Peace Tullett90
That is a good thing to do.
Also it will be very beneficial to wake people up about their government and system s agendas.
We are amazed at how little the system cares about the masses. Look how many millions they are willing to give to wars and how quick they act on it.
Now look at how many of their own people are struggling to survive , are made homeless because of the cost of living going through the roof and are desperate for basic food and necessities.
What is the government doing for its own people?
Wake up people and take the power out of the uncaring leaders. You are the power, you pay the taxes. Their promises to you are lies. They are puppets to the system and status quo of the monopoly and selfish few
.Or let them spend your taxes on their wars and making your life unbearable and difficult.
Fight what is wrong by standing against the ones who are destroying the world with wars and are destroying your lives with it.
GOD bless you.