DISCLAIMER Mary and Jesus of Christianity were not Mariam and Eissa of the Quran:
Mariam vs Mary https://free-minds.org/forum/index.php?topic=9612449.msg442313#msg442313Eissa vs Jesus https://free-minds.org/forum/index.php?topic=9612092.msg439931#msg439931QURANIC NARRATIVE ON REPRODUCTIONIt is undeniable fact that the Quran speaks about the development of human life.
In 23:12-14
And indeed, We created Insaan from an extract of clay, 13
then placed each as a sperm-drop in a secure place, then We developed the drop into a clinging clot, then developed the clot into a lump, 14
then developed the lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, then We brought it into being as a new creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.___________________________________
In 39:06
He created you from a single nafs, then made from it pairs; and He send down to you livestock - eight kinds in pairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, in successive formations, in a triple darkness. Such is God, your Lord, His is the Kingdom. There is no god but He. So what made you deviate?___________________________________
In 53:45-46
And that He created the two pairs, the male and the female,46
From a sperm drop when it is ejaculated;___________________________________
In 75:37-38
Was he not a sperm-drop ejaculated?38
Thereafter he was a clot. So He created, then He molded____________________________________
In 96:02
created Insaan from a clinging clot____________________________________
Quranic Verses in Support of Human Development 11:61,19:67, 23:12, 25:54, 30:20, 32:7-8, 53:46, 56:58, 75:37, 76:2, 80:19-20
16:4, 18:37, 23:13, 35:11, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2, 80:19
Nutfah amshaj (drop that is mixed) this stage covers the period from fertilization to implantation. This stage is further divided into: (present day germinal stage):
Khalq, Taqdir, Harth.-
Takhleeq (present day embryonic): this stage extends from the beginning of the 3rd week until the end of the 8th week and covers the developmental events. This stage is further divided into:
Alaqah (leech-like),
Mudghah (somites),
Izam (skeleton) and
Laham (muscles).
Nash'ah (Growth) [present day Foetal stage] During this period the shaping and modelling are active, the external appearance develops in such a way that foetus becomes recognizably
human.It lasts till the completion of pregnancy. It is further divided into:
An-nashaa-Khalaqakha (from 9–26wks) and Al
Hadana-al Rahamiya (from 26 weeks to full term). This could be an apt way of classifying the various stages of human development.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068791/To be continued...