Quote from: shukri on November 22, 2023, 02:33:46 AM
Since Jesus cannot apply his own teaching to himself (Mat 23:17, Mark 11:15)
Here's a funny sketch about what Jesus could possibly did after surviving the capital punishment.
Djesus Uncrossed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqISX2o0a4AWhich he did not..
I will not take "Jesus" as my guru as you did
I will abandon him and treat him as a fake guru
That is my principle!
It's totally ok not to take anyone as guru, I never mentioned that you should anyway did I?
You need to uncover it yourselves and not merely 'believing'..
Just like Jesus uncover it himself and not merely 'believing'.
And I don't understand by what you meant by "abandoning Jesus"... maybe you can explain?
Have you met him and abandon him somewhere?
I just want to know how Lao Tzu teaches you to deal with the unwanted Israeli "heartless" guests
Starting from occupation in 1948 and after the attack of 7/10/2023, if you are willing!
As mentioned by the Zen story.. any particular section that you want more clarification?
The mentioned Zen story was particularly popular during the Edo period in Japan, wherein warlord fight wars with each others..
If you ask, whether the 'meditating monk' was successful in stopping the warlords ?
The answer is no..
Actually some of the monks did took arm and eventually become a 'warlord' themselves.. invading villages, robbing people and took power, just like the warlords did.
Not until the catastrophic losses of WWII, finally the people realized that 'they've been walking the wrong path'.
And give birth to today's pacifist majority society of Japan.
As thus, they recalled the old Zen story during the Edo period.
They do not believe the Zen story is true, they now know that the Zen story is true, as they've walked the path.
When you do evil deeds, even to fight evil... you are transforming your own self to become one...
But do not believe in it, walk the path, so you will know and not believe.
By truly understanding evil you will uncover it's opposite.
The dark act as a guide to the light.