Thanks Wakas.
While the scrutiny of any work is a must, the criteria that determines truth from falsehood must be solid.
Of course the work of all those who take on this difficult job must be commended.
However, in this case , especially to those who believe GOD revealed His words to us- i.e Qoran is the word of GOD- and knowing who GOD is, the ultimate criteria to check Hadiths of men must be Qoran first and foremost.
Then it will remain ,regardless of arguments using other criteria besides Qoran, crystal clear that GOD wants us to use His words/Hadith for His religion like" GOD has revealed the best Hadith- and "In which Hadith other than GOD and His revelation are they going to believe?"etc..
So , for certain, GOD s words must be complete and contain all the info/instructions/truth... for His religion.
Taking this line of reasoning, any other criteria besides using Qoran alone is secondary and irrelevant.
Bottom line no other source is needed,never mind one that contradicts Qoran.
Or is it me who is complicating the task. I would have thought this task is simple and only requires the study of Qoran first and foremost.
Do we have enough evidence from Qoran that the only source needed for GOD s religion is His revelation/s?
GOD bless you.