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Biased translations are to be exposed.

Started by jkhan, June 14, 2023, 03:19:49 AM

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The God cursed  him(satan). He (Satan) said "I will seize ordained rights(Naseeb) of Your servers."

" I will let them go astray and will tempt them (with desires) and will command them in order that they obstruct hearings of the blessings / favors, and command them in order that they substitute creation of the God." Whosoever grasps the Satan as supporter / ally in place of the God, so then indeed is lost a manifest loss.



When (he) said to her to enter the walkway / vestibule / antechamber / concourse (AlSarh), and although she saw it, she reckoned it to be a deep water pool and she removed her both legs' stockings / socks. (He) said, Indeed it is a walk way /vestibule crystal clear made of glass. She said "Indeed I have been astray to my own self and I have surrendered with Sulaiman to the God, Lord of all races

Note well,  always word Saaq  is not foot up to knee in Quran . It has many meanings..see the glaring difference Iin the below verse in contrast to above..

On a day in which disaster / calamity / distress will be disclosed, and they will be called / announced towards the submission, but not they are obeying / willing.

It means they have realized that this is the day of all agony and everyone should submit willingly or unwillingly.. But those who failed to do so in this world they would still do the submission but not in true sense coz they knew their submission is not gonna pay dividends to them.. Too late..

Note : my above translation even not agaisnt arabic language / dictionary...


I have linked these Ramadhan and Haj verses which is mostly biased or without knowledge or without guidance translated by most..



Some asking me to translate  Dhulkarnain verses.. Well.. I found many or all translation wrong in connection with the story, but except one... So I don't need to translate.. I have linked his translation as under..

I do absolutely agree with his translation after giving through reflection to it.. I am talking about the Sun hidden behind black eye... Etc.

Translations are perfect for me. But I can't accept everything what he wrote there other than translation.. . One thing to note  Sitra for me is just "No cover from the Sun" not related to eclipse..that's my understanding and it makes sense for me.. Meanwhile black eye is nothing else but it is the Moon.. That's my take.. It is not relevant to translation.. His translation right.. It is up to you to decide what the black eye is.. So when already a right translation is available, I don't think I have to repeat it.. Read carefully his translation..

Thank you..


Quote from: jkhan on June 15, 2023, 10:06:08 PM
Whoever ascertains that the God will support him not in the World and the Hereafter, so then let him reinforce with a relation / tie / bond followed with the Specified term (the highness) .  After that let him disassociate /disconnect, so then let him wait  and see whether his conspiracy / plan would take away what infuriates.

Reflect deep my fellow believers what Allah is trying to say... How beautiful God's example is.. But what all translations presented to us are mere shame.. I don't whether they don't understand arabic or they are deviated far from truth...

Now you can easily perceive what Allah talks in the verse...


One personally asks me in the above verse i have taken Asama as the Highness, while it means the Sky in general...?

Yes.. That's the beauty of this Quran.. God is very specific with His wording failing to get right meaning for right verse will end up in wrong assumption..  Sama is not always sky in Quran... As arabic is a rich language it has many meanings within Quran.. Even verse 40:36-37 ... Read the verses.. I am not gonna translate.. But simply say.. Here alsamawat is not skies or heavens but real meaning in the verse is The Highnesses / The superiorities. king pharou ordered to build  a walkway / vestibule in which he felt he could achieve / have connection / bond with Highnesses / Superiorities of gods.. He never meant to raise a building  to reach the skies literally (samawathi)  and reach the God of Musa... If anyone thinks that's what verse means, that's weird.   

Thank you...
His thought of reaching to the bond of Superiorities / Highnesses is mere his imagination and never he could ...


5:27And recite to them with truth the news (Naba'a) of two sons of Adam. When they both approached / accessed (Qarraba) a nearness / means of closeness to the God (Qurbanan), so then it was accepted from one of them (dual), and accepts not from the other. Said he (the other) 'surely I murder you'. Said he (accepted one) 'verily the God accepts from the one who attained the conciousness.'

Here the word Qurban is never meant as a sacrifice of any animal but word Qurbanan means as it is translated above.. Allah never accepts nearing to Allah by means of falls approach but He only accepts while being concious about Allah with truth.. Adam's sons never sacrificed any beast to Allah or fed poor people.. It was just the thought of those who translated... In my understanding there is no sacrifice in Quran where word Qurbanan or Qarraba appear.. All means of getting close to God.. Even the verse 3:183... No sacrifice at all..

Thank you... May Allah guide His believers..


Those who said 'Indeed the God took a covenant over / from us that not for us to believe towards a Messenger until he (Messenger) brings to us with a way of nearness / approaching (Qurbanan) that devours / disposes of the Evil (Naar).  Say! 'Surely came to you Messengers before of me with clear manifestations / proofs as well with what you spoke. So why you murdered them if you are speakers of truth.



For some, it seems like they are confused about word Taghut in Quran.. I am not gonna translate all Taghut verses here.. But let me explain what this taghut is so you can apply to all verses.. Mostly it is translated as false idols,  deities or even left it as Taghut as if it is only something existed in Arabia...

