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The sincere Muslims will be taken out form hell-fire

Started by shaikhrafique, October 16, 2022, 07:06:56 AM

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The sincere Muslims will be taken out form hell-fire

By Mohammad Rafique Etesame

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "When the people of Paradise have entered Paradise, and the people of the Fire have entered the Fire, Allah will say. 'Take out (of the Fire) whoever has got faith equal to a mustard seed in his heart.'

They will come out, and by that time they would have burnt and became like coal, and then they will be thrown into the river of Al-Hayyat (life) and they will spring up just as a seed grows on the bank of a rainwater stream." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Don't you see that the germinating seed comes out yellow and twisted?" Sahih al-Bukhari 6560 Book 81, Hadith 149
Hera a question arises that, there are many Muslims who
never miss their prayers, but along with it, they do not miss any opportunity to transgress Allah's limits. Or, even worse, and there are those Muslims also who spend every second of their life to sin and violate Allah's laws. It is as if sins are their intimate friends until the moment they die. Can people like this enter jannah (Paradise)?

So, this is an authentic belief of Islam that a Muslim who commits a grave sin, is within Allah's Will. He will forgive that person if He Wills, and if not, then the person will be put into hellfire.

And those sinful Muslims who will be entered hellfire, they won't stay there forever. But they will be tortured proportional with the number of sins what they have committed. The more they have sinned, the longer they will spend time in hellfire.

After spending their time in hellfire and burning off their sins, they will be taken out from hell and put into jannah because they still have a spot of imaan in their hearts.
A hadith reveals that faith is between fear from Allah and having hope of His mercy. It means a faithful believer should fear Allah Almighty and be hopeful of His mercy and should not be despair of it.

Because if he fears Allah, he will not be a sinful one, and if he is hopeful of His mercy, he will not transgress of the limits of Allah. May Allah give us power to act upon all His commands, Amin. 


Quote from: shaikhrafique on October 16, 2022, 07:06:56 AM

After spending their time in hellfire and burning off their sins, they will be taken out from hell and put into jannah because they still have a spot of imaan in their hearts.
A hadith reveals that faith is between fear from Allah and having hope of His mercy. It means a faithful believer should fear Allah Almighty and be hopeful of His mercy and should not be despair of it.

Because if he fears Allah, he will not be a sinful one, and if he is hopeful of His mercy, he will not transgress of the limits of Allah. May Allah give us power to act upon all His commands, Amin.

Have you taken a pledge with God?

2:80   And they said: "The Fire will not touch us except for a number of days." Say: "Have you taken a pledge with God? If so, then God will not break His pledge. Or do you say about God what you do not know?"

2:81   Indeed, whoever gains a sin, and is surrounded by his mistakes; those are the people of the Fire, in it they will abide.

2:82   And those who believe and do good works, they are the people of Paradise, in it they will abide.


Sir, no one has  taken a pledge with God, but you should prove by authentic arguments and by context that first two verses number
2:80 and 2:81, are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones? And that the hadith has been mentioned, is  fake and wrong or not? And must give proof from Shariah arguments and not by your own opinion, thanks.


Quote from: shaikhrafique on October 18, 2022, 07:18:59 AM
Sir, no one has  taken a pledge with God, but you should prove by authentic arguments and by context that first two verses number
2:80 and 2:81, are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones? And that the hadith has been mentioned, is  fake and wrong or not? And must give proof from Shariah arguments and not by your own opinion, thanks.

3:23. Did you not note those who were given a portion of the Book being invited to the Book of God to judge between them, then a group of them turns away while they are adverse?

3:24. That is because they said: "The Fire will not touch us except for a few number of days," and they were arrogant by what they invented in their religion.

God had asked us to look at to the people of the book and what they had invented in their Diin. Do you want to do the same?

If you haven't take pledge with the God as you admitted, then surely you just say about God what you do not know (2:80). As simple as that.



You have not replied to me about my question yet that, whether these verses number 2:80 and 2:81, are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones?

