Quote from: Fadiva on August 17, 2020, 07:33:55 AM
Because people get fooled and once realized the lie ( if realized) they feel betrayed and some of them tend to generalize and accuse the whole community or ethnic group in which is the liar.
Not everyone knows how to separate things.
It's a waste of time and energy.
Then for that people who feel betrayed then generalize and accuse the whole community or ethnic group in which is the liar, are entering another lessons. Lesson related to stereotyping and generalization.
QuoteNot something clear to me and not important in my life ( i 'm not looking for them
Well then better not ask the question in the first place..
Because when you ask there will came an answer..
QuoteBiologically ? psychically ? both ? Are we defining us with or feelings or more likely with our sens or both ? We need comparisons ( we tend also to define us comparing ourselves to other animals, or with our beliefs).
Do you exist ?
Depends on what you call "existence" or what you believe about it.
Personally I never asked myself if I exist. I exist,
Well one thing for sure, Jafar and Fadiva doesn't really exist, they're just an avatar on this forum aren't they?
A puppet where somebody else is pulling the string.
And who knows the one who pull the string behind Jafar and Fadiva is actually the same person?
It's like watching a movie, we tend to believe that the protagonist and antagonist really exist, and their conflicts are real.
Only to snap out afterwards in realization that both the protagonist and antagonist is actually the product and controlled by the same author.
And both played key role in the construction of the story.
We tend to identify ourselves with the protagonist and hate the antagonist role, but without the antagonist, there will not be any story.
Should start with the basic then: What is Black Magic?
Should be asked for by the people who give black magic as reason to their "misfortune".
Maybe it's more comfortable to "find" (actually not find just assumed) an external reason to question yourself.
Same as above, then if you don't want to know better not ask the question.
Because when you ask, there will be an answer.
QuoteI said bad because according to my understanding of what is a muslim, a muslim should act like this. I was talking of a particular group of people not the humankind.
What is a muslim?
QuoteIf muslim, no. But it's a human behaviour maybe... 
It's a human behavior, whatever label they named for themselves doesn't matter, I've saw it on nearly all label of humankind.
When they merely 'believe', they will seek confirmation from others.
When they know, they will not need any confirmation from others.
Will you seek a confirmation from others that 1+1=2?
You will be comfortable even if you are the only person who think that 1+1=2, while everybody else think that 1+1=4 and 1+1=6.
Because you know why 1+1 = 2
You might feel 'sad' about others and how they are being deluded on even simple basic math operation.
But you will not seek confirmation from others about 1+1=2 let alone enforce anyone through threat or fear to also believe that 1+1=2
Believe 1+1 = 2 !! Otherwise you will be tortured for all eternity!!!
A coward's way...
And finally turns against them. Thanks God there are people who find easily the lies
A natural way, because that's how ego works, continuously scanning for threat and try to eliminate them.
QuoteDepends on how is the person: weak or coward or strong and patient
It depends on the person's own realization about how his/her own ego works.
But generally speaking; it is easier to find lies from others compared to lies from our own self.
QuoteI disagree. Lies are not teachers but failures can be "teaching".
"Let there be no compulsion in opinion, truth stands out clear from error"-- 2:256
When everything is truth, then how will the truth stands out?
When everything is white, then how will the white stands out?
The opposite is needed to create a contrast, so something (it's opposite) can stand out.
Much thanks to the black, the white stands out in the image below.
Without the black it will be merely all white, and people tend to say that it is 'blank'.
And the more black occupy the canvas, the more stand out the white shall become..