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Movie On Sectarian Laws Minus the Religion

Started by reel, January 24, 2022, 03:05:31 AM

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Anyone watched Equilibrium? It was probably made to bank on the Matrix trend, but somehow got ignored. I never saw its trailer and poster anywhere at the time.I guess it wasnt relatable to most in the west. But its a gem for us exsunnis. You really get to see what lies beneath hadithers' laws since the movie doesnt mention any religion or God.

It just straightly goes into "haramization" of feelings. I mean in the movie they forbid images, books, music, dogs, etc because they are related to feelings which the state believe to be the root of all wars and destructions. Developing feelings for another is also not okay. Heart must stay closed for the sake of peace and unity. The talks in the movie are so similar to what mullahs say.

Here is the movie link:
Quality is a bit bad. If possible watch it from some other source.

Wiki link if you just want to read the story:


"I fear that nothing will lead me to hell more than ḥadīth"-Hadith collector: Shu'ba Ibn al-Ḥajjāj


Quote from: reel on January 24, 2022, 03:05:31 AM
It just straightly goes into "haramization" of feelings. I mean in the movie they forbid images, books, music, dogs, etc because they are related to feelings which the state believe to be the root of all wars and destructions. Developing feelings for another is also not okay. Heart must stay closed for the sake of peace and unity. The talks in the movie are so similar to what mullahs say.

Forbidding images, books, musics and dogs?
Some people are reliving the movie in real life so to speak.

Yet what peculiar in this case is "heart must stay closed".
In exchange for "total obedience towards authority" I presume?

The movie then portrayed a good picture of what "negative" (or others label it as "evil") look like.
But everything has it's opposite in polarity, when there's "negative" then the opposite is "positive".
The combination of both then makes a good story..

George Lucas also present it well on it's Star Wars universe, Sith as the polar opposite of Jedi.
Yet both need to exist, and as it was designed, exist in it's opposition.

"And of everything We have created in pairs, so that you may reckon"
-- 51:49

And I found a great explanation from Law Of One material:

All of the creation, my friends, is created by the One Infinite Creator, using concepts of polarity so that there is the positive and the negative in the magnetic sense, that hold together the vibrations of the photon at various levels and angles of rotation so that the creation about you may be seen to be of what appears two kinds of power that operate in order that the creation which you experience may be experienced in a sense which can provide you with a deeper grasp or understanding of how you fit into this creation and how you may move yourself through it in the process of evolving in mind, in body, and in spirit.
-- Quo, November 4, 2017