And second is that whether you think that the Muslims will also be burnt in the hell-fire like infidels and mushirks forever, and will never be brought out from it?

It seems that you are trying to confuse in useless discussion and you have not authentic knowledge about Shriah arguments. So, unless you reply to me by clear cut manner, I shall not answer you anyway.


Quote from: shaikhrafique on October 18, 2022, 11:09:27 AM

You have not replied to me about my question yet that, whether these verses number 2:80 and 2:81, are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones?

And second is that whether you think that the Muslims will also be burnt in the hell-fire like infidels and mushirks forever, and will never be brought out from it?

It seems that you are trying to confuse in useless discussion and you have not authentic knowledge about Shriah arguments. So, unless you reply to me by clear cut manner, I shall not answer you anyway.

O! poor fellow...
Shariah arguments????? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

May God bless you if you deserve it...

None deserves hell fire but those unfortunate arrogant people who denied the verses of God... Once dragged and pushed into hell fire there is no return even you ransom anything you wish... No believer will ever enter in it... coz believers never deserve it... God decides who believers are....May the shariah argument save you from the hell pit... Use your wits bro and fire is nothing to take it light... How to guide people unless God guide.. so no worries..
have a good journey in your effort..


Quote from: shaikhrafique on October 16, 2022, 07:06:56 AM

The sincere Muslims will be taken out form hell-fire

By Mohammad Rafique Etesame

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "When the people of Paradise have entered Paradise, and the people of the Fire have entered the Fire, Allah will say. 'Take out (of the Fire) whoever has got faith equal to a mustard seed in his heart.'

They will come out, and by that time they would have burnt and became like coal, and then they will be thrown into the river of Al-Hayyat (life) and they will spring up just as a seed grows on the bank of a rainwater stream." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Don't you see that the germinating seed comes out yellow and twisted?" Sahih al-Bukhari 6560 Book 81, Hadith 149
Hera a question arises that, there are many Muslims who
never miss their prayers, but along with it, they do not miss any opportunity to transgress Allah's limits. Or, even worse, and there are those Muslims also who spend every second of their life to sin and violate Allah's laws. It is as if sins are their intimate friends until the moment they die. Can people like this enter jannah (Paradise)?

So, this is an authentic belief of Islam that a Muslim who commits a grave sin, is within Allah's Will. He will forgive that person if He Wills, and if not, then the person will be put into hellfire.

And those sinful Muslims who will be entered hellfire, they won't stay there forever. But they will be tortured proportional with the number of sins what they have committed. The more they have sinned, the longer they will spend time in hellfire.

After spending their time in hellfire and burning off their sins, they will be taken out from hell and put into jannah because they still have a spot of imaan in their hearts.
A hadith reveals that faith is between fear from Allah and having hope of His mercy. It means a faithful believer should fear Allah Almighty and be hopeful of His mercy and should not be despair of it.

Because if he fears Allah, he will not be a sinful one, and if he is hopeful of His mercy, he will not transgress of the limits of Allah. May Allah give us power to act upon all His commands, Amin.


I would be satisfied with the following verse:
"Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin"

If anyone falters due to ignorance or error, the possibility of being protected from the ill-consequences of his action exists. But it is impossible for those who accept the authority of others alongside Allah to secure this protection. He who has set up a peer to Allah has indeed committed a grievous calumny (Shirk).

However this is a Quran only forum so any one bringing references from Hadith (such as Bukhari) will be dealt with such replies because the only true hadith is the word of Allah (Quran).

Nevertheless based on 4:48, the hadith you quoted whether its true or not , is in sync as long as those who were put to Hell fire did not commit shirk in their lives.

Best Regards,


Reply to

O! my rich fellow and respected one, Shariah arguments, yes, verily Shariah arguments only??? :rotfl:

You replied to my comments, but you shot arrows in the air only without understanding the real issue. In fact, I have replied to a comment namely "Have you taken a pledge with God" written by "tlihawa," in which he quoted three verses from the holy Quran.

