Origin of life and Procreation
Forewarning by the Creator of Life against Genetic Engineering
Mazhar Anwaar Nurani
Grand Qur'ān is revered as Divine Book by more than a billion people. It is not just like DNA for physical growth but it is the guide for
personality development. It tells what the more important issue the "moral principles approach" neglects, as to
what kind of people they should be. Like guide manual it is also a treasure trove of knowledge that transcends its temporal origin. The scientific discourse embedded within its Ayahs will continue to intrigue scholars and laypersons alike. "Origin of Life and Procreation: Forewarning by the Creator of Life against Genetic Engineering" meticulously unravels profound descriptions of human creation and procreation as presented in the Qur'ān, juxtaposing these with established and emerging scientific understandings.
The preface of the work effectively highlights its distinct style of communicating scientific truths not by jargon but through imagery and description that are accessible to diverse intellectual audiences. The text emphasizes the verifiability of these descriptions in light of science, presenting them as potential evidence of the Qur'ān's divine origin and proof of its Thesis Statement.
Author boldly addresses controversial assertions of some about Qur'ān, such as allegations of plagiarism from Hellenic sources. By thoroughly examining terminologies and their implications, the author demonstrates the originality and the depth of its scientific foresight—especially regarding embryology and the stages of human development. The analysis of terms like نُطْفَة, عَلَقَة, and مُضْغَة reveals layers of meaning that align with contemporary scientific discoveries. He asserts the precision in describing phenomena that were far beyond the reach of 7th-century human knowledge.
Amazingly, the author highlights how Qur'ān has overarching narrative of unity in creation. He equates it with
quantum entanglement as a philosophical and physical principle underpinning the universe's structure. This exploration not only shows alignment of text of Qur'ān with scientific concepts recently developed but also invites readers to ponder the intrinsic interconnectedness of all entities.
Beyond its scientific discourse, author delves into epistemological reflections. He encourages reader to adopt a balanced approach that integrates empirical observation with metaphysical inquiry. His emphasis is that the Qur'ān persuades to self-reflection and objective contemplation throughout serving as a call to elevate both individual understanding and collective intellectual pursuits.
As we keep advancing in scientific research, more works like this are necessary to retrieve more knowledge and insights from Qur'ān. It will inspire more profound appreciation of the Qur'ān as a timeless source of guidance.
Keeping in view their dedicated effort and study in accordance with academic rules, this work will be a good resource for further research by scholars, students, and anyone seeking to explore the scientific realities verbally mirrored in Qur'ān centuries earlier. It is pronounced:
سَنُرِيـهِـمْ ءَايَٟتِنَا فِـى ٱلْءَافَاقِ وَفِـىٓ أَنفُسِهِـمْ حَتَّىٰ يَتَبَيَّـنَ لَـهُـمْ أَنَّهُ ٱلْحَقُّۗ
• Our Majesty will henceforth keep intermittently exposing Our tangible realities prevalent in the Universe-horizons and in their own bodies visually to them who accept not the Divine origin of Qur'ān —The purpose of this visual manifestation is that: it (Qur'ān) being Infallible Discourse of Reality itself explicitly explicates to have been sent for them by their Sustainer Lord (it is not the creation of the Messenger, its publisher). (Refer 41:53)
Dr. Saba Nurani, MBBS / MSPH
Director Quality Assurance Department;
Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital, Lahore. Dec 5, 2024