Peace All.
"Wa Tilka Hujjatuna..." GOD s argument is in Qoran Let us ponder it about certain Words that are clear and precise about :
1- GOD s words:
If one believes Qoran is GOD s words sent through a messenger/ Nabi, then does this not mean one believes in both the sender and the message. Does the Qoran not say to "Follow only what GOD has revealed /message"?
However , this is the common mistake and misunderstanding made by those who follow the words/ attributed to/ words heard/hearsay of the messenger and those who passed the hadiths after his time.
Is GOD s argument not clear in Qoran that those who follow other than His words are assigning partners in the deen with Him?
The messenger s own words/sayings or any other humans explaining/ interpreting GOD s words are not "What GOD has revealed only"?
Therefore if anything contradicts/GOD s words it is not from GOD. If anything agrees with GOD words then it is in the message. Or why has GOD given us the eyes, ears and brain? To use others when we are responsible for ours!
Or what does "follow what GOD has revealed only" means? Does it not mean one GOD ,one source and one authority/author of the laws?
2-What is the role of the messenger?
Why does GOD only ever say in Qoran" follow the messenger" or "obey the messenger" "Follow the gentile prophet who believes in GOD and His words".." But never ever obey the prophet in the context of the deen/ salvation/religion of GOD and the laws of GOD...?
Because Messenger and message bring GOD s words only to us and no other .
Messenger human can only bring or confirm GOD s words, never ever bring his own words/message with GOD s.
3- When does the penny drop about humans, their hearsay, fabrications and lies?
Qoran hits the nail on the head£ :"Wala Yunabbiuka Mithlu Khabir" None can give you the true narrations except the all knowledgeable" i.e Only GOD -the truth- can give us the truth by sending us His own words/message.
Is GOD argument not clear and solid that His words are the only source for His deen?
So what is the role of humans words in GOD s message?
Messenger = message= GOD s scriptures= Qoran.
Human s messengers deliver GOD s message, move on and have no role after their death. The message will be the ever living messenger and GOD s words will be the source and guide for all generations.
GOD bless you all.