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Could Hell be the sun colliding into earth

Started by Sarah, August 10, 2023, 05:19:59 PM

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' And brought [within view], that Day, is Hell - that Day, man will remember, but what good to him will be the remembrance?' 89:23

Surah At-Takwir

When the sun is put out,
and when the stars fall down,
and when the mountains are blown away,
and when pregnant camels are left untended,
and when wild beasts are gathered together,
and when the seas are set on fire,
and when the souls ˹and their bodies˺ are paired ˹once more˺,
and when baby girls, buried alive, are asked
for what crime they were put to death,
and when the records ˹of deeds˺ are laid open,
and when the sky is stripped away,
and when the Hellfire is fiercely flared up,
and when Paradise is brought near—
˹on that Day˺ each soul will know what ˹deeds˺ it has brought along.
I do swear by the receding stars
which travel and hide,
and the night as it falls
and the day as it breaks!
Indeed, this ˹Quran˺ is the Word of ˹Allah delivered by Gabriel,˺ a noble messenger-angel,
full of power, held in honour by the Lord of the Throne,
obeyed there ˹in heaven˺, and trustworthy.
And your fellow man is not insane.
And he did see that ˹angel˺ on the clear horizon,
and he does not withhold ˹what is revealed to him of˺ the unseen.
And this ˹Quran˺ is not the word of an outcast devil.
So what ˹other˺ path would you take?
Surely this ˹Quran˺ is only a reminder to the whole world—
to whoever of you wills to take the Straight Way.
But you cannot will ˹to do so˺, except by the Will of Allah, the Lord of all worlds.

It says the sun will be put out and the seas will be on seems like the sun or part of it will clash with earth?
Imagine if it's true and all the people who said hell is a myth...yet it might be the very thing we saw every day of our lives.
'These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (hadith) after Allah and His verses will they believe? (45:6)'


The descriptions of celestial events, such as the sun being put out, stars falling, mountains blown away, seas set on fire, etc., are meant to convey the immense and transformative nature of the events of the Day of Judgment. These descriptions are not meant to be taken literally, as they involve the supernatural and cosmic aspects of a spiritual event.

The Quran frequently employs metaphorical and symbolic language to convey profound truths and to invoke awe and contemplation in the hearts of its readers. It's not meant to be a literal description of the physical world as we know it.

I think most of your posts take Quran verses as literal translations... while it can be but I believe there's more to this than meets the eye.

Best Regards,


We know with certainty where 'hell' is. It is Hinnom Valley in Israel.

"It was originally used by the ancient Israelites who sacrificed children and burnt their bodies to appease the pagan Canaanite god Molech. In Leviticus 18:20, God expressed his hatred of the false god Molech, and deemed the place unclean. Gehenna was eventually used as a landfill by the inhabitants of Jerusalem, where people took their trash to be burned. The place began to wreak havoc on daily life in Jerusalem. The smell of burning sewage, flesh, maggots and garbage wreaked absolute havoc on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, causing documented medical problems like nausea and breathing difficulty. Clearly, the place was unpleasant — frightening even — and thus it's no surprise that Gehenna was used, and still is today, as a metaphor for the final place of punishment for the wicked. It was first used as a symbolic depiction of Hell in Mark 9:47. Gehenna was translated to Hell later, around 1200AD."

The message is and was. Behave poorly enough and you will be unceremoniously dumped in Gehenna (valley), or in more modern terms "You sir, are steaming hot garbage and your actions pollute the future please KyS".