
About us: a forum for monotheists, and discussion of Islam based on The Quran

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Started by Zeinab, January 08, 2025, 10:27:33 PM

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Hi everyone, I'm from Italy and new to this field.
As far as I know, there's no one in my country who follows your approach—if you happen to know someone, feel free to let me know!

I'm currently in a complex phase of my life, working on redefining many aspects both externally and internally. In particular, I'm seeking inner strength, independence, and clarity.
I hope to connect with like-minded people here and learn more about this subject.


good logic

Welcome to the forum Zeinab.

When one wakes up and realises that beliefs require evidence, one will search deeper and check all his/her beliefs.
Life  will become a puzzle and an ongoing experiment to find facts for all the information stored in the brain.
Who s mind is satisfied with all the brainwashing/information received from all sides of the arguments since being a child?

Evidence means certainty ,  and reaching certainty is a journey to unravel all the information and beliefs. Which to hold on to which to throw away and to acquire some solid ones for correction and guidance to lead a righteous and peaceful life.

One can easily summarise the systems of men throughout history, their plots, lies and oppression towards their fellow humans.
 Empires have ruled with an iron fist ,lots of deceits and false narratives, to fool and subject the people to their unjust rules and goes on the same today as it has always been, only with more vigour.
( Basically throughout history the Illuminati/gangsters did  exactly the same acts as the following summary of Thamud and the brother Salih) in the message of Qoran:

"We have sent to Thamud their brother Salih, saying, "You shall  follow/serve God/do good/avoid evil...." But they turned into two feuding factions.
وَلَقَد أَرسَلنا إِلىٰ ثَمودَ أَخاهُم صٰلِحًا أَنِ اعبُدُوا اللَّهَ فَإِذا هُم فَريقانِ يَختَصِمونَ
He said, "O my people, why do you hasten to commit evil on earth instead of good works? If only you implore God for forgiveness, you may attain mercy."
قالَ يٰقَومِ لِمَ تَستَعجِلونَ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ قَبلَ الحَسَنَةِ لَولا تَستَغفِرونَ اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُم تُرحَمونَ
They said, "We consider you a bad omen for us, you and those who joined you." He said, "Your omen is fully controlled by God. Indeed, you are deviant people."
قالُوا اطَّيَّرنا بِكَ وَبِمَن مَعَكَ قالَ طٰئِرُكُم عِندَ اللَّهِ بَل أَنتُم قَومٌ تُفتَنونَ
There were nine gangsters/Illuminati- Just like today s empires /systems.. in the city who were wicked, and never did anything good.
وَكانَ فِى المَدينَةِ تِسعَةُ رَهطٍ يُفسِدونَ فِى الأَرضِ وَلا يُصلِحونَ
They said, "Let us swear by God that we kill him and his people, then tell his tribe, `We know nothing about their death. We are truthful.' "- Same pretence, lies and propaganda for wars and killing innocent people......
قالوا تَقاسَموا بِاللَّهِ لَنُبَيِّتَنَّهُ وَأَهلَهُ ثُمَّ لَنَقولَنَّ لِوَلِيِّهِ ما شَهِدنا مَهلِكَ أَهلِهِ وَإِنّا لَصٰدِقونَ
They plotted and schemed, but we also plotted and schemed, while they did not perceive.
وَمَكَروا مَكرًا وَمَكَرنا مَكرًا وَهُم لا يَشعُرونَ
Note the consequences of their plotting; we annihilated them and all their people.
فَانظُر كَيفَ كانَ عٰقِبَةُ مَكرِهِم أَنّا دَمَّرنٰهُم وَقَومَهُم أَجمَعينَ
Here are their homes utterly ruined, because of their transgression. This should be a lesson for people who know.
فَتِلكَ بُيوتُهُم خاوِيَةً بِما ظَلَموا إِنَّ فى ذٰلِكَ لَـٔايَةً لِقَومٍ يَعلَمونَ
We save those who believe and lead a righteous life.
وَأَنجَينَا الَّذينَ ءامَنوا وَكانوا يَتَّقونَ

Is this not obvious to us now throughout the world?

May GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Peace Zeinab

Welcome to the forum  :welcome: 

God bless you
The secret to monotheism can be found in the garden





Thanks to all of you for your replies. :)
As I told you, I'm from Italy, a country deeply influenced by Catholicism.
Even though I'm interested in your approach, I haven't reverted to Islam. I feel connected to the ancient Roman roots of my Italian culture (which many Italians are unaware of), but I can't seem to find a real connection to Christianity.

Over the years, I've explored different faiths—both Christian denominations outside Catholicism and Asian traditions like Buddhism. I only became interested in Islamic faith when I started reading about the Balkans and Sufi orders. That's how I eventually discovered Quranism.

I'm wondering if there's a possibility to practice this faith in the country I live in. I don't know anyone here who practices it, and I also don't know how you pray or other practices you follow. I'm currently reading the Quran from the Monotheistic translation, but I'm still at the beginning of it.

Of course, there are Muslims here from immigrant communities, but most of them are Sunnis. In the past, I've had negative experiences with some individuals because I'm a woman (this happened in ordinary settings; I've never been to their mosques, nor do I feel comfortable doing so). I understand these experiences don't represent all Muslims, but it has made it difficult for me to connect with the local community.

I'd like to learn more about Quranism and how it could be practiced in a context like mine. I'm still at the beginning of this journey and would deeply appreciate any guidance or suggestions.

Thank you, and peace to everyone.


(I don't want to sound like a regular visitor to this nice forum, but) Welcome, Zeinab! :)

It sounds like you are in a somewhat unique and ideal position: your mind is free from biases shaped by others' interpretations of the Quran, which are often intertwined with historical and cultural influences. This freedom allows you to focus directly on the verses themselves and develop your own personal understanding, which can serve as a meaningful guide on your spiritual journey.

However, I believe there's a fundamental bias in your perspective that I hope you'll reflect on and reconsider during your journey: the Quran does not refer to the "Muslims" you mention in your message as "Muslims." This is an assumption that can inadvertently overshadow many of the Quran's verses.
As a tip for further exploration, I suggest a methodology to deepen your understanding:
1. Identify a verse in the Quran that includes the word or concept you want to investigate (e.g., 22:78 in this case).
2. Look up the verse on a Quran corpus, such as this one: Quran Corpus – 22:78.
3. Click on the word in question, which in this case leads to this page.
4. Use your intellect to uncover the true meaning of the word by treating the Quran itself as your dictionary, exploring how that word is used in various contexts throughout the verses.

Through this approach, you may discover that the word "Muslim" fundamentally means "one who surrenders." Depending on the context, the subject of surrender can vary. Now, consider asking the Quran whether it recognizes the "Muslims" you mentioned—individuals who neither read the Quran daily nor apply its teachings—as truly surrendered. Reflect further: can someone genuinely be considered "surrendered" to anyone or anything if they do not even seek regular communication with that? These are profound questions, and the Quran itself addresses them in its verses. It would be redundant for me to paraphrase its wisdom or present my ideas as substitutes for the Quran's clarity. Instead, I encourage you to continue your journey with the Book before you, which contains all the answers you need to guide you toward becoming a 'good individual.'

Have you had the chance to read Chapter 29? You'll find verse 51 there, this verse 29:51 might help you realize that God has made it so you don't need anyone else to understand His religion. The Quran itself is the companion you seek, capable of easing any loneliness you may feel on this spiritual journey.
As you read the Quran, it will feel like you're traveling through time, meeting companions like Abraham and Joseph. Each of them has life lessons and advice to share, enriching your understanding along the way.

