Quote from: Emre_1974tr on September 03, 2021, 12:52:34 PM
The Universe of the Hereafter has already been created in the most beautiful way. It is as old as our universe. The re-creation mentioned in the verses is persons re-creation in this Hereafter Universe. Paradise and hell already exist.
Probably Yes.. God has already created Janna and Jahanna... Even probably the Janna adam and rest lived is the same Janna which is the place of shelter for all believers...
But God didnt create everything in vain... For me.. 400 times bigger sun than earth and 2000 times bigger than sun some stars... It doesn't make sense... And this moving nonsensical approach of science never matches with Quran.. That's different topic.. For example 35:41 "Indeed, Allah holds/prevents the heavens/skies(samawathi) and the Earth, in case they(both) move. And if they(Earth and Heavens) move, no one could hold/prevent them after Him. Indeed, He is Forbearing and Forgiving." .... How come one deny such verses of Quran and go for options of moving universes.. Lol.. Whatever..
Hell... Yeah no one can be in hell that's very obvious within Quran... It all will happen after judgement... But in Janna people do live... That's incontrovertible...
But verses like 21:104 ... It seems God promise to repeat like his first creation.. His first creation was Earth and heavens... Who knows may be He will create another adter everything is settled...
Yeah... Janna it's width is the width of Heavens and Earth... Whatever you understand about it.. I don't know... But God's verses are very literal... In 3:133 .. It says it is prepared (uiddath) .. So perhaps.. It is already there... If God says He has prepared in clear verses then it can be the truth.. I leave it to God to guide me and all...
Seven samawathi can never be 7 universe...

When God said sama He means even the sky which brings water... Sama the birds fly.. Sama.. In the midst sun and moon float.. Sama in which all stars are placed.. Sama where we don't see but malaika live.. All these are not universe...
Width of Janna (Garden) equal to seven universes (according to science) just needless.. And meaningless...
Decorations God says stars... But 2000 times bigger than earth to decorate Earth.. Sheer myth..

May God guide the believers regarding His creations truth.. Especially Earth and heavens (skies)