I asked him that he should prove about first two verses 2:80 and 2:81, that these are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones? And that the hadith mentioned in the article, is fake and wrong or not? But he did not reply to me and became quiet. And you understand that in Islamic issues, there are Shariah arguments are necessary and not anyone's personal opinions, philosophy, self-knowledge or wisdom is authentic!!

I said to that writer that: -
"You have not replied to me about my question yet that, whether these verses number 2:80 and 2:81, are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones?
And second is that whether you think that the Muslims will also be burnt in the hell-fire like infidels and mushirks forever, and will never be brought out from it?"

And now you have entered but giving an authentic reply, you have made a fun with Shariah arguments instead. I challenge you that you should reply to me these questions to the point without going hither and thither: -

(1)   Whether sinful believers will not be punished in hell-fire and after that, they will be brought out from it?
(2)   Everlasting in hell-fire is only for the infidels and the mushriks or also for the faithful believers?
(3)   The hadith mentioned in the article is fake and wrong or correct?

And unless you reply to me by clear cut manner and to the point, I shall not answer you anyway because this is a discussion only for discussion.
I am sure that you and your like-minded fellows can never reply to these till the Day of Resurrection, yes, do if you can.....


Quote from: shaikhrafique on October 19, 2022, 04:34:34 PM
Reply to

O! my rich fellow and respected one, Shariah arguments, yes, verily Shariah arguments only??? :rotfl:

You replied to my comments, but you shot arrows in the air only without understanding the real issue. In fact, I have replied to a comment namely "Have you taken a pledge with God" written by "tlihawa," in which he quoted three verses from the holy Quran.

I asked him that he should prove about first two verses 2:80 and 2:81, that these are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones? And that the hadith mentioned in the article, is fake and wrong or not? But he did not reply to me and became quiet. And you understand that in Islamic issues, there are Shariah arguments are necessary and not anyone's personal opinions, philosophy, self-knowledge or wisdom is authentic!!

I said to that writer that: -
"You have not replied to me about my question yet that, whether these verses number 2:80 and 2:81, are about the faithful believers and not about the disbelievers and People of the Scripture and the idolater ones?
And second is that whether you think that the Muslims will also be burnt in the hell-fire like infidels and mushirks forever, and will never be brought out from it?"

And now you have entered but giving an authentic reply, you have made a fun with Shariah arguments instead. I challenge you that you should reply to me these questions to the point without going hither and thither: -

(1)   Whether sinful believers will not be punished in hell-fire and after that, they will be brought out from it?
(2)   Everlasting in hell-fire is only for the infidels and the mushriks or also for the faithful believers?
(3)   The hadith mentioned in the article is fake and wrong or correct?

And unless you reply to me by clear cut manner and to the point, I shall not answer you anyway because this is a discussion only for discussion.
I am sure that you and your like-minded fellows can never reply to these till the Day of Resurrection, yes, do if you can.....

You have become bit funny now.. Challenge... Lol.. 😂
Until day of ressurection... Wow..

Going to hell is not like US DV..  Once missed and again apply and win...
Boy.. Apply some sense... Let the hadiths or people say anything.. But don't you have some common sense gifted by your Lord..  First of Does God promise you that He will take out anyone from Hell fire in Quran directly or metaphorically...  ? No..

