Quote from: Mahdi20 on September 02, 2021, 04:11:23 PM
In the name of the most merciful
Hello, first of all im sorry for my bad grammar, im not a native speaker.
in 2:23-24 and in 10:38 , god challenge mankind to produce a chapter like chapters of quran, if nobody can, then quran is from god, so my question is, what is special about chapter 108 or 110, is that hard to bring a chapter like it? i believe that quran is from god, but im so confused on this, in my opinion even regular people can produce surah like 108 or 110.
Peace... Brother...
Interesting query.... Anyway the question was to the people of Mohamed and to the people who were living while Mohamed was living as a Prophetic Messenger... Otherwise this challenge has huge flaws...
1... Who will scrutinize the chapter be it small or big in case if they produce one...
2... Can any of the learned Arabs or a person who is well versed in Arabic has the authority to judge what they produce..
3... Suppose Mr. A produced a three verses chapter today and presented in this forum, who are we to judge whether this chapter is equal to Quran's any chapter... Challenge could be in any language.. English French Arabic Hindi... But no one has authority..
4... So.. We have to deduce that challenge was those who lived while the Quran Messenger was alive and most probably in Arabic ... Why? Coz mohamed was a messenger who spoke Arabic... Most of all he is the one literally has to challenge in the name of God this challenge...Mohamed cannot challenge on his own if one produced a chapter.. Coz QURAN is not Mohameds verses.. Definitely there would have been far learned people than mohamed during his period.. So how mohamed accept callenge... So all from God alone.. But through messenger.. Further.. God challenged.. The one who challenged cannot be silent... So in case if they produced a chapter... God has to reply pointing out the weakness of human and Jin... So Mohamed is the right person a messenger to deal with it... But it seems it has not worked out... I mean it seems no one has produced a chapter... Coz QURAN is silent on that... Not coz they produced and Allah couldn't respond... But no one could...
For me with logic.. Challenge is over.. Coz Allah won't send a prophet messenger again to debate with those who produce a chapter or 10 chapters... Even they produce it may look pleasant to read.. But how can it be equal to God's chapter... God is the right one to reply.. Coz He was the one challenged.. And why others need to involve in judging what they produce....
So dear brother... It is not about how easy it look to produce.. But challenge is terminated... No one produced and never will produce...
If you have any other way of explanation.. Pls elaborte...
Thank you...
Additional comments..
Now I would like to combine this with Hadith... Mohamed was illiterate as per authentic Hadith... So even they produce how mohamed can read and understand... Okay leave reading part.. Let's hope he listens to the forged chapter, but how will perceive which one is better.. Quran chapter or forged chapter... It is impossible for mohamed to argue with erudite Arabs in Arabic language... Or one would say mohamed would have given the task to any other believing literate group or person... But where is authority...
We all believers know mohamed was literate person according to many a glaring Quranic verses... But still he can't have the authority to judge the forged chapters.. That's clear by these verses that mohamed followed only Quran... Coz nowhere in Quran it is mentioned that they produced a chapter like Quran's... Had they God would have explained it through messenger... But it is missing in Quran.. So. It is further confirm Mohamed didn't receive anything other than Quran as message...