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Fundraiser to prevent homelessness

Started by Sarah, February 18, 2022, 01:31:59 AM

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I am not making another fundraiser or asking for money. I'm asking for advice.

I'm about to go homeless despite paying my share of the rent and despite trying to find work. I'm unlucky when it comes to job success. I've applied for jobs for months (years even) and all I got was rejections or I never made it to the interview stage mostly. I got rejected at a recent interview too. At work I only have a part-time job and I don't make much.

I don't know what's wrong with my family but I've told them what the landlord told me, that we're being evicted soon but they do not do anything and they seem unphased which is not normal behaviour. Most people would be frightened like I am. So no matter how much I asked them to contribute to the rent, they never did and never will. At this point, I think I will try to get into shared accommodation as it's the only housing that seems affordable since I'm earning extremely low income. I don't know what else to do. If I don't have an address, no future employer will employ me so I have to live with strangers (which is scary for a younger woman).

My family remind me of all those people in the Qur'an who God warned again and again but they do not listen and then disaster strikes.

Even if I manage to get shared accommodation, I know I will think about my family every day and will be depressed if they are homeless. I simply can't afford to help them even if I wanted to and they're not willing to help themselves. My mum didn't contribute to rent even though she could contribute some of it. My older brother isn't willing to work or even get benefits but he talks to people online all day. Because of this, we are £1000s in debt to the point where I think even the council will not be willing to help us get a cheaper council house because they don't usually help people in rent arrears as I read today.

I asked my mum if me and her could search for a new cheaper home together but she just ignored me and made fun of the situation. She makes jokes about living under a bridge. It's as if everything is a joke to her, even her own life. I question her mental health. Could this be a sign of dementia? Even if she's doing this out of cruelty, even cruel people wouldn't want themselves to go homeless. Her behaviour makes no sense to me. I think I will get a social worker involved.

If anyone has been through something similar or knows stories where things work out in the end, can you share them with me on here or through PMs? I have a feeling that my family do not like me because of my faith. I think this is happening to me because Shaytan is trying to hurt me through them.
'These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (hadith) after Allah and His verses will they believe? (45:6)'

good logic

What is freedom to choose and make decisions?
 If every individual realises that they are to be held responsible for their own choices and decisions, then every other human is irrelevant and cannot benefit them or harm them .

If one believes in GOD and submits to His system , then only GOD matters.
 Free yourself from others and lead your own life according to your beliefs and stay on the straight path with a total conviction .
Why let negative people and negative energy enter your realm?
 Being free to do your own things means stay away from those who divert you . oppress you or distract you from your path.
 Trust GOD to guide you and stay loyal and honest with GOD. You will find a way to free yourself from all shayateen- human and Jinn devils-.
Also be firm and honest with people. Tell them that you are committed to the straight path and to leave you be. They cannot force you to do things you know are wrong or make you spend what you cannot afford.

Tell them you are responsible for your own life and they are responsible for theirs amicably and clearly.
Break away from those who are harming you and your soul.
Best of luck.
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Peace Good Logic

Thank you for reaching out and for the advice.

Even though it seems like I will no longer live with my family in the future because I have no other choice but to leave if they do not agree on a new home, this is depressing to me because I will have to live with strangers and God only know what these strangers will be like. They may end up worse than my family.
'These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (hadith) after Allah and His verses will they believe? (45:6)'


'These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (hadith) after Allah and His verses will they believe? (45:6)'

good logic

Whether it is family or strangers or any human beings you meet, they should not be affecting the way you live your life.
Just do the right things and trust GOD.
Is GOD not the real power and the only power to trust for our protection and security?

Or have humans got any power over us?

If you do no harm to others and respect the way they want to lead their life then they should also respect the way you want to lead your life.

So ignore the unpleasantness from others and persevere to break free from fearing them.

Have you complete confidence in GOD? Then who can protect and give more security than GOD?

Life can be both difficult and easy. It is up to each individual to choose the way they understand to lead them to success.
Hope you persevere and keep on the side of GOD. This is the only way to succeed.
GOD bless you sister.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


I am still struggling to pay my rent. I got an eviction notice in May (actually in June since they sent it late to me via email). The landlord hasn't taken me to court yet so I'm not homeless yet. He did shout at me to get out though and doesn't even speak directly to me anymore.

The housing situation is complicated because I can't afford to get into a new home, especially not alone as I do not earn enough, and shared accommodation doesn't feel like a safe option for a Muslim female who's also a minority. I can't leave my immediate family to live alone.

There's some money to pay next month's rent but it's less than half. I need help to pay the remainder. Please help me pay the remainder if you can help. I am still applying for jobs and getting interviews but no new job so far sadly.

Right now, I am in a lot of pain because I've recently developed a painful condition called sciatica. I can only sleep 4 hours at a time and then wake up every night with nerve pain. I'm on the highest dosage of painkillers and still in pain mostly even after taking them and there are times in between when you must wait a few hours until the 24-hour interval is over if you've taken the max. dose because it's the daily limit and that's when it gets tough. This health problem has been slowing me down.

I know I've asked for help before over the months and years, but most of the time, I've avoided asking for help and there's been many months where I paid about just half the rent.

On a side note, please boycott the most famous fast-food place you know beginning with M. They give me (and many other coworkers) 1 shift per week despite knowing we specifically need more hours. I think they do this to save on costs because why hire lots of full-time staff who will need extra benefits etc. They don't care if their employees go homeless if they're making a profit off us. I'm not bad at my job. I'm mostly on time. I get on with people.

Pray for me. I want to be financially independent.
'These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (hadith) after Allah and His verses will they believe? (45:6)'



Please if anyone can share this fundraiser with people who you think may help, please do
'These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (hadith) after Allah and His verses will they believe? (45:6)'


Salam brothers & sisters,

Please share this fundraiser with anyone willing to help.

'These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement (hadith) after Allah and His verses will they believe? (45:6)'