Quote from: jkhan on June 15, 2023, 12:26:58 AM4:34 The husbands are the sustainers over the wives with what preferred / favored the God one of them over the other, and with what they (husbands) spent(dowry) from their wealth. So thus in the absence of (husbands) respectful, controlling, the righteous women who gaurded/controlled what meant to be by the God.
And those whom you afraid misconducts of theirs, so then advise them and keep them away in/from the inclinations/approaches and restrain them. So if they obeyed you, then don't seek a path against them. Indeed the God is great in Rank.
though some of the women may not like what God has meant above, but it is the truth from God.. There is a reason behind giving a lot wealth to a woman by husband before marriage...it has lot of hidden reasons.. Women not need to give but men... Musa's father in law ordered musa to serve him 8 years has a weighty
Proof of that, since musa was empty handed and homeless.. Serving 8 years to father was a condition and it was the demand of dowry from a person who had nothing to guve as dowry ..so men are different to women in the sight of God.. But all are equal in action and in reward... Also giving a demanded wealth according to one's ability will definitely reduce to certain extent false marriage or marriage for sex and throw. Coz demand is high and who wants to have sex by paying such a big amount.. So genuinely marrying only would come up with.. That's my take.. Otherwise pls explain what is the reason of dowry given to women regardless of her social status rich or poor..
I see that your translations lacks English syntax, in other words it does not flow good in English. For example when you said this: "with what preferred / favored the God one of them over the other". Why are you translating Qawwamun as "sustainer"? Another question, why are you translationg iddribihunna as "restrain them"?