A good cause and effect analysis on how Fear resulted in Nations by Tom Campbell.
Definition of FearFear is the opposite of love. Fear is, tears apart, drags it down, does not build.
Fear is not a constructive thing. Fear is something that pulls away.
So look at, we can look at this, this reality that we're in.
Social Arrangement Based on Fear = No TrustWhat would a social arrangement based on fear look like?
Well, the individuals would not have any trust because it's based on fear.
And It's all about Me and Mine, #Ownership #EntitlementIf somebody got something that was better or a new idea, they'd hold it for themselves so that they could use it to their own best advantage. It's all what about me.
Fear Based Individuals Fought Each OthersIf you had a large collection of such individuals, what would you expect? You would expect they'd all be struggling with each other, trying to get more stuff, get each other stuff, because that's the nature of fear.
Then Come The Need For Defense (Army, Armed Forces)It's all about me, fear, protect me. What about mine? Am I going to get enough? What if somebody takes my stuff? Well, now you have to have defense.
Thus Nation Was BornAnd if you have to have defense, eventually you have a lot of entities together.
You'll have groups of entities forming defense arrangements, right? We call those nations.