Rasool/Dispatcher (Isa) comes with a clear explication from Allah, embodying the teachings through action and guiding others to spiritual awakening.
•    Spiritual blindness (concealment) and impurities (blemishes) are removed, and the mentally or spiritually lost (insane) are revived—all through divine permission.
•    The Dispatcher also informs the people in understanding their internal state and how they nourish their souls through moments of awakening.

The Significant point is, Isa, the Son Maryam brought only ONE aya as the verse states and not plural.. whatever he did was awakening and inform their awakening state.. The "absolute explication" or clear explanation the Dispatcher brings is primarily about awakening, which encompasses: That's why Arabic word singular Aya is mentioned not plural Aya. If he had brought many miracles as they translated it should be words plural Aya.. and it is not the case.
•    Spiritual awakening: Transforming people from ignorance or blindness to a state of clarity and understanding.
•    Mental revival: Healing those who are mentally or spiritually lost or disturbed (described as "insane"), and restoring them to a state of balance, clarity, or sanity.
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