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Is having children encouraged

Started by Amra94, July 05, 2020, 05:29:52 PM

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Would you say it is encouraged to have kids in the Quran? And is it wrong to use contraception just because you dont want kids at a certain point in your life?



While the Quran does address the topic of children and their importance in various contexts, it does not explicitly mandate that every individual must have children. The Quran acknowledges the significance of children in family life and society and encourages the responsibility of parents towards their children. It also mentions the value of orphans and the need for their care and support.

However, the Quran does not impose a strict requirement or obligation on individuals to have children. It recognizes that parenthood is a natural aspect of human life for many people, but it also acknowledges that not everyone may have children or may choose not to have them. The decision to have children or not is considered a personal and individual choice.

However, it seems that marriage is encouraged, and it is within the context of marriage that the topic of having children typically arises. The Quran promotes a balanced and responsible approach to family life, urging individuals to fulfill their roles as parents and guardians with love, compassion, and care, but it does not mandate parenthood as a religious duty for every individual.




Two different questions... But I hope all you want to know whether usage of sheath in marital sex is fine according to principles of Quran...
It's all about sexual urge between husband and wife merely for pleasure. Not at all wrong... Never ever Allah stated.. I think chapter 23 first few verses proves it in my understanding  of Quran...
Let me ask you a logical question...
Why one approaches zina or unmarried person with another woman ?  To have children or sexual indulgence ? Isn't your answer sexual pleasure... So God says those who limit this pleasure only with wife.. but other than this is wrong.. Other than this is not for having children they approach... But for indulgence sexually.. Isn't it? So sex is not designed merely for having children... Allah decides to give children or not..
Or is it forbidden to have sex with one's own wife knowing she is no more having her periods or barren.. So if not for pleasure then what could be their intention of sex?  They don't need sheaths at all.. Do they? Lol..
So sex between husband and wife is not for having children merely but it has pleasure too.. All knows it..
Sex is pure and part and parcel of married couples life as long as they are able and willing .. who in the world can stop the pleasures of what Allah has created.. Can't you control your food habit as you want?  Yes right.. So simple.. So then why sex..

But.. Never do abortion  .. It is killing a life.. Sperm is just nothing... But when it is formed into a life with a soul then no mother no father has any right to destroy it...
So using contraceptive sheath or any other way technology has presented is no harm as long as sex is within the willingness of both husband and wife... How they do or what they do is their personal business.   Even one can ask.. Is it encouraged to have sex while wife is pregnant... Lol.. Or can women remove her womb..  Lol.. Let them do what they want as long as they are okay with it.. Quran's law is manifest and no more law beyond what is said in it directly or indirectly...

Thank you..

good logic

Peace Amra94.
GOD has created us to reproduce, but remains in control of who to put where and when on earth.

He has sent us His laws and instructions that encourage family values ,  fair and just sex rules-marriage- and to follow the straight path.

GOD controls life and death. We can only wish /plan for children. Whether we have them or not is up to GOD.

God knows what every female bears, and what every womb releases, or gains. Everything He does is perfectly measured.
اللَّهُ يَعلَمُ ما تَحمِلُ كُلُّ أُنثىٰ وَما تَغيضُ الأَرحامُ وَما تَزدادُ وَكُلُّ شَىءٍ عِندَهُ بِمِقدارٍ
The Knower of all secrets and declarations; the Supreme, the Most High.
عٰلِمُ الغَيبِ وَالشَّهٰدَةِ الكَبيرُ المُتَعالِ

Obviously there are cycles and limits also for us- like too young and too old- regardless of our choices,
GOD bless you.
38:65″ Say:? I warn you; There is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.?