I have always said that atheists got evolution, communism and Nazism-racism (the lie of the evolved blond race) from the spiritists. What I have been saying for about 25 years now, others have started to say.
Communism, racism and evolution are the basic dogmas that this teaching has been systematically trying to instill in people for thousands of years. Hitler, too, committed his well-known atrocities in accordance with the directives he received through his psychics, and embodied his cruelties in order to make the New Age doctrine dominant in the world.
Their aim is to eliminate religions under the guise of atheism and then to make spiritualism openly dominant.
And now spiritualism must be tired of being the secret ruler of atheists, for it seems to be openly trying to dominate them.
Unfortunately, this teaching has infiltrated the modified Bibles and even the Torah.
Only the Qur'an has been preserved and will offer people the true religion, the path to happiness and salvation until the Day of Judgment. It is only the Qur'an that will decipher the traps of this spiritist teaching, frustrate its plans and show people the path of hope.
By the way, from the verses:
7:27 O Children of Adam, do not let the devil afflict you as he evicted your parents from the paradise; he removes from them their garments to show them their bodies. He and his tribe see you from where you do not see them. We have made the devils as allies for those who do not believe.
7:201 Those who are pious, when any evil from the devil touches them, they remember, then they can see.
8:48 And the devil adorned their work for them, and he said: "No people can defeat you today, and I am by your side." But when the two forces came together, he turned back on his heels and he said: "I am innocent from you! I see what you do not see. I fear God, and God is severe in punishment."
14:22 Andthe devil said when the matter was complete: "God had promised you the promise of truth, and I promised you and broke my promise. And I had no power over you except that I invited you and you responded to me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves; I cannot help you nor can you help me. I reject that you have set me up as a partner before this; the wicked will have a painful retribution."
19:83 Did you not see that We send the devils upon the rejecters to push them with incitement?
43:37 And they hinder from the path, but they think they are guided!
2:102 And they followed what the devils recited regarding the kingship of Solomon. Solomon did not reject, but it was the devils who rejected by teaching people magic, and teaching them what was sent down on the two angels in Babylon, Haroot and Maroot. They did not teach anyone until they would say: "We are a test, so do not lose faith!" Thus they teach what can separate between a person and his mate; but they cannot harm anyone except with the permission of God. And they learn what harms them and does not benefit them, and they have known that he who purchases such has no place in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed is what they purchased with their souls if only they knew!
4:118 God has cursed him; and he said: "I will take from Your servants a sizeable portion."
4:119 "And I will misguide them and make them desire, and I will command them, so that they will mark the ears of the livestock, and I will command them so they will make changes to the creation of God." Whoever takes the devil as a supporter other than God, then he has indeed lost a great loss.
6:100 And they set up partners with God from among the Jinn, while He had created them. And they invented for Him sons and daughters without them having any knowledge! Be He glorified and exalted above what they describe.
34:40 And on the Day when We gather them all, then We will say to the angels: "Was it you that these people used to serve?"
34:41 They will say: "Be You glorified. You are our Lord, not them. No, most of them were serving the Jinn; most were believers to them."
In an old transmission I said:
Spiritism has also started to gain supporters again with two issues that are on the agenda today.
One of them is alternative medicine and the other is the issue of ufos.
But since the spiritist doctrine has embraced these subjects, the proofs in these fields create the appearance of proving the beliefs of the spiritists, thus increasing their beliefs day by day.
What is called alternative medicine actually refers to traditional natural methods of treatment and prevention that have been practiced for thousands of years, from acupuncture to herbal cures and treatments to ayurveda.
Today, these natural methods have come under the scrutiny of science. It is now accepted that the treatment of diseases exists in nature and alternative medicine has started to be filtered through the filter of science.
As a result, especially herbal treatments and acupuncture have entered universities and hospitals and have been accepted. We come across new proofs and discoveries about herbs and other natural medicines every day. The effectiveness of acupuncture was already proven years ago. But how it works could not be scientifically explained until a year ago. Now, thanks to the developing technology, the energy flow in our body has also been observed and for a year now acupuncture has taken its place in medicine as a completely scientific method.
But with the acceptance of these methods, many people have begun to adopt them along with the Far Eastern teachings and, of course, the spiritist doctrine. This is because the proof of the reality of these methods gives the impression that nonsense such as reincarnation, the realm of incarnated spirits, and the concept of evolution have also been proven.
However, neither the healing power of nature nor the reality of acupuncture are the blessings of this teaching, but unfortunately Satan has blended his teaching with the truth in such a beautiful way that it is very difficult for people to distinguish them.
We see the same thing with the UFO issue. A kind of UFO religion has been created. Here again we see a pure spiritist teaching. All the basic pagan beliefs, from reincarnation to the belief in the belief in the evolution, from the belief in divine beings to the hostility to matter, all these basic idolatrous beliefs come up before us. If tomorrow, one day, the existence of extraterrestrial vehicles is proven, it will be presented as a victory for the spiritist doctrine and many people will come to believe in this religion. But again there is no connection at all. Through a complete illusion, the discovery of extraterrestrial civilizations has been turned into proof of this fabricated ufo religion, that is, the truth of spiritism.
Indeed, Satan is at it again. And as he promised, he continues to carry out his project of disorienting people with terrible discipline, and he continues to impose his doctrine on the whole world in one way or another.
In another forum "antiateist" asked:
"You say there are no spirits, but in America the FBI and psychics work together. Psychics talk to deceased souls?"
That's what I call jinns. They do you a few favors, but in the long run they prepare the ground for very big diversions. They especially choose famous people and instill spiritism in them.
If there really were ghosts, no murder would remain unsolved, the spirit of the victim would definitely take revenge. There would be no need for psychics, they would directly make the murderer's life a living hell.
As we say, they would introduce themselves as spirits according to the fashion, aliens according to the fashion, or as a divine upper dimensional being and then they would get their claws in. In the beginning they gain trust by doing a few small favors and in the long run they spread spiritualism.
Look, we are living in very bad times. Turkey and the USA seem to be the main targets of the spiritualists. They take over the sources of communication, penetrate the minds of young children, create fake examples of reincarnation, and even sneak this religion into the Islamic faith.
First they destroyed Germany. Now they have turned their attention here. In the coming years, they are taking firm steps towards creating an environment where those who do not believe in souls and reincarnation will be declared bigots. As you know, the superstition of evolution was also carefully imposed on people.
This is no joking matter. Especially not for us anymore. They come under the guise of love and wisdom and work day and night to take over the world of science and religion.
You cannot see these traps unless you turn to the Quran and grasp the true Islam and its teachings. Yesterday you were made to believe in spirits (religious people) and evolution (some religious people and all materialists), today it is the turn of reincarnation.
There is no divine part of man, no immortal soul-spirit-ghost-spirit. Islam-Quran came to fight this pagan belief.
(My Turkish article translated with machine)