dying women and children of gaza scream "where are the arabs" sunnis, muslim. Well, as every money loving prostitute, they are now with the best paying clients, the zionist and the west.
do the hypocrites think that the wrath of Allah will be less over them than it is being over the palestinians. Do the hypocrites have a deal with Allah that allows them prostirution with the west. They will not be left in their enjoiment forever. Same to the acursed so called Jews.
47:25Indeed, those who relapse ˹into disbelief˺ after ˹true˺ guidance has become clear to them, ˹it is˺ Satan ˹that˺ has tempted them, luring them with false hopes.
47:28This is because they follow whatever displeases Allah and hate whatever pleases Him, so He has rendered their deeds void.
It is the time when all except a few are unbelievers. Muslim and Jew are not diferent.
The dirt called cristians has nothing to do with God. They follow what the demons inspired Paul, not the Gospels of Jesus.
Jew , Muslim, and asociators only differ in the outside, but inside are equaly rotten.
Note: there are no real Jews. they mixed their blood with the gentiles of the world, which they where forbiden to do.Just as the zionist rulers of europe and the world they are more european than jew. But, They are so mad that not even DNA tests have got them out of their delusion.
3:160If Allah helps you, none can defeat you. But if He denies you help, then who else can help you? So in Allah let the believers put their trust.