Quote from: Sania Haque on December 19, 2020, 04:30:01 AM
Everything just went above my head. At this point you are asking questions that are plainly illogical. A surrogate baby is going to have a biological father and a biological mother so i have no idea how a baby is going to be deprived of parents. As for the surrogate mother, it depends on the contract form between the parents if she wants to be the part of baby's life or not. There are so many parents who let their children know their surrogate mothers ( if the surrogate mother wants it ). You are bringing your own emotions here. I think we should stop this discussion here. And I agree with brother neptin that Quran was revealed in the context of 7th century when the baby automatically carried the genes of the mother who conceived them.
To answer your question,
Isn't Zina forbidden? So basically how can someone has sex with their boyfriend.
Can one have sex with prostitute ? Yes they definitely can. It's their choice to disobey Allah when he has CLEARLY made zina forbidden.
And to answer all your questions, one can do whatever they want. You cannot take away someone's right just because Allah has forbidden something. Allah has given everyone a free will
And for the sins that affects the other party, can someone rape their wife ? They can, but it is punishable both by the religion and law because it's violating someone else.
Can you have sex with animals. Yes, so many People still do it. But is it correct ? Not at all because animals cannot consent, and sex outside of marriage is haram. And to get married you have to have consent of a person. So can you marry an animal ? Unless an animal starts speaking the language of humans and gives consent, the answer is no.
You are under misconception that ancient people have not practiced the traditional surrogacy. I dont know in what world you are living, but people have had and still practice surrogacy in some way. Husbands do get a second wife to conceive a baby. You are acting like surrogate mothers go through some sort of oppression. If a woman decides to become a surrogate she has done it after thinking it through. In case of surrogacy a baby has two mothers. You are acting like a child is being deprived of mother's love, when the truth is he still has a mother.
I am sorry sanya...
I feel like I am addressing someone like.. It is written in the board "ladies only" but he claims it's my seat coz it is not written on the seat.. So it is for males as well.. That's bizzare.. God has written loads of verses, find the best for our concerns... Rather than saying literally not Forbidden or literally not allowed...
Now you have come to the exact point... How contradictory your claims now... Sexual pleasure is what those who do zina get... Unless if you forge a different meaning to zina... So if zina God has forbidden why do you support homosex? What they get by having homosex if not sexual pleasure .. So how can they do homosex without marriage.. Anal sex could be the best possible option for homosexual people(males)...
To get sexual pleasure different rules to different people? How come?
If sex outside marriage is haram as you say, why homosex is fine and strongly support , or do you say God allowed same sex marriage ... Sex outside marriage is not allowed so having sex with animal not allowed but gay and lesbian okay coz they are innocent ... Animal also innocent. Dude..
I am living in the same period same stationary earth that you live.. Lol.. Ancient people did surrogacy or not they knew well..
But my concern is surrogacy within the norms of Quran..
You say proudly ancient people did surrogacy saying he married another woman.. Marrying another is within the possibility of Quran.. So.. It is not surrogacy.. But genuine marriage.. But QURAN has set limits and conditions when one can marry another woman.. Is not having a child a valid reason to marry another woman while having the first wife.. That's another big subject... Divorce is allowed remember..
I don't care what anceint people did or current people do. My concern is, is it permissible within the Quran's norms for a believer to practice such and such acts ...
You are skipping my crucial questions.. Either you are prejudiced with you view it neglecting Quranic verses without comparing to conclude.. Or you are turning this into strawman argument..