The discussions are getting very interesting. Seems every one has a different opinion about the concepts mentioned in Quran.
For example translation of the verse 34:14 I found from GA Pervez who was also regarded as following Quran only.
14. After Solomon's death, his son ascended the throne. The son, unlike his father or grand father, was an ordinary below average human being (38:34). As such the grandeur, might and authority of Daud and Sulaiman's period just vanished away (and ten of the Bani-Israel's tribes revolted against him). Similarly the uncivilzed tribes who were working hard in complete submission, realized this fact and became rebellious, feeling sorry that they had remained subjugated to a weak person. Had they known this earlier (that power and might is just in name and that he had lost all his strength), they would never have continued suffering such humiliating servitude.
It appears to definition of Jinn is not authentic among Quranists, for example in above excerpt from GA Pervex Jinn are Humans of different uncivilized being.
I just rememver the verse when it was mentioned in one of the replies posted lately and thouht to share this not intending to divert from the subject.
Hence I feel the definition of Jinn is not agreed upon....