Taghut is something against the Word (Alqawl)  of Allah.. In another way if explain a system instituted and existed against or totally contrary to the system (Dheen/Islam) of Allah.. They have legislation to follow under a system in the form of a religion wherewith they take their law in life but against God's pure basic law.. I hope you got me.. For example if in God's system eating pork or blood is forbidden in contrast to that in such System(Taghut) it allows you to do... This is taghut.. A system which is path of exists everywhere wherever God's Messengers were sent.. That confirms verse 16:36 .. So Taghut is not particularly a deity or god etc but it is a satanic system practiced by people and in it gods and deities definitely exists as firm of worship.. But taghut itself is not gods... So whoever follows such path is indeed transgressing God's System... In a nutshell if you compare other satanic religions and their practices with Quran's system you will perceive what Taghut is... If I directly translate.. It will be like "falsely legislated System / Satanic or Satan influenced religion"

Thank you..


Is there any verse in the Quran which cannot be grasped if God has guided him or her truly?  In my understanding No.. Every verse of Quran is within the reach of every guided believer if his or her intention is guidance purely.. . So what in fact 3:7 is speaking about... So are there indeed verses we should classify that no one can understand them?  No...  If anyone says Yes! there are verses that should be classified that no one can understand except Allah then what are those verses and who will classify them and why?  In that case also a loads of discrepancy in opinions will creep up.. But what I realized of late is, there is no such verses that are allegorical unless clearly stated with allegory in Quran while some other are very manifest .. I don't agree. In that case basic verses of siyam haj salah zaka etc are not at all clear for many who keep arguing for ages about it.. Coz guidance cannot vary.. I mean.. One fast skip food and drink 30 days in contrast to that one meditates etc cannot be guidance of God with the same verse... Coz one verse many interpretations is sheer crap..
If then,  what exactly the verse 3:7 is meant by Allah?  Yes.. Let's translate the verse first of all as meant by God. Coz complete Quran is fully detailed but only who are guided truly plus knowledgeable ones will understand them all, Allah wills ..  People may raise voices in their ignorance but God knows who is guided aright with His verses.. There is no space for those who are guided aright for loopholes or ambiguity with certain verses so that get misguided literally .. Guided means guided to the truth and no other option.. So who will have ambiguity in Quran verses is in fact who has not yet reached to that point though thinks he so.. Intention plays a huge role here. . If the intention is Temptation (fitna) while looking at verses of Allah then they are not guided even how much they believe in God.. They are just curious with temptation /fitna and they alter rebelling with such verses..
Here is the translation of the verse 3:7

He (the God) is who has sent down to you the Book (kitab), of it verses self explanatory / self sufficient / comprehensible (Muhkamat), they are basic principles of the law (kitab), and the other (verses) dependent / equivocal (Mutashabihath). So as for those in whose hearts deviation follow what was reliant / equivocal of it, seeking the temptation (fitna) and desiring its result / fulfilment (thahweel). And not knows the result / fulfilment (tahweelaHu) of it except the God and those the well grounded in the knowledge. They say 'We believe in it,  all from of our Lord'.  No one receives admonition except men of comprehension.

Here.. 'Allah and those who are well founded in knowledge knows it' is a huge statement by God.. God only knows who those well grounded in knowledge who knows the verses of Mutashabihath. .. No argument about it and there are believers on this earth with such capacity...  Just simply coz their immaculate intention which is guidance and not for boasting or temptation (fitna) ...

After all these Mutashabihath verses are just verses of Quran but need to study with thorough comparisons and much application of comprehension and that's why they are not muhkamat verses... Never these verses can be taken by reading only that verse/s itself but need loads of comparison and explorations and then judge... Well.. once judged God knows they have chosen the right path or not .. People may raise voice.against it but in vain coz they do only with temptation (fitna)..

Note well.. Results of digging deep with Mutashabihath verses are two :.....

1) failure . coz intention is seeking temptation in those verses...

2) Success.. coz intention is immaculate and well grounded in knowledge... Plus guided..

So in a nutshell... Guidance is never a guidance if gone against what Allah has revealed in the book though reading the same book. So ultimately it is between Allah and that believer.. Three options for the same verse cannot ever be guidance for three different people even though how much difference of opinion is welcomed / entertained in society... But not with Allah.. True guidance has no option save truth...


And if it was difficult / strenuous on you (singular) their aversion / turning away, then if you were able in order that to seek pretention (nafqan) in the land or (seek) belonging / affinity (sullama) towards the highness / superiority (Sama)  so that to bring for them a sign / portent / prophecy (Aaya). And if the God had willed He would have brought them together over to the guidance. So be not one of those ignorants.

All translations honestly made me sick and gave me no sense.. Ladder and tunnels.. Oh nonsensical..

This verse manifestly giving a command to the prophet as well anyone who faces a situation where you love some people take the guidance, since you for whatever reason attached to them . So this attachment at the same time their turning away from guidance makes one feel unbearable / difficult thus feeling to even pretend or feeling to bring a sign in order they take the guidance.  Well.. No use.  .just don't be ignorant. No need to go after them.. Just pass the message and let them reflect and if they turn away then it is no worthy worrying about them even they are your loved ones children parents wives sibling friends etc. Just move on  ..