Quote from: good logic on February 02, 2023, 05:52:37 PM
Peace jkhan.
obey the message or obey Qoran has no meaning. and will mot make sense. Follow the message or follow the Qoran has a meaning. The sender /author of the message is the one who is to be obeyed. Following the message is obeying the sender.
However, "obey the prophet" or "obey Mohammed" makes sense , but you will not find it in Qoran because it will contradict the message of "GOD.. It will give authority to the man- prophet Muhammed- or any human/ messenger of GOD.
Qoran always uses "obey the messenger" because it has GOD alone as the authority . The messenger s role is to deliver the message/words from GOD and does not contribute his own words /message with GOD s message. as well .
Qoran as well is the messenger in 5:15-16, that clarifies for us this understanding : obeying GOD and obeying the messenger is following GOD s message:
O people of the scripture, our messenger has come to you to proclaim for you many things you have concealed in the scripture, and to pardon many other transgressions you have committed. A beacon has come to you from God, and a profound scripture.
يٰأَهلَ الكِتٰبِ قَد جاءَكُم رَسولُنا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُم كَثيرًا مِمّا كُنتُم تُخفونَ مِنَ الكِتٰبِ وَيَعفوا عَن كَثيرٍ قَد جاءَكُم مِنَ اللَّهِ نورٌ وَكِتٰبٌ مُبينٌ
With it-Qoran-, God guides those who seek His approval. He guides them to the paths of peace, leads them out of darkness into the light by His leave, and guides them in a straight path.
يَهدى بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضوٰنَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلٰمِ وَيُخرِجُهُم مِنَ الظُّلُمٰتِ إِلَى النّورِ بِإِذنِهِ وَيَهديهِم إِلىٰ صِرٰطٍ مُستَقيمٍ
The source and authority of the messenger of GOD is GOD Alone. Whoever obeys the messenger of GOD has obeyed GOD by following His message and should not have to obey anything else since the message is from GOD.
GOD bless you.
Peace GL.
Exactly... I do appreciate... What I highlighted above in blue is absolutely right.
I asked this question mainly coz main stream Muslims do God could have said Obey Quran or Obey Message instead of Messenger so that why we follow Prophet Mohamed.. But they unfortunately failed.. In my understanding the verse 4:80 itself enough for them to ponder... Unless God guide who can guide...
If I add few more to brother GLs point...
.The reason why God has not mentioned OBEY ALLAH AND OBEY QURAN Is:
God has a sunnah and that sunnah he never changes.. His sunnah was from the beginning is sending a human messenger and through his mouth let the God's message be proclaimed and then messagea are reached to people.
Second point.. God has a way of communicating to people in three modes.. I am not gonna mention here pls read verse 42:51 ... And one of them is as I said sending His message through angel to a human messenger.. At any time God won't go contrary to His basics..
Had Allah mentioned Obey Quran instead of Obey the Messenger above will be violated..
On top of that what people wanted is a printed book in which they can scroll and touch and feel and in their own language. That God never ever did. If Obey Quran is mentioned it directly mean messenger didn't bring the message but a complete Quran was sent from heaven. So no place for a messenger. In case if God sent a literal touchable book named Quran then it will only end up as idoll worship of the book rather following the book. You can imagine needless to elaborate. .
As mentioned by GL verses 5:15-16 iy clearly says it addresses the previous scripture people. So carefully note..
If God said obey Allah and Obey Quran (Message) then they don't have to obey. . They already obey Allah and follow his Message I. Torah or Injeel. Since obey Allah and obey the Messenger is mentioned it means they have to follow the message of the new messenger if there is anything new or anything to avoid.
Carefully note in the verse 5:15-16 it says ".. Concealed in the SCRIPTURE... " Here God says our messenger has come to proclaim many things they concealed in the SCRIPTURE. "
So manifestly Messenger is coming with message and on top of that Messenger is on proclaiming the message of God and the messenger even only correct what is in the PREVIOUS SCRIPTURE not their other book.
As GL said.. Obey word itself not suitable for Mesaage/Quran..
I know nothing will change within Mainstream people by reading this but at least for the sake of clarification among believers it would help...
Note: we as modern people not obeying the messenger but we follow the message placed on him.. We can't obey him.. He is no more.. So literal We obey God and follow the instructions of God this we obey God ... All is to obey God alone.. We can't obey God completely unless we follow His instructions completly. .we can't obey a book but we can follow the book. So God placed rightly obey Allah and obey messenger and nothing other than would suit... Even verses like obey Allah and obey the Messenger and obey those in authority woukd not suit now... There is none except God to obey...