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How can we see the Palestine- Israel conflict from a Qur'an alone perspective

Started by Sarah, October 25, 2023, 02:28:15 PM

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Quote from: Jafar on November 17, 2023, 03:43:09 PM
You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.

-- Jesus

My friend,
From my experience, that teaching doesn't work in the real world
The christians have been cheated!

My experience:
I have used a nasty word to offend the christians (in Indonesian forum) and they all failed to behave
Just like their guru, "Jesus Chirst"
They are all the same!
Just "talk the talk" and cannot "walk the talk"!

"Jesus" in the Bible:
(a) You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred? (Mat 23:17)
(b) On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, (Mark 11:15)

Take care!

"My Lord, pardon me if I have forgotten or erred"

good logic

Brother shukri.
How do you think evil survives then?
It has to deceive and disguise itself by "talk the talk" and "do the opposite". 
Like play the victim then attack...
But of course there are few good people that are few exceptions , some are spread across the world in every nation ,race and religion. GOD choose them for the time and place because GOD knew they will choose to counter the evil . How few they are though.

Also brother , now days the intensity of evil has increased,. I hope it does not become desperate because it will only show itself off to its own demise.
But , evil be warned, the hour is waiting in the wings for GOD s command

We lost our identity as " the human family" and we wear our false identities the" racist divisions".
We lost our faith,reason and values and no longer know our responsibilities.
We self serve ourselves and our clan/race/sect  for power and greed and ignore our duty to serve our common race, all the "human family".for the wellbeing and care of every human being.
Brothers and sisters we started on this earth, enemies and bullies we become towards each other.
Where is our faith, our reason and our values taking us?
Do we ever wish to learn?
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Quote from: hawk99 on November 15, 2023, 03:27:45 PM
Peace shukri,

Oh! I am not aware who Yoda is.  I will not take your reply seriously.   :handshake:  The relationship between the established state of Israel and the Palestinians
was doomed from the inception.  The Israelites imposed themselves on the people of Palestine.

"The Balfour Declaration, issued by the British government in 1917, announced Britain's promise for a "national home
for the Jewish people" in Palestine, which was then under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The promise appeased the
Zionist movement, who believe in a Jewish right to the land of Jerusalem -- or Zion."

Imagine an unwanted guest moves into your home,

God bless you


Peace shukri,

     The reason why I said, "Imagine an unwanted guest moves into your home," is because under such circumstances the choice is we agree to live together peacefully or one of us has to go.  In the case of the Israeli Hamas conflict things may continue until the unwanted guests (the Israelis) are willing to make concessions.

God bless you. 

The secret to monotheism can be found in the garden



Hi Yoda,
Where are you my friend?
Please give your comments
This thread is very dull without you!

Hi Bro Modern Devote,
I think your comments on this thread are very unique/profound
But unfortunately I can't understand most of them!

Hi Brother GL/Hawk99,
You are superb
I like your comments very much
Thank you!

Hi Palestinians,
2:216 Fighting may be imposed on you, even though you dislike it. But you may dislike something which is good for you, and you may like something which is bad for you. God knows while you do not know.
Be steadfast!

Hi Zionists,
42:41 Certainly, those who stand up for their rights, when injustice befalls them, are not committing any error.
42:42 The wrong ones are those who treat the people unjustly, and resort to aggression without right. These have incurred a painful retribution.
Be careful!

So long!
"My Lord, pardon me if I have forgotten or erred"

good logic

Peace  Modern Devotee, all.
Do not worry.
Do you recognise the game yet?
War and business of imperialism must go on. Who can stop it? Do you think we can?.

Everyone will be recognising the aim of these wars, it is no longer a secret agenda:

May be some will not believe it.?
GOD bless you all.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Quote from: shukri on November 17, 2023, 09:59:07 PM
My friend,
From my experience, that teaching doesn't work in the real world
The christians have been cheated!

Mind you that Yehoshua / Jesus is NOT a Christian :)
(Or Muslim / Member of Islam religion or other dogmatic religion).

And didn't you wondered why Lao Tzu, Siddhartha, Yogis, Zen Masters and Jesus said very similar things?
Where those things "doesn't make sense" to you? (ie: you said that it doesn't work in the real world)
Maybe ... just maybe.. they know about something that you do not?
Thus if you also know about this 'something' you will then say "Yes all of this make sense to me now!".


Quote from: Jafar on November 21, 2023, 10:37:50 PM
Mind you that Yehoshua / Jesus is NOT a Christian :)
(Or Muslim / Member of Islam religion or other dogmatic religion).

Maybe you are right
But this "fancy" teaching is stipulated in the Bible, Christian holy book
AND christians should abide by this teaching.

Since Jesus cannot apply his own teaching to himself (Mat 23:17, Mark 11:15)
I will not take "Jesus" as my guru as you did
I will abandon him and treat him as a fake guru
That is my principle!

Please give your response to my posting on Reply #104
I just want to know how Lao Tzu teaches you to deal with the unwanted Israeli "heartless" guests
Starting from occupation in 1948 and after the attack of 7/10/2023, if you are willing!

