Quote from: Sania Haque on December 17, 2020, 06:36:29 AM
I tried to search posts on this topic but I wasn't able to find anything. Sectarians prohibit it for weird reasons which I personally donot find convincing. From the pov of Quran, is it ethically wrong ? To some extent I can see that if it's traditional surrogacy where surrogate is the biological mother of the child and her egg is combined with the intended father's or donor's sperm and the donor and the surrogate are not married but what about gestational surrogacy (aka the Host method) in which the surrogate becomes pregnant via embryo transfer with a child of which she is not the biological mother ?
Hadithians prohibit even the traditional surrogacy if the biological mother is not married to the father and give reasons like it will create a lineage problem. But I donot see how it's going to create any problem. It's the same as adopting and even it is same has a husband having a child from second wife ( this has been practiced since ages ). They say that this is equivalent to zina since the surrogate is using the sperm of a person who is not her husband but how is fusion of two gametes can be equal to zina I donot see their logic here tbh. I didn't know Allah prohibited zina because the couple are producing illegitimate babies. Hearing their argument just killed my brain cells but I would like a Quranic input here.
As for gestational surrogacy they quote the verse in Surah al-Mujadalah (58: 2) where the Quran says:
"...their mothers are only those who conceived them and gave birth to them (waladna hum)."
As i said to some extent i understood that traditional surrogacy could be wrong if the donor is not surrogate's husband but I didn't find anything wrong with gestational surrogacy. But now they quote this verse and I dont know what to think. I dont want to blindly believe them. Is it really true that Quran doesn't consider the egg donor as a biological mom, but a woman who carried the baby despite not sharing any genetic ties with baby ? I do feel that they might have twisted the verse as the whole ayah goes like this
Those of you who ˹sinfully˺ divorce their wives by comparing them to their mothers ˹should know that˺ their wives are in no way their mothers. None can be their mothers except those who gave birth to them. What they say is certainly detestable and false. Yet Allah is truly Ever-Pardoning, All-Forgiving.
But I am not sure. I think I am not being able to get out of my sectarian mindset of trying to find the the haramness/halalness of everything. my rational side says this is utter bs and surrogacy is definitely not forbidden. My brainwashed side says to even confirm whether breathing is haram or not (jk). What's your opinion on this ?
PS bit off topic but how do you delete a post/reply here
Peace everyone..
First of all Sania, let's find out the root cause, WHY a person or persons go for the option of surrogacy OR surrogate mother?
Possible options
1 ... Wedded couple but no child naturally
2... Wedded couple no child coz of some unfortunate reasons/incidents..
3... Anyone who wishes to adopt a child of his own sperm without marriage.. Etc etc..
Also possible option for a woman willingly agrees to be a surrogate mother ..
1... Money for her immediate reasons
2.. Business addicted
3.. Lost her respect/ chastity due to some unfortunate reasons or intentionally..
4.... Never loves to grow children of her own.. Etc etc..
Well note the suffering of Maryam she went through in her society without a father even though it was God's will.. .. So, It clearly indicates no chaste woman will voluntarily accept any such act to bear a child of another and in the end doesn't belong to her legally.. So only a woman who has no self respect to her chastity can contribute to such act... Do you agree as a woman to my statement above? It not explain why..
Let's see what Quran says.. 42:49-50 "..... .... He creates what he wills. He gives to whom He wills female [children], and He gives to whom He wills males. Or He makes them [both] males and females, and He renders whom He wills barren. Indeed, He is Knowing and Competent.
Now God says He Wills He grants... So that's God's will.. So being barren is God's will or having children...
So.. When one is barren and if still they Get child that means it was not the will of God... Baby cannot be a wedded couple's child if surrogate mother gives birth.. Coz genuinely God rendered her barren... Well..well here she has a child and rejoicing while God rendered her barren. Did God grant the couple in fact a child? No... That's totally against ethical way and only through unethical way it can be achieved... Against God's will and grant.. It is like God didn't give one riches but he opted to gain riches in unethical ways and here he has riches.. Does it mean Did God give riches to him? No..
Unethical ways evil ways are always evil.. God doesn't prohibit each and everything in Quran but God never recommend evil ways.. Further God always says to us follow the best in Quran and explore QURAN... So for certain matters of life we have to penetrate with exploration in quran and take the best to follow...
Without an unchaste woman you will never have that baby if your wife is barren... Not only that surrogate mother is unchaste but she has to be heartless to give a baby whome she bore for 9 months to couples every year.. Selling her womb for petty price... Like selling ones own organ for price.. Example kidney ..
If God rendered your wife barren why you reject God's decision? Why not pray for ages for a child .. Losing hope is not the sign of believer...
Further adoption is not at all comparable with this act.. Coz adopted child is not ones biological child at all.. That's very manifest within Quran.. you may know the child's parents or not while adopting.. No harm.. Allowed.. Ethical.. .
Reasons for adoption is pure...
1... From parents who have many children who is finding unable to bring them up... So willingly give for adoption.. Still they are the biological parents..
2...from orphanage
3... From unknown sources... Left on public places.. Etc etc..
These make perfect sense.. Purely ethical and quranically allowed even directly.. Under the conditions no adopted child is biological child of anyone.. Call them by their biological parents name.. Though they live with adopted parents.. So simple..
Your view of husband having second marriage is no way near to the subject surrogacy.. Use your wits pls..
God allows breastfeeding by mothers other than the child/ren...so blood of another goes into another's body.. So donating blood can be much acceptable based on that rendition in quran .. That's my take..
But donating sperm or surrogate mother is not ethical.. But evil... If one donate sperm coz of his donation of sperm many a babies are born but he is unaware.. That's so unethical... Unnecessary reproduction going against nature and agsinst willingness of God.. Everything happens according to the will of God but not with willingness of God..
Satan promised he will corrupt the nature... So it's only that he can corrupt nature if one follows Satan.. ... It clearly shows that such evil act is prompted by Satan making it seem perfectly alright.. Whoever follows Satan he misguides you..