Thank you for your insights and peace to you also good_logic. There are points that you raise with respect to 'Christ' and 'Mahdi' which our group has encountered as a highly important element of our research. The findings when considered for the mathematical truths they represent are truly theological dynamite and blow away the chaff of the millennia to show in intricately interwoven ways the wondrous mathematics that has been emerging.
The concepts are all unifying and destroy all forms of division and sectarianism in absolutely astonishing ways. The ways that I personally have witnessed this have all led to complete submission to The God coupled at significant events during the research, to utter and complete ego death and a genuine rebirth living these mathematically proven unifying concepts rather than discussing or more likely arguing about them.
We should also not ever make this about a person, any person and especially a servant of The God, that I am, and everyone reading this, who truly believes is; 'the' chosen one but rather let us understand that The God has always granted knowledge to whomever He wills, however and whenever He wills. No one can silence Him. The chosen, from our point of view are those who choose to follow The God and the messenger(s).
As an example of this unifying element let us examine another key concept in our research that has emerged with respect to letter to numeric value substitution such as the abjad system. The key thing with an abjad value in The Quran is that it is generated by a Divinely ordained sequence of letters, in the Recitation. This information which is acknowledged to be of Divine source, surely can and does contain more miraculous numerical manifestations within it that conclusively prove that The God is Sovereign. Those who deny this are denying one of the greatest miracles that The God has sent for all who can understand it.
The abjad value discoveries which are shown in the above examples (the connection of the abjad value 57, of 'Majid' which means 'Authoritative', to the count of AL RAHMAN in The Quran and the count of two sets of Qaf initials in chapters 42 and 50 [that sum to 92, more later]) can be seen to extend back to The Bismillah miracle discovered by Rashad Khalifa and Cesar Majul. I believe that the above direct mathematical connection of all the mirror nineteen multiples under 114, that sum to 786, the abjad value of The Bismillah, as another fundamental connection to this miracle, and a truly astonishing and great sign for those who believe.
I will return to this at the end of this post but let us observe that the two square numbers associated with verse 55:1 Al Rahman , 47 and 70, which if looked up as chapters are ones that are titled 'Muhammed' and 'The Ascending Stairways'; itself a tremendous sign showing that this is the way forward for believers. It is the journey, the transporting of understanding based on opinions to one that is able to be proven mathematically.
47 and 70 are numbers that are revered by numeric superstitions embedded in other Scriptural analysis systems. (The number 47 is of enormous interest to Freemasonry who revere it and set the angle of their symbol: the compass, their 'cross' to this very angle, it is the angle between the two tropics of the earth each of which measures 23.5 degrees and this embeds information of the Earth's angle of tilt. The ancient stories of people also include other numbers and the human mind has devised extraordinary ways to transmit this information through the aeons. The number 70 on the other hand has a pre-eminent position in Judaism and their Scriptural metrics and numbers. The research goes well beyond this and looks at the Pythagoreans who revere the number 153 that is also linked to Christ and the Platonists who revere 216, as key findings of our research that will be published The God willing in the coming year). They add to...
47 + 70 = 117
117 is another number that many Biblical students will be well aware of. It represents centrality as the middle chapter of the Bible by those who study it. The Bible has 1189 chapters and Psalm 117 is the 595th and middle chapter of the Bible. It is also the shortest chapter having only 25 verses. Note that 117 + 25 = 142. The number 142 is the coefficient for the count of the word The God 'Al İlah', 2698 = 19 x 142 in The Quran.
How else does this relate to The Quran? Chapter 55 Al Rahman contains the most repeated verse of The Quran starting with verse 13 and occurring 31 times; the mirror sign manifest again.
Amongst these 31 instances of the question:
'So which of the advancements of The Lord will you both deny?'
The central one is located at verse 47, the 15th repetition. Added together these are 47 + 15 = 62, the abjad value for 'nabi', 'prophet'. And indeed this centrality concept is also manifest in many other research findings that we have recorded in our findings including another key one that manifests this semantic connection to 'prophet' and 'prophethood' in powerful ways.
All of these interconnections between Scripture (letters and words), semantics and metrics thus far depends on the consideration of the Arabic letters represented in traditional abjad valuations. The connections are considerably deepened when we consider the revelations not in abjad, but rather the letters sequential value in the alphabet such that each letter is considered as a one to one correspondence to each cardinal number starting with one. So Alif is 1, ..., Nun is 14 and, ..., Ghayn is 28.
The most extraordinary thing that emerges here is that the sum of the 14 Initial Letters counted once over in this value system, corresponding to the same letters that give the value 693 for the abjad recounted previously is...
ن ق ح س ط ع ي ه ك ر ص م ل ا
14 + 19 + 8 + 15 + 9 + 16 + 10 + 5 + 11 + 20 + 18 + 13 +12 +1 = 171
This is...
171 = 19 x 9
This already establishes a firm base of support for this valuation method and it is extraordinary how many other findings are connected to this key to validity.
For it is through applying this novel method of sequential valuation, that we note that the two names 'Muhammed' and 'Ali', meaning 'Praised' and 'Raised' in English, and which have traditional abjad values of 92 and 110 respectively have a hitherto unmentioned correspondence that links to prophethood. Note that the range between 92 and 110 includes 19 numbers inclusive of the two values!
