I still wear the hijab. I love and hate it in almost equal measure.
Sometimes I wear it because I want to, sometimes for my husband, sometimes I put it off, sometimes I replace the classic hijab with a turban. I find signs in the noble quran to indicate that we should wear it and I find signs that we don't. I am conflicted towards the subject.
All throughout history women of various religions, cultures and climates have often covered their heads and hair in one way or another. Royals, women and men, wear crowns. Men in various religions and cultures have or are still covering their head at times. Something about covering the head seems to demand (self)respect. I definitely behave and carry myself different when I wear hijab.
I can imagine that it is God's will that we wear hijab just as easily as I can imagine god laughing at us for worrying about something stupid as this.
What I am sure off and am not conflicted about is that no good can come from forcing a woman to dress a certain way because 10 lines in a 1000 page book might me saying that she might be obligated to cover her hair.
The eyes that read the Quran need to decide if they believe or not, if they follow or not and if they understand the same as other eyes or not.