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Dreadful days are coming

Started by Emre_1974tr, August 14, 2021, 04:51:30 PM

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I am constantly adding the developments in the claims about Marduk as a new entry on the page; It seems that they planned to coincide with the catastrophes of the Nibiru Planetary System convergence, the Coronavirus/vaccines, and perhaps even the 3rd World War:


good logic

I know a worse day for all humans is coming. Actually I am certain about it. Judgement day.
But it should not worry us. What is the worse that can happen to us? We should be expecting it.
Similarly whatever is going to happen in the future should not worry us if we trust in GOD, plan our life on the straight path and carry on doing our best daily.

If we die, and that happens regardless, we should be happy to finally meet our Lord. Without a doubt our journey leads to that important meeting with our Lord.
May our journey end in success GOD willing.
Looking forward to it.
GOD bless you all.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?



If someone has a bad day, it's because they deserve to have a bad day. Nobody cares about goodness as much as God. We are the ones who betray God and goodness. So we deserve to suffer hardship. Or do we prefer for evil to be treated like its good?

Either we want evil to oppress good or bring down good, or we don't. If don't, then we have nothing to worry or grieve about. When we face our difficult day, we will see that it was deserved, and we will be happy to see good (God's victory) prevail. Nobody good wants the antagonist to win in a movie. God is the true protagonist in terms of goodness. Who is allied to him, depends on who sincerely chooses to be. The greater the sincerity to God, the greater the being.

Quran 2:31....if you are sincere

Mark 10:18 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me Good? No one is Good except God alone.

If your standards were absolute/perfect, then only a perfect triangle would qualify as being triangular. An imperfect triangle resembles a perfect triangle (either weakly or strongly).

If your standards were absolute/perfect, then only God (the perfect being) would qualify as being good.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man/adam in Our image/resemblance, after Our likeness...


Peace ,

Thank you for your message nimnimak_11.

I add this, as Bassim Moraly says so well, the Koran is a message for the living in every era and not for the dead. It is important to read it with our
with the eyes of the living today for a better understanding.

The purpose of our life is to be worthy of our mission as vice manager khalifa on earth, to live in harmony with the universal system of Allah as it is exhibited in the universe / the book of the universe / kitab manshoor.

To meditate and  study the reading alquran / kitab mastoor and the creation, the universal system of Allah / kitab manshoor.

do good deeds, purify ourselves of satanic thoughts that arise in our imagination.

30:30 So set your being to the system exclusively / haneefan. It is the inclination that Allah has nurtured the people on. There is no changing in the creation of Allah. Such is the pure system, but most of the people do not know.

May allah increase our science.

Quote from: nimnimak_11 on September 01, 2021, 04:17:01 PM

If someone has a bad day, it's because they deserve to have a bad day. Nobody cares about goodness as much as God. We are the ones who betray God and goodness. So we deserve to suffer hardship. Or do we prefer for evil to be treated like its good?

Either we want evil to oppress good or bring down good, or we don't. If don't, then we have nothing to worry or grieve about. When we face our difficult day, we will see that it was deserved, and we will be happy to see good (God's victory) prevail. Nobody good wants the antagonist to win in a movie. God is the true protagonist in terms of goodness. Who is allied to him, depends on who sincerely chooses to be. The greater the sincerity to God, the greater the being.

Quran 2:31....if you are sincere

Mark 10:18 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me Good? No one is Good except God alone.

If your standards were absolute/perfect, then only a perfect triangle would qualify as being triangular. An imperfect triangle resembles a perfect triangle (either weakly or strongly).

If your standards were absolute/perfect, then only God (the perfect being) would qualify as being good.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man/adam in Our image/resemblance, after Our likeness...


Drop the  pagan hadith books please (Bible and others).


51:22 In the heaven is your provision, and what you are promised. (Paradise and hell are both ready and outside the world, in the sky)

The prophets living in Paradise will be summoned to the court as witnesses on the Day of Judgment

77:11 And when the messengers are gathered.

heaven is not paradise. Heaven =universe
Heavens = universes
The Qur'an offers a multi-universe model.
But it is not infinite.
Seven universes, for example.
Other universes have planets too.
65.12 Allah is the one who created seven Heavens and from Earth like them (of corresponding type); [Allah's] command descends among them so that you may know that Allah is capable of anything and that Allah knows everything.
Example "Floor of Lord" (Indallah) = afterlife universe
Except for the Hereafter universe, all the other universes will end with big crunch.
21:104 On the day when We roll up the heavens like a scroll of books is rolled up. As We initiated the first creation, so shall We return it. It is a promise of Ours that We will do this.
39:67 They have not given God His true worth; and the whole earth is within His fist on the day of resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Be He glorified; He is much too high above what they set up.

Quran: A man came running from the farthest part of the city, saying: "O my people, follow the messengers. Follow those who do not ask you for any wage, and are guided. Why should I not serve the One who initiated me, and to Him is your ultimate return? Shall I take gods besides Him? If the Gracious intends any harm for me, their intercession cannot help me in the least, nor can they save me. Then I would be clearly astray. I have acknowledged your Lord, so listen to me! It was said, "Enter Paradise." He said "Oh, how I wish my people only knew of what my Lord has forgiven me, and made me of the honored ones."We did not send down upon his people after him soldiers from the sky; for there was no need to send them down. For all it took was one scream, whereupon they were stilled. (36:20-29)

19:56 And recall in the Book, Enoch; he was a man of truth, a prophet.
19:57 And We raised him to a high place.