More extraordinary is the correspondence in the sequential valuation, that we term the 'ordinal' system, which these two names sum to ...
Muhammed = 13 + 8 + 13 + 4 = 38 = 19 x 2
Ali = 16 + 12 + 10 = 38 = 19 x 2
The two names are equivalent in this valuation system and moreover the coefficient of 2 is a self reference in that two names have been compared and attached to this sign. The abjad value of 110 of 'Ali' is shared by the phrase 'La ilahe ila Hu' which is the sum of 19 and its mirror 91 as mentioned already. As another connection to these concepts and again validating the ordinal system is that Chapter 47 of The Quran is named 'Muhammed', and has 38 verses.
The signs for believers are manifest in these clear ways but the deniers and skeptics will be tormented by these mathematical facts.
And this ordinal system brings even more signs in that the ordinal values for the name Rashad Khalifa and its interaction with the abjad system proves another amazing connection to the concept of prophethood and messengership. The abjad values for Rashad Khalifa are by now well known: 505 and 725, that sum to the value 1230 which is equivalent to the index number for the start of Chapter 19 in the subset of Initialled Chapters of The Quran. In ordinal valuation Rashad and Khalifa are...
Rashad = 20 + 21 + 1 + 4 = 46
Khalifa = 24 + 12 + 10 + 17 + 5 = 68
And their sum is thus...
46 + 68 = 114 = 19 x 6
It is extraordinary indeed that the man who announced to the world the first elements of this Great Sign is encoded in this previously hidden manner with a correspondence to the number of chapters in The Quran!
And it does not end there, since the sum of the abjad and ordinal values for his first name alone give...
505 + 46 = 551 = 19 x 29
The number of Initialled Chapters of The Quran!
Rashad claimed the title of 'messenger of the covenant' but this is not an exclusive title, as all messengers are and were messengers of the covenant. They have all agreed to the covenant. The God records the names of prophets and their relevant identifying characteristics in these timeless ways that reveal His Authority. That He and only He is AL RAHMAN and 'AL MAJID' - The Authority.
These mathematical equivalences and clear proofs by The Nineteen Sign by themselves should destroy the sectarians, doctrinal prisoners and unbelievers and their endless egocentric arguments.
I declare myself the first of the believers in this respect. A servant of The God.
The God records the prophets and bestows His favour and advancement upon whomever He wills and whenever He wills without measure or account to any other, and none can make it otherwise.
The first mirror sign related to basic mathematics and containing the abjad value for The Bismillah has an extraordinary additional sign in that if the sum of the nineteen multiples and their mirrors under 114 are split into two sets, the first and the last three then they sum to...
(19 + 91) + (38 + 83) + ( 57 + 75) = 110 + 121 + 132 = 363
This number is one of the most sought after numbers in Hebrew gematria and is the value for the word 'ha-masiach' or 'The Messiah'.
This might be considered a coincidence until the sum of the last three multiples and their mirrors is noted to be...
(76 + 67) + (95 + 59) + (114 + 411) = 143 + 154 + 525 = 822
The same sum as the total of the chapter numbers for 29 Initialled Chapters and itself a nineteen mirror multiple as already noted giving yet another connection to Quran metrics!
I will end this post with another centrality analysis but this time with Genesis 1:1 which manifests this mirror sign as well as centrality concepts. The middle word of the seven words of this first verse of the Torah (ie corresponding in position in that Book to The Bismillah) is the mysterious combination AT which stand for the two letters Aleph and Taw in the Hebrew alphabet. These happen to be the first and the last letters of the alphabet and they form a 'word' that has no semantic meaning whatsoever. They have long been known to represent the concept that will define the expected messiah or chosen one to come.
This has strong connections to the concept of 'Christ', again representing the 'chosen' (which it means, just like 'masiach' in Hebrew and 'masih' in Arabic) as Christ is described as the 'alpha and omega' in Scripture which are the beginning and the end letters of the Greek alphabet.
So it is acknowledged that the Aleph-Taw contains a great mystery like the Initial Letters of The Quran, for Hebrew gematria proponents to this very day. The AT is connected to the messiah concept by another link through its Hebrew standard and ordinal values that are 401 and 23 respectively. These add to the number 424 (incidentally the number that some Jewish sources linked *with an allowance of being just one away* to a recent US president) and this number is the Hebrew gematria for the compound name 'masiach bin dawud', meaning 'messiah son of David'.
The same marker AT is present a second time in the last two words of Genesis 1:1 as 'wa-AT ha-aretz' meaning 'and (AT) the earth'; and if the AT is 'translated' for the concept it represents then it would semantically be 'and the chosen (ie. messiah) of the earth'. Recalling that these last two words sum to a value of 703 = 19 x 37.
How is this at all relevant to all of this?
The number of Aleph-Taw markers in the 5 books of The Torah when counted is exactly 2622 instances and The God be exalted...
2622 = 19 x 138
Adding this coefficient to the abjad value for Rashad, 505 gives 505 + 138 = 643 which is the Arabic abjad value for the word 'al tawrat' which means 'the Torah' in The Quran. I could go on but will humbly leave it at this for now.
And please keep in mind once again that these are only the tip of the iceberg with the astonishing discoveries that have accumulated and are being compiled into book form.