Quote from: shukri on March 09, 2020, 09:37:11 PM
1) http://www.universalunity.org/2.html
2) https://sites.google.com/site/evidenceofgod/golden-ratio-19
3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8xoIXNol18
1) numerology 5% multiples hide 18/19 or 95% not
this can be done with most any text e.g. verses ...
• 91289129 = 19 x 4804691
• 9 + 128 + 129 = 266 (14 x 19)
• total letters 60 + 54 = 114 (6 x 19)
• 19th word is الله
• 76th letter (76 = 19 x 4) is alif in الله
• # of letters from beginning of verse to including الله equals 19
• 9:129 فان so if تولوا turn they of فقل so say حسبى suffices me الله
• 19th word الله to end of chapter 9 is multiple
130305 301 1305 1301 56 7030105 40062030400 656 2002 13070200300 130709001040 = 19 x ...
• 19th word الله followed by word # to end of chapter 9 is multiple
130305 19 301 20 1305 21 1301 22 56 23 7030105 24 40062030400 25 656 26 2002 27 13070200300 28 130709001040 29 = 19 x...
• initials in oldest dated manuscripts not counted as separate verses
University of Birmingham: Islamic Arabic 1572 dated 568-645 CE (95.4%)
https://corpuscoranicum.de/handschriften/index/sure/20/vers/3/handschrift/28120:1 طه ta ha (together with next verse)
20:2 ما not انزلنا descends we of علىك upon you القران the recitation لتشقى to thou agonize2) property of certain prime numbers: 7, 11, 19, 29, etc.
3) erroneous translation, language comprehension (e.g. Qur'an is masculine), not reading in context.
verses nothing to do with today's nineteen numerology and refers to doubters questioning revelation.
66:6 ىاىها O you الذىن the ones امنوا believes ye of قوا protect ye of انفسكم souls yours واهلىكم and family yours نارا fire of وقودها and fuel its الناس the people والحجره and the stone علىها over her/it ملىكه controllers غلاظ stern شدد severe لا not ىعصون disobeying الله the god ما what امرهم directive theirs وىفعلون and fulfilling ما what ىومرون commanded being
74:27 وما and what ادرك makes know you ما what سقر abyss?
74:28 لا not تبقى lets remain ولا and not تذر leave
74:29 لوحه scorching للبشر to the mortal
74:30 علىها over her/it تسعه nonet عشر ten (group of nineteen masculine entities/controllers)
74:31 وما and not جعلنا made we of اصحب companions النار the fire الا except ملىكه controllers وما and not جعلنا made we of عدتهم count theirs الا except فتنه trial للذىن for the ones كفروا reject they of لىستىقن surely convinced الذىن the ones اوتوا given they of الكتب the book وىزدد and increased الذىن the ones امنوا believes they of اىمنا faith of ولا and not ىرتب doubted الذىن the ones اوتوا given they of الكتب the book والمومنون and those believing ولىقول and surely speaketh الذىن the ones فى in قلوبهم hearts theirs مرض illness والكفرون and the rejecting ماذا what hath اراد intends الله the god بهذا in this مثلا similitude of? (i.e. asking why 19 controllers/guards over abyss?) كذلك like such ىضل misguided الله the god من whom ىشا willed وىهدى and guided من whom ىشا willed وما and not ىعلم knoweth جنود soldiers ربك lord your (# of controllers/guards over abyss) الا except هو he وما and not هى it is الا except ذكرى reminder للبشر to the mortal peace!