Quote from: jkhan on July 14, 2024, 10:06:05 AMYes... As long as AI doesn't reflect on its own it will never happen..
Simply, let them create an AI with empty brain and let it reflect on its own and save on memory and let the AI produce what ever it can... Then I do agree it reflects on its own.. And I do agree that challenge of 22:73 is accomplished..
Allah created all human with empty brain and whatever human acquired knowledge was with vision and hearing
and reflection and saved in Memory as knowledge and wisdom...
So robotic or AI engineers can produce an AI with empty brain and let AI develop in its own and that's what called self perceived knowledge... Whatever you see now is human transpired knowledge and not more than that..
Thank you
Exactly. That is the point.
5.9. In psycholinguistics, speech comprehension refers to one's acquisition and understanding of linguistic input received in verbal form. That is, whether or not and how well one is able to understand spoken words. Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written. Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly. Reading is not all that matters. We have to comprehend what we read because without comprehension, reading is a wasted effort.
5.10. The language being communication through stream of sound, it could have meaning and affect only when auditory instrument and faculty of hearing and listening was already in place in the recipient. Allah the Exalted has inserted faculties of learning and acquiring knowledge which Man lacks on birth:
وَٱللَّهُ أَخْرَجَكُـم مِّنۢ بُطُونِ أُمَّهَٟتِكُـمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ شَيْــٔٙا
وَجَعَلَ لَـكُـمُ ٱلْسَّمْعَ وَٱلۡأَبْصَٟرَ وَٱلۡأَفْـِٔدَةَۚ لَعَلَّـكُـمْ تَشْكُـرُونَ ٧٨
Realize it; Allah the Exalted brought you people out of the bellies of your respective mothers —In the state that you had no knowledge about physical realm. Realize it, He the Exalted have inserted and rendered some instruments as the listening - acoustic faculty; and other the observing - optical faculty; and few others as for Processing-Integrating-Perceiving: Baking establishment: the Brains as locus of gaining knowledge and enlightenment for you people. This realization might enable you people to express praises-thanks. [16:78] [let us respond الحمد لله]
5.11. The delicate information is in the omission of first object of verb (جَعَل) in the compound sentence and sequencing of faculties. Action signified by the Verb: جَعَلَ always occurs after: خَلَقَ a thing has been created. It is rendering an already existing thing as something different and particular. Therefore, it needs two objects, one that already exists and the one after rendition. It necessarily means the already existing thing did have the potential to be rendered as such. It is only matter of time and occasion of so rendition. Today we are aware every development and rendition is already specifically mentioned in the DNA of Zygote: عَلَقٛ.* The ascending order of placement of words representing faculties-senses [not organs] might be of interest for scholars and researchers who are interested in examining questions like the encoding, store, retrieval information, development of discrimination abilities, perceptual and conceptual category formation, problem solving, recognition and recall memory, language comprehension, and reasoning about the physical and social worlds, etc.
5.12. The first faculty is mentioned by definite Verbal Noun: ٱلْسَّمْعَ followed by a plural Noun: ٱلۡأَبْصَٟرَ. The use of this pair of a verbal noun and plural noun signifying two distinct sensory faculties is quite reflective and meaningful. A verbal noun signifies state or an act without time reference. Man is in a state of hearing sounds, voices all the time; whether or not he is wilfully interested in percipient listening of something. Therefore, sounds arriving in brain may remain just as "hearing" of pleasant or annoying noises; or may cause conceptual perception: knowledge when these are "listened". However, the brain does hear and analyze the incoming sound during sleep without person's conscious-voluntary effort.