Also, keep in mind that your approach and methodology to understanding the Quran is something you'll be accountable for on the Day of Judgment. Engaging your intellect fully now and being able to say, "I sought guidance and realized that neither the stars, the moon, nor the sun could help me (I hope you'll discover which verses I'm referring to)—only God could. That's why I valued His Book not just as a religious text but as the book," would be truly remarkable.
Of course, such a strong claim requires equally strong evidence to support it, and achieving this understanding isn't something that happens instantly. This realization might offer you a glimpse into the deeper purpose of life. And if it doesn't, maybe you can cheat a little and take a look at the verse 35:37 for some insight :)

Wishing you the best on your spiritual journey.

good logic

Peace all.

Thank you Tobeor for the good and sound advice to those seeking GOD s guidance.
GOD has the best argument only for those who see,hear and ponder/search His signs.
Those who have an inner arrogance and hard hearts to see ,hear or reflect on what GOD s message is saying to them  have also the freedom to their choices.And of course those who do not believe in GOD have also their choices.

What is certain is that nobody can claim with certainty they have the truth about everything.

Those who believe in GOD and  - Study Qoran- or any scripture they think comes from GOD- with a sincere heart all of it , will ask for GOD s guidance and summarise GOD s message on how one should lead their life.

They will learn the basis of GOD s religion:
1-What is submission to GOD/GOD s system?
2-What is a scripture and who is the authority and law maker?
3-How many religions did GOD send and does GOD contradict himself?

By definition, if religions differ and people break into sects there must be misinterpretations and issues with the basics of GOD s one consistent message, their understanding/following...  is causing these sects and different religions.

The main effort of searching and learning is to help oneself to develop our own soul in readiness to meet our creator, not to debate others or concern ourselves with what they do.

One will start to develop the character  and attitude for learning.

Also this is the best way to deal with life and those that have other agendas /motives:

"The Ibad -those who reverence and value GOD- of the Most Gracious are those who tread the earth gently/humbly..., and when the ignorant speak to them, they only utter peace.
وَعِبادُ الرَّحمٰنِ الَّذينَ يَمشونَ عَلَى الأَرضِ هَونًا وَإِذا خاطَبَهُمُ الجٰهِلونَ قالوا سَلٰمًا

GOD bless you all.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?

good logic

Peace Zeinab.

Some information that may be helpful to your search:

Why did GOD not sent just one scripture to start with and preserved it for all generations of humans?

Qoran gives us this answer and tells us that GOD knows the future and planned according to the generations ,their test, capabilities and knowledge of their time on earth.

Look at our technology generations for example. We live different, think different and have a different knowledge than the past generations. Each generation evolves/learns/improves or regresses according to its efforts.
So the scriptures are a continuation of this process. For example the old testament- turned into Judaism- was followed by the new testament-turned into Christianity- which in turn was followed by the last testament-turned into Traditional Islam-.Each part was a whole to the generation receiving it.

Put simply GOD was replacing one scripture by the other with the most important common message in all three- GOD is your Lord and our Lord, serve/follow only His system- Each was a different trial to the generation. All asking the people to submit to GOD Alone and follow GOD Alone..

So all scriptures that are from GOD require GOD s guidance. All containing the complete set of info for the religion and how to redeem the people.

GOD also knew that most people will pretend to follow GOD or disbelieve and oppose GOD. These type will work hard to corrupt and give a different narrative for the religion ,i.e create their own type of religion-Judaism, Christianity,and Traditional Islam along with their sects divisions- to hide the truth...

At the turn of the civilisation= AD-,reading and writing improved- instead of mostly oral types- and the birth of the press. GOD sent the last scripture that would be easy to preserve its contents . It would be kept for all the generations that follow.

Qoran is that scripture. It explains GOD s plan and what happened in the past.
Please read these links. it gives an outlook/ view on this:

Thank you.
GOD bless youPeace.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Welcome to the forum :)

We all have blind spots.
Follow your heart but take your brain with you.
ambiguity is there for a reason, why do you think?
We're all different, so how can we all be equal?


Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. :)
I'm currenty exploring the subject basing my research on the information and tips you've shared.

For now, I wish you all peace and blessings. :angel: