Peace and thanks everyone, I've read the Kuran in English and Yugoslav(Serbocroatian, Bosnian, it's all preety much the same), I call it Yugoslav. And in the Kuran it's written that if mankind and Jin were to come together they wouldn't be able to write even ......, so it preety much says that it's the best written book. When I tell people that I've read it and don't find it to be that good, they say well you have to read it in Arabic. If that's the case then it's only that good for Arabs, or for others who know and can speak Arabic.
I've read the Bible in English and Yugoslav and it's good in either language. I have to admit that the Kuran does sound lot better in Yugoslav compared to English translation. Ok somwhere in the Kuran it's written something like those who are after mischief wanna discuss/ know the less understandable parts of it and that no one knows there meaning but God. What's wrong with trying to understand it, in other places says it's a clear book.
Just so you know I don't know how to open on this phone that I have two pages at the same time in order to look up the verses so I'm just going of my memory and I don't have a computer.
I'm maybe not right, but what's your answer to these points. Do you really think it's the best written book/scripture in the world?
I'm just being honest, I mean there are contradictions in the Bible, I mean Paul in the New Testament contradicts Jesus on some very important points, so o recent Paul as a prophet or apostle. Jesus warned that there will be false prophets.
I have always liked this forum and all people in it. Nothing gets censored, people are very friendly on this forum. By the way, I'm not like considering the Hadith, I've tried that black cumin oil long time ago and Hadith claims that heals everything but death and I wasn't healed and there's plenty of other reasons. I'm preety sure that most of you know when I did come out of psychosis naturally, it's in the health and fitness section on this forum.
I mean in the book of Isiah in the Old Testament it does seem that Jesus was prophecied. And Tanakh/the Old Testament is brutal in some parts, but it is well written.
Anyway, I'm looking for answers and I do appreciate your input!