Quote from: Mohammed. on July 20, 2022, 05:10:12 AM
Peace Noon,
I read your article a bit late, interesting observation, & thanks for sharing.
Could you tell why you say lunar cycle is exactly 29 days ? (Why not >29 or ~29.5).
12 lunar cycles take around 354/355 days. So thalathuna shahr would be >870 days ?
peace Mohammed,
pregnancy time and breastfeeding calculations would contradict if natural birth occurs before cutoff time similar type of contradiction as with fingerprints i.e., each individual has unique prints even identical twins (see 75:3-4)
• contradicts If lunar cycle = 29.53059 days, and if year = lunar 354.36708 days
• contradicts If lunar cycle = 29.53059 days, and if year = solar 365.242199 days
• contradicts If lunar cycle = 29 days, and if year = lunar 354
math only works if lunar cycle = 29 days and if year = solar 365 days
(i.e., full days e.g., dawn-to-dawn or sunset-to-sunset)
3:41 قال said رب lord اجعل makes لى for me اىه sign قال said اىتك sign your (sing.) الا that not تكلم thou talk الناس the people ثلثه trio (group of three) اىام days الا except رمزا symbol (gesture) of واذكر and remembrance (mention) ربك lord your (sing.) كثىرا much of وسبح and glorify بالعشى in the evening والابكر and the early partlikewise, doesn't say 12 lunar cycles in a year rather the count is twelve!
9:36 ان indeed عده iddata/count الشهور the lunar cycles (pl.) عند near/with الله the God اثنا dual عشر ten (twelve) شهرا lunar cycle of فى in كتب book (writ) الله the Godchoose a marker e.g., summer solstice, full-moon, etc., count full days until next event
like many words when written with leading alif denotes plural
2:185 شهر lunar cycle (sing.) رمضن ramadan perf558
شهر lunar cycle (sing.) جمدى jumada الاولى the first من of سنه year اثنىن twosome وعشرىن and twenty (22)
2:197 الحج the hajj اشهر lunar cycles (pl.) معلومت well-known
2:226 للذىن for the ones ىولون turning (forswearing) من from نساىهم womenfolk theirs (m/p) تربص wait اربعه quartet (i.e., group of four successive not any اربع arbaa/four) اشهر lunar cycles (pl.)
2:234 والذىن and the ones ىتوفون taketh being (dying) منكم among you (m/p) وىذرون and leaving ازوجا spouses of ىتربصن waited they (f/p) بانفسهن in (by) souls theirs/themselves (f/p) اربعه quartet (group of four) اشهر lunar cycles (pl.) وعشرا and ten of
4:92,58:4 فمن so who لم not ىجد find فصىم so abstinence شهرىن lunar cycles two متتبعىن successive two
9:2 فسىحوا so move about فى in الارض the land اربعه quartet (group of four) اشهر lunar cycles (pl.)
9:5 فاذا so when of (i.e., future event) انسلخ withdraws الاشهر the lunar cycles (pl.)
65:4 والى and those (f/p) ىىسن despaired من from المحىض the menstruation من from نساىكم womenfolk yours ان if ارتبتم doubts you (pl.) فعدتهن so count theirs ثلثه trio (group of three) اشهر lunar cycles (pl.)
the meanings in context are obvious and pregnancy/breastfeeding calculations times clarify