The Error of Terminus of Prophet MessengersIn The Koran, the claimed finality for
the status of being a messenger of The God in the case of
the prophet Joseph, is presented as a clear and self evident mistake. Those who cut off their link to the covenant of continuity of prophethood are eventually proven manifestly wrong when future prophets bring Signs, as the direct messengers, of being chosen by The God to transmit the 'light' given to them through inspiration, just as Joseph was inspired as a matter determined by He; as we noted in Koran 12:76 (note that the verse number is a nineteen multiple).
Yet this desire for a 'revelatory terminus' is so entrenched in all 'organised religions'; that even a suggestion of the concept of new Divine inspiration to a true 'prophet from amongst them' would be considered ludicrous. They who deny continuity then guarantee that the barrenness from truth and enlightenment will be ongoing for them; by their self confessed continued belief in the falsehood of a termination of the continuity of prophethood.
So it is not in dispute by anyone it would appear, that a new prophet would not, nor could ever come from amongst those who hold to the views of sectarianists who deny it outright, or 'blunt' its purpose, driven by their own doctrinal purposes.
Let it be noted here also, that any cutting off from knowledge is not something that we are doing, nor ever endorsing. Those who cut themselves off from provable knowledge, cut themselves off from the guidance of The God, and only have themselves to blame for their denial afterwards, when the time for its account shall surely have come.
So I state again here for clarity, that I am of no sect whatsoever. The numerically evaluated mathematical results and Signs that are presented, with nineteen based validation of the findings are just plain brute facts.
However one considers them though; the mere presence of them and the coherent numero-semantic patterns with strong self reference within them, are simply impossible to explain away as co-incidence.
They are not just entirely conceptual constructs from past Scripture. They are actual real world counts (ie. they are 'denumerable' in the language of Georg Cantor for the definition of his 'continuity theorem' and transfinite set theories) in Scripture spanning thousands of years, with firm connections being made back to the real world that exists today, in the presence of strong nineteen signals that mesh with the very beginning of esoteric interpretation given in —
2:1 '
Alif. Lam. Mim.'
— through numeric keys inherent in the very person conveying this knowledge to you, the reader.
The connections are through numerical parametric interactions arising from ancient texts related to the once living prophet who relates their own 'experience' of the 'prophet consciousness'; an irresistible revelatory force as 'words' relating to things experienced sensorially by the prophets.
The origin 'Muhammed' of The Koran
heard and saw Signs which he conveys to humanity in the now compiled volume named 'The Quran'. A Book which declares itself to be from The God and declares that it is to be used as The Criterion for assessing truth of all revelation and all human or incorporated bodies' ('jinn') actions.
The revelatory force or experience in the case of this servant of The God is directed towards the 'intellect' - not to see or hear, but to experience the proof in the mind as a universal truth. A place safe from physical assault once grasped.
The processing and understanding of the numerical relationships and measures in the acknowledged Divine Revelation is one of the roles of this servant. The Criterion, encoded numerically as The Numeric Quran Codec, will encode the answers to deeper knowledge of an 'esoteric' kind and facilitate resolving of disputes. The principles of its encoding can be readily understood by an average person of high school level attainment and even bright primary schoolers.
Let it be clear, that the parameters in these prophetically important results are derived from: 1, verifiably ancient Scriptural metrics consisting of the three initial letters of 'the word', 'al-masih' meaning 'the chosen':
'alif' 'lam' 'mim'
— present as signs of the future prophet, and 2, the name digitisations of this present servant of The God; whose own detailed parameters are acting as a veritable 'cryptographic-key' at all the relevant 'secured' (knowledge) verses and Koran metrics, revealing hidden unifying knowledge when explained with mathematical equivalence based validations of a semantic nature. The Koran script is thus proven to contain computably verifiable prophecy placed in a well preserved book from fourteen centuries ago (and even further in the case of the five books of the Torah). The proofs herein are proof that these revelations are always to once living, human servants of The God unveiling the Signs, through God-given inherent processing present within them as Signs of Divine bestowal of Mercy and Bounty.
Today this is connected and validated by the presence of the prime number nineteen in the parametric relationships detailed now, by this processing prophet that is prophesied in the Books in the already indicated verses such as 72:27, 73:4, 62:2 and 61:6.
It should be mentioned that there are also some other astonishing concordances to all of this, that I do not wish to diverge out towards at present as they are already written up (as mentioned above) in the following series of external essays entitled '
The Clear Proof' that readers who wish to know more may follow up on '
Reasonable Faith' forums: be continued, The God willing...