Quote from: jkhan on June 01, 2023, 10:11:51 PM
Peace everyone...
One of my friends is asking " is your door closed for sunna?" simple answer is Yes... For truth always my door open but not FALSEHOOD...once convinced a matter is falsehood and no more compromise... Why is called a Muslim in general? coz he rejects obvious idol worship and accept God alone.. That's final. If anyone asks, is your door closed for other gods? Then if not say Yes.. What else..
Having said that..
Let me remind with below verse and ask an additional logical question..
We are most knowing of what they say, and you are not over them a tyrant. But remind by the Qur'an whoever fears My threat.
Okay we are also reminding with Quran coz isn't it duty of one who believes to remind with God's book...fine..
My question is...
If obey Allah and obey the Messenger led you my fellow hadith followers to take hadith books as source of law since obey messenger in your convictions is following sunnah of Prophet Mohamed . That's how God let you perceive... So you follow hadith books of your choice where written alleged sunna .. Fine...
If Obey Messenger is Sunna and you follow Hadith book/s, then where is the instruction from God to follow Quran in the same phrase? Does Obey Allah and obey the Messenger phrase command you to follow Quran? Anyones logical answer will be comprehensively and logically with truth God willing be replied... Anyones illogical and nonsensical answers will be deliberately avoided and I have presented my mindset clearly here..
All I do is to expose the extreme truth of the lease obey Allah and obey the Messenger...
Thank you
My above question still stands..
Let me bring you a wonderful verse my fellow people who follow hadith for you to without prejudice to reflect upon..
Before that let me explain simple example.. If I say to person A.. "Worship God alone and He is your Master" and listening to it if he worshiped God alone.. Then does it mean he obey me? Hmmm... It sounds so.. But in reality he not obeyed me.. But he obeyed God.. Coz what I told him is message / Command of God, so following my instructions which was truth of God resulted in obeying God. There is nothing other than obeying God.
4:58 "Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.."
4:59 "O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree/differ over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result."
Let me clarify... OBEY ALLAH (always always always and no one else to obey but God, how by obeying his message)
OBEY THE MESSENGER (null and void after message is fulfilled coz no messenger exists to Obey)
On that note, above two glaring verses in fact proves that Obey Allah is only what it matters and the phrase OBEY ALLAH AND OBEY THE MESSENGER is valid only until the messenger completes God's message.. We are not a community who lives in a period to stand with above two excellent verses.. The reason I say with logic is that messenger is no more.. Is he? But message is.. Isn't it?
4:58 God says to those living people in Authority to judge with justice.. Had they judged with justice then those in authority OBEYED Allah.. Any doubt? So no dispute, no disagreement..
4:59 states obey Allah and obey the Messenger and in Authority .. But people have given option.. Yes.. If you disagree / differ ... Why differ? Believers can only differ if those in authority not judged with justice.. So they in authority disobeyed Allah.. Then people under them no need to be silent coz it is manifest according to verses of God Those in authority didn't judge with justice... So.. What believers have to do? Yes. Excellent is what Allah has explained ..if you differ over anything refer it to ALLAH.. How to refer it to Allah? No way.. Unless a the Messenger of Allah is living and still delivering God's messages. So approach him (person Mohamed) and tell there is injustice under these authorities coz they didn't obey God / They didn't follow the message while judging... Yes.. What's next step.. If the matter is something that is already in the message then messenger can point out by the message to the people and also in authority... So dispute solved.. But if the matter is not existing in the messages already revealed, the Messenger has to wait until God reveal to solve the issue . That's why God says refer it to Allah.. So once the message is revealed let everyone follow what is revealed.. And let those in Authority obey... When those in authority has obeyed God's message and judged accordingly, there cannot have any disagreement among believers unless believers disobey..
Yes.. That's the cream and essence which I comprehend..
Now.. No authority who who are believers and Law of God is executed in any country you live and on top of that there is no living Messenger to refer in order to refer it to Allah...
What is left with us is Quran... Refer it you will find answers.. But you can't disagree with those in authority coz they already have disobeyed God..
So in a nutshell obey Allah and messenger is in fact a valid phrase only while messenger was living and delivering God's message...
Now all you have to obey is Allah by being His message ..
Any constructive rejection to above is much welcome and I would in sha Allah happily respond... I will definitely disregard all irrelevant and illogical answers though.
Thank you for reading.. But reflect.. Exert some effort..