Thank you.
I'm begging you  :hail
"My Lord, pardon me if I have forgotten or erred"


Quote from: shukri on November 22, 2023, 02:33:46 AM
Since Jesus cannot apply his own teaching to himself (Mat 23:17, Mark 11:15)
Here's a funny sketch about what Jesus could possibly did after surviving the capital punishment.

Djesus Uncrossed

Which he did not..

I will not take "Jesus" as my guru as you did
I will abandon him and treat him as a fake guru
That is my principle!

It's totally ok not to take anyone as guru, I never mentioned that you should anyway did I?
You need to uncover it yourselves and not merely 'believing'..
Just like Jesus uncover it himself and not merely 'believing'.

And I don't understand by what you meant by "abandoning Jesus"... maybe you can explain?
Have you met him and abandon him somewhere?

I just want to know how Lao Tzu teaches you to deal with the unwanted Israeli "heartless" guests
Starting from occupation in 1948 and after the attack of 7/10/2023, if you are willing!

As mentioned by the Zen story..  any particular section that you want more clarification?
The mentioned Zen story was particularly popular during the Edo period in Japan, wherein warlord fight wars with each others..

If you ask, whether the 'meditating monk' was successful in stopping the warlords ?
The answer is no..
Actually some of the monks did took arm and eventually become a 'warlord' themselves.. invading villages, robbing people and took power, just like the warlords did.

Not until the catastrophic losses of WWII, finally the people realized that 'they've been walking the wrong path'.
And give birth to today's pacifist majority society of Japan.

As thus, they recalled the old Zen story during the Edo period.
They do not believe the Zen story is true, they now know that the Zen story is true, as they've walked the path.
When you do evil deeds, even to fight evil... you are transforming your own self to become one...

But do not believe in it, walk the path, so you will know and not believe.
By truly understanding evil you will uncover it's opposite.
The dark act as a guide to the light.


Quote from: Jafar on November 22, 2023, 08:00:21 AM
And I don't understand by what you meant by "abandoning Jesus"... maybe you can explain?
Have you met him and abandon him somewhere?

I mean abandoning Jesus teaching of:
"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also"

abandoning the ccrrupted Bible as a whole!

Quote from: Jafar on November 22, 2023, 08:00:21 AM
As mentioned by the Zen story..  any particular section that you want more clarification?
The mentioned Zen story was particularly popular during the Edo period in Japan, wherein warlord fight wars with each others..

If you ask, whether the 'meditating monk' was successful in stopping the warlords ?
The answer is no..
Actually some of the monks did took arm and eventually become a 'warlord' themselves.. invading villages, robbing people and took power, just like the warlords did.

Not until the catastrophic losses of WWII, finally the people realized that 'they've been walking the wrong path'.
And give birth to today's pacifist majority society of Japan.

As thus, they recalled the old Zen story during the Edo period.
They do not believe the Zen story is true, they now know that the Zen story is true, as they've walked the path.
When you do evil deeds, even to fight evil... you are transforming your own self to become one...

But do not believe in it, walk the path, so you will know and not believe.
By truly understanding evil you will uncover it's opposite.
The dark act as a guide to the light.

My understanding:
You will do nothing and leave the fate of yourself, your family and your country in the hands of unwanted guests of the Israeli regime.
No anger, no hate and no retaliation at all from you!
Am i correct?

If so,You are a noble, a perfect human on earth.
AND i think "nirvana" has touched you, my friend!

Thank you.
"My Lord, pardon me if I have forgotten or erred"


Quote from: shukri on November 22, 2023, 03:58:00 PM
I mean abandoning Jesus teaching of:
"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also"

abandoning the ccrrupted Bible as a whole!

Ok, then also 'abandoning' Lao Tse, Siddhartas, Yogis and Zen Master's teachings as well. (not only Jesus)
And adopted Yahweh's teachings of Eye for an Eye. (as written also in the Bible, so you did not yet abandoned the Bible as a whole)

Or perhaps you've gone further to 100 eyes for an eye?
When a party f&*d you, you f&*d them 100 times harder?

No anger, no hate and no retaliation at all from you!
Am i correct?

Correct.. and it applies to all sort of situation.. including the 'murder, robbed and kidnapped by Hamas' (or any other parties such as the warlord in the Zen story that we've discussed). Like mentioned, fear is the path to the dark side, thus the path to the light side is .....

Understand what evil truly is, and through it you will easily recognize it's opposite.
Once recognized you're free to choose which path that you want to follow.

QuoteIf so,You are a noble, a perfect human on earth.
AND i think "nirvana" has touched you, my friend!

Unfortunately not yet, as long as there is still "me separated from you & them", then it's still not yet within the state of Nirvana/Blown Out/ Mokhsa/Returning To Father's House (Jesus lingo), or using the lingo used here by @GoodLogic; "Ego Death".

There's a wonderful poem from Rumi about it:

One went to the door of the Beloved and knocked.
A voice asked: "Who is there?" He answered: "It is I."
The voice said: "There is no room here for me and you."
The door was shut.
After a year of solitude and deprivation
this man returned to the door of the Beloved.
He knocked.
A voice from within asked: "Who is there?"
The man said: "It is You."
The door was opened for him.
-- Rumi, Masnavi