The interpretation of whether "Bakka" mentioned in this verse 3:96 is a physical place or a metaphor varies among scholars and individuals. Here are a few perspectives:
Literal Interpretation: Some scholars argue that "Bakka" refers to the city of Mecca, located in present-day Saudi Arabia. They believe that the verse is referring to the Kaaba, which is considered the first house of worship built for mankind by the Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael. According to this perspective, "Bakka" is taken as the ancient name for Mecca.
Metaphorical Interpretation: Other scholars and individuals propose a metaphorical interpretation of "Bakka." They argue that "Bakka" symbolizes a place of weeping or lamentation. They suggest that the verse signifies the spiritual significance and blessings associated with the place of worship rather than a specific physical location. This view focuses on the universal message of guidance and the spiritual experience rather than the geographical aspect.
It's important to note that the interpretation of Quranic verses can vary based on individual understanding and scholarly analysis. Different scholars and sects may have different perspectives on the metaphorical or literal nature of certain verses. Ultimately, the interpretation of the Quran is a matter of personal belief and scholarly discourse.
Almost 8 or 9 years ago I had a friend here Arman whom i had later known as a personal friend and still interacts occasionally, sadly he is no longer active here. His opinion is of the following :
I believe "Bakkah" in Qur'an is the same as or rather a direct reference of Valley of Baka in Psalm 84:6. It is a metaphorical location on the way towards one's journey to his desired destination. The explanations in the below site seem quite appropriate: "house" at "Bakkah" refers to the safe-house created by Abraham and his descendants to take shelter under worship of one true Master of the universe. This is the safehouse for the faithful in their journey towards their ultimate destination - their Master.
Per my humble understanding the original physical location of bakkah can never be ascertained with certainty, and it does not matter.May Allah guide us all to the straight route.