3:55 For God said: "O Jesus, I will terminate your life, and raise you to Me, and cleanse you of those who have rejected, and make those who have followed you above those who have rejected until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, all of you,so I will judge between you in what it was that you disputed."

Prophets and very good peoples in Paradise now. They were created in Paradise (floor of Lord/other universe) without waiting for the Hour.

But, Other people will wait for the Resurrection for re-creation.

The Qur'an says that a group of exception people are already living in Paradise.

And it even tells us that some of them are talking about the world's inhabitants. They say "they(World peoples) will come to us later". However, it is difficult to see them for you because the English translations of the Qur'an do not provide complete sentences.
Likewise, the verses of the Lord's Floor are also mentioned, but you cannot see it again in English translations. Because, unfortunately, those under the influence of traditional interpretation make translations in their own understanding.

Yes, according to the Qur'an there are already people living in Paradise.
And that's where Christians believe that Jesus is in paradise.

In the false Gospels, the event was described incorrectly, so you could not see the painting until today.
Jesus and all other messengers/ prophets live in paradise now.

3:169 Do not count that those who are killed in the sake of God are dead. No, they are alive at their Lord receiving provisions.
3:170 Happy with what God has granted them from His grace, and they rejoice in those who have yet to follow after them. There is no fear upon them nor do they grieve.
5:17 Ingrates indeed are those who have said, "God is the Messiah the son of Mary." Say, "Who has any power against God if He had wanted to destroy the Messiah son of Mary, and his mother, and all who are on earth!" To God is the sovereignty of heavens and earth and all that is in-between; He creates what He pleases. God is capable of all things. (Jesus and his mother living in other universe, Like other prophets...)

84:8 He will then receive an easy reckoning.
84:9 He will return to his family in joy! (The person who is called from Paradise to the day of judgment will return to Paradise again with joy)

53:13 Indeed, he saw him in another descent.
53:14 At the ultimate point.
53:15 Next to the eternal Paradise.
(Even when the prophet Muhammad lived in the world, he was taken to visit the universe of the Hereafter/ Floor of Lord)

56:7 You will be in three groupings.
56:8 So those on the right; who will be from those on the right?
56:9 Those on the left; who will be from those on the left?
56:10 And those foremost, who will be from those foremost?
(8th verse about peple who after the apocalyptic blessing will enter the paradise, 9th verse about who will enter hell, and the 10th verse talking about the already pioneering group living in Paradise. Thus, the three classes mentioned in verse 7 are completed)

19:93 When all there is in the heavens and the earth will but come to the Gracious as servants.

19:56 Recall in the book Enoch; he was truthful, a prophet.
19:57 We raised him to a high place.
(Enoch is living in Paradise now)



good logic


You say, quote:

"...(Paradise and hell are both ready and outside the world, in the sky)"

Where do you get that hell is ready from? Do you have verse/s from Qoran to confirm this?
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Quote from: good logic on September 02, 2021, 07:35:47 AM

You say, quote:

"...(Paradise and hell are both ready and outside the world, in the sky)"

Where do you get that hell is ready from? Do you have verse/s from Qoran to confirm this?
GOD bless you.

Hi my friend,

I am giving a machine translation of my Turkish writing.

Yours sincerely


good logic

Still I do not see a single verse saying that hell is ready now. I see many with hell brought on judgement day.
Who is in hell now then?
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?

good logic

Just to clarify what I said ,here are the verses:
"That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass.
فَيَومَئِذٍ وَقَعَتِ الواقِعَةُ
The heaven will crack, and fall apart.
وَانشَقَّتِ السَّماءُ فَهِىَ يَومَئِذٍ واهِيَةٌ
The angels will be all around, and Your Lord's dominion will then encompass eight (universes).*
وَالمَلَكُ عَلىٰ أَرجائِها وَيَحمِلُ عَرشَ رَبِّكَ فَوقَهُم يَومَئِذٍ ثَمٰنِيَ
"Indeed, when the earth is crushed, utterly crushed.
كَلّا إِذا دُكَّتِ الأَرضُ دَكًّا دَكًّا
And your Lord comes, together with the angels in row after row.
وَجاءَ رَبُّكَ وَالمَلَكُ صَفًّا صَفًّا
On that day, Gehenna will be brought forth. On that day, the human being will remember - but what a remembrance - it will be too late.
وَجِا۟ىءَ يَومَئِذٍ بِجَهَنَّمَ يَومَئِذٍ يَتَذَكَّرُ الإِنسٰنُ وَأَنّىٰ لَهُ الذِّكرىٰ

A new eight universe- Hell- created at the end of this life. i.e not ready now brother!
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?


Nobody needs to be in hell right now. But There are some special people living in Paradise now.

Hell seems to exist as an entity now.

The Lord's Floor (Indallah) Name of the Hereafter Universe.

In the verse you gave, it is told that the resurrected people will encounter hell on the Day of Judgment. It is not told that Hell was created at that time.

51:22 In the heaven is your provision, and what you are promised.

Heaven is universe and it has got hell and paradise.

73:12 We have with Us chains and a raging fire.

And look at my English article:
