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Website Launch

Started by uq, January 02, 2025, 05:15:08 PM

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For those interested, a new website has now been launched which seeks to aggregate the sum of reported Quranic readings and of manuscript word spellings:

A translation is also included along with a transliteration.

The 96th section of the Quran is now live, others will follow, if God wills it:

The website is optimised for desktops so there may be issues when accessing on mobile devices. Refinements are ongoing.

A key to the translation, the orthographic transcription, the orthoepic transcription, and the references will follow, God willing.

The website also seeks to aggregate Quranic observations from all evidence-based sources. This will launch in a matter of weeks, God willing.

Feedback welcome!


peace bro,

Nice to see you post.

On the homepage you might want to explain a bit about the site, its aim, and what each section/link is.

Have you heard of Bridges Quran translation app:
It highlights the variance in the Traditional 10 qiraat.
All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek knowledge and verify: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11. [url=""]My articles[/url]


good logic

Thank you both for your post.

All useful tools for study are great help for new and old students of Qoran.

I find Qoran a treasure for every generation. Every day it delivers something new and true about the human times and life.
Hope ,we this generation, will use it to learn from the past, shape /work the present and restore /correct towards the "straight/good path" that benefits the next generation.

Hope humanity will turn to the Lord - His system/His message- and abandon the "Taghut/bad way"- men s corrupt systems- that is harming and dividing the people with hardship and wars.

May the Lord bless you all.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Peace Both!

Wakas, nice to be back! You're right, the website is very bare-bones. Also, as you have seen, it is still a static website which makes it not very useful for those looking to undertake their own research using the information compiled. There is a wealth of data available but can only be interacted with visually, which is a major drawback. An SQL is in the pipeline.

Bridges is good but they limit themselves to the 10 canonical readings while forgoing the other ≈65! They also neglect orthography in their implicit belief that the modern printed Quran (the Cairo edition) is historically accurate.

Good Logic, thank you brother!


This looks like a really useful project! I've always been interested in how different Quranic readings and spellings come together, so it's great to see someone working on an aggregation site like this. The inclusion of both translation and transliteration is definitely a plus, and I'm curious to see how the platform develops as more sections are added. Hopefully, the mobile experience improves soon, but overall, it seems like a solid resource. I'll be keeping an eye on the upcoming features!


Hi Wrigit,

Thank you for your feedback. Other sections have already been completed, they only need to be furnished with references and proof-read for errors.

In the coming weeks, the following will be added, God willing:

1. Audio clips for each sign (verse)
2. Evidence-based textual analysis for 096 in the "Observations" page of the website
3. A key to manuscript sigla, abbreviations, and symbols
4. Refinement of the mobile device user experience

If I may ask, what issues are you experiencing on your mobile device? And what device do you use? My browser inspector does not always faithfully emulate mobile devices.


Quote from: uq on January 03, 2025, 02:48:28 PMBridges is good but they limit themselves to the 10 canonical readings while forgoing the other ≈65! They also neglect orthography in their implicit belief that the modern printed Quran (the Cairo edition) is historically accurate.

Yes I have read there are more than 10. I recently studied the compilation of Quran and it is very complicated, or at least much more so than the commonly told Traditional story will lead us to believe.

If you have time can you elaborate more on the orthography issue you alluded to or give us your brief history on the compilation of Quran.

This book came out recently which I'm thinking of ordering:
All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek knowledge and verify: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11. [url=""]My articles[/url]



As humans, we can only be certain of two things, 1) direct experience, and 2) لا اله الا الله .

It appears that the first generation of believers produced copies of the Quran at least within decades of the messenger's death (as evidenced by radio-carbon dated manuscripts and palaeography). What did the Quran look like before this time? Was it merely oral? Was it written down? It is not known.

The first copies of the Quran were probably produced in western Arabia by teams of scribes working together (as evidenced by the different handwritings that exist within some of the same manuscripts). But what were the first copies made from, i.e. what were they copied from? It is not known for certain, however, van Putten has shown in his paper "The Grace of God" as evidence for a written Uthmanic archetype (2019) that most or all copies of the first generation were made from a single "master copy" which he calls the "Uthmanic archetype."

It appears that scribes of the Quran made their copies directly from previous copies, i.e. they didn't make copies of the Quran based on oral dictation (as evidenced by anomalous spellings in the same surahs and ayahs). There are exceptions to this, such as Is 1414, which is a manuscript held at the Chester Beatty library in Dublin. It seems to follow a different tradition or maybe it is an innovative copy that spells words in a way that doesn't match other manuscripts before its time.

Over the centuries, one can expect that aberrations will occur in spelling, e.g. maybe a scribe will choose a spelling that matches the prevailing reading of his town, or maybe there will be an honest mistake in spelling, or maybe there will be a mistake in interpreting the text, etc etc etc. This is how errors build up.

Ultimately, we reach the early 1900s when AlAzhar University commissioned a group of scholars to produce an 'authoritative' copy of the written Quran for the reading of Hafs via Asim. However, they did not rely entirely on manuscipt evidence, instead, they relied on the works of orthography produced by classical scholars. These classical scholars did amazing work, however, they did not have access to the breadth of evidence available to us today. Naturally, the scholars of AlAzhar produced a copy of the Quran which was a mix of real historical spelling practices and innovated traditional practices. This copy is now known in secular academia as the Cairo Edition, and it is the copy that exists around the world in everyone's home.

The aim of is to gather and merge every accessible manuscript of the Quran that is safely dateable to the period before 1200 CE so that one would be in a good position to propose what the 'original' or 'first' Quran looked like.

As for the traditional narratives of Uthman burning aberrant copies of the Quran, or Hudhayfa appealing to Uthman to produce a definitive copy of the Quran, or the story of the believers who knew the Quran by heart being killed in battle etc etc, these stories surrounding the compilation of the Quran are unverifiable.

I've not read the work by Karim. As long as it is an academic work, and not a work that blindly adheres to Sunni convention, then go for it! Otherwise, I recommend the following:

(1) On the language of the Quran: Quranic Arabic: From Its Hijazi Origins to Its Classical Reading Traditions, Marijn van Putten, 2022
(2) On the message of the Quran: Qur'an: A Historical-Critical Introduction, Nicolai Sinai, 2018

As for Quranic orthography and Quranic readings, I have not come across any contemporary academic works that are devoted entirely to each of these fields that are worth recommending. There is a work by Shady Nasser of Harvard University The Transmission of the Variant Readings of the Qurʾān (2012), but it leaves much to be desired. Even the work by van Putten I listed above (which does cover the readings) only superficially explores the readings, and I have observed patent errors in his work.

Sorry, long post!