1).... All believers are gullible... People do mistakes and people err wittingly or unwittingly...  true believers never fail to understand their mistakes... Life span is given to reform everything and die as Muslim... And failing to die at least as a muslim (the one who surrendered) is utter failure and hus destiny is God's  hand.. Sinful OR not.. If labelled by God as believer then there is no way he or she should go to hell.. So cool dude how can a believer go to hell?  To take a believer out of hell, first let him enter hell?  Did God promised you that believers will be in hell fire?  Bring a verse from Quran if so?  Did God create hell for believers or disbelievers?  So don't waste time with sharia arguments...  You can be a believer today and disbeliever tomorrow and a believer the next day and disbelieve again and you can do good today and bad tomorrow and continue life and die in the end as disbeliever... That's key... End of one's life as disbeliver.. Then let God decide his fate... One who does as believer even he was a killer or whayever sin he did.. But if he ended his life as believer then he'll fire won't near him... god promises Janna for believers... If Allah to change His decision and promises after sometime then no need of Judgment day...
Did you forget the verse it says that those in hellfire will remain as long as the Earth and heavens endure and this in Janna will remain the earth and heavens endure... So don't dream to get out from there.. But ensure to be away from it.. For that you and me need to be working hard with intellect and not fancy hadiths..

2) whoever entered all are same and no one will come out from there as long as the Earth and heavens endure... But the punishment level may differ.. Munafiq will be at the depth of it and it means darajah IN janna and darajah in hell.  ... But escape from it... That's the promise of God. . Promise of God is true and never changes He his promise..

3).. Hadiths are inventions of human being... Be it with good intent or to admire or  to tarnish... All inventions... God sent His book and that's sufficient... No comparison of hadith with God's sharia... So...  In the light of Quran all hadiths are sheer vain and wrong and incorrect and only SATAN influenced people do follow...

The particular hadith that you have brought is typical lie and fabricated by mean hearted people who are not stable OR constant in their belief and ideal Munafiq who encourage people to do every wrong act and still expect Janna one day so that they can freely behave in this earth with anticipation of Janna even from ashes of hell. .. So pathetic their imagination is..
All Munafiq has faith in God... They pray like all conventional Muslim do... So literally they are believers but they are Munafiq at the same time.. So why they deserve the depth of hell pit? 
Forgiveness of Allah is over with the termination of life and if one doesn't reform up until his or her death... Then he won't even die as Muslim but as a disbeliever...when I say Muslims it doesn't mean conventional or Munafiq Muslims... Buy one who surrendered to God and never associate anything to God but never developed his or her status to a believer level.. But remained in lower level.. But those who call Muslim and associate is never a mualim.. And those who call Muslim and be a Munafiq never even they are Muslim... They all will die as DISBELIVERS...

It's your life... Work it out.. I don't care... make it or break it.. All up to you.  I am not accountable for you.  .

good logic

Peace .

What is a Muslim? 
According to Qoran there are three types of Islam:
1- Islam to GOD.  "Aslam Li Allah"
2- Islam to GOD s laws. GOD s laws of creation are irreversible and cannot be changed. Everything created have no choice of where and when to exist .
3- Islam to rules of authorities . Like government,systems/...etc.
Whoever is human cannot live on earth without being Muslim to at least one of these three. All three have nothing to do with religion

GOD s deen is Islam to him Alone-Haneef- and His system. Islam is not a religion of men  and cannot be found in men s shariah.

Number three is a system of men and also has nothing to do with religion.We all submit to paying taxes and following the rules of our nation/country. by agreement or fear of prison...etc.Those who do not are punished by men s laws.

Prophet Mohammed has not come with a religion of Islam, He was told to Follow Ibrahim who was a Muslim before him Islam to GOD came with all the prophets. Noah before both of them was a Muslim..Or do you think they followed hadiths? Which ones.?
They all followed "Ma Anzala Allah" i.e What GOD has revealed to them only!!!

May be you see that your title is not precise enough. Do you mean sincere Muslim to GOD?

Then you have the problem of what is a believer? This also has various meanings like believe in men s systems, security with others, believe in GOD, believe in...etc.
Look here :Do you think Alladina Aamanu here are believers in GOD?
" inna Alladina Aamanu- Wa LLadina Hadu wa Al Nasara  wa Al Sabeen Men Aamana bi Allah, wa Al Yawmi Al Akhiri wa Amila Salikan .....etc"
Then why is GOD saying to them "if they believe in GOD, accountability and  , ...etc?

Brother, ponder Qoran if you really believe it is GOD s words. Or follow men s words and men s religion.
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?