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Refute Scientific error

Started by Someone12, October 05, 2019, 12:49:29 AM

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Can someone here pls help me refute the claims made by this video most of his claims to me are like he is forcing his own meaning into verses but anyway this seem like the compilation  almost all the supposed scientific error in the Quran that the nonbelievers could come with, if we can refute this one then we would know for sure that the Quran has no scientific errors peace


You might want to use the forum search function. I'd be surprised if the issues raised have not been discussed before.

List (taken from video):
02:04 60. Stars are an adornment
02:45 59. Stars are missiles
03:48 58. Stars are near
04:48 57. Stars will fall down
06:14 56. Seven heavens
06:14 55. Seven earths
07:24 54. Allah brings the sun from the East
08:08 53. The Sun orbits the Earth
09:03 52. The Moon follows the Sun
09:32 51. Sun and Moon can't overtake each other
10:15 50. Sun and Moon will join
10:54 49. The Moon will darken
11:42 48. The Moon is a light
12:11 47. The Moon was split in two
13:11 46. Night rapidly chases the day
13:40 45. Night and day enter each other
14:15 44. The Night is a veil
15:36 43. Day, night, Sun, and Moon
16:37 42. The rising place of the Sun
17:09 41. The resting place of the Sun
18:59 40. The Sun sinks in a muddy spring
20:51 39. The Sun indicates shadows
22:02 38. No Southpole and Northpole
22:54 37. The sky has no rifts
23:46 36. The sky is a ceiling
24:17 35. The sky should have pillars
25:22 34. The sky would be stripped away
25:35 33. The sky could fall apart
26:00 32. The sky can be folded up
26:18 31. Sky and Earth were joined
27:22 30. Earth created before skies
28:23 29. The sky was smoke
29:02 28. Mountains placed into the Earth
29:53 27. Mountains prevent earthquakes
30:38 26. Mountains will be removed
31:07 25. You can't pass the skies
31:56 24. Altitude narrows chests
32:22 23. Allah drives clouds
33:07 22. Allah sends winds
33:50 21. Winds bring good tiding
34:32 20. Allah sends rain from the sky
36:01 19. Rainwater is pure water
36:38 18. Mountains of hail
37:06 17. Allah sends thunderbolts
37:56 16. Allah holds birds up
38:36 15. Allah steers ships
39:18 14. Barrier between seas
41:02 13. All life is in communities
42:03 12. Everything is in mates
42:46 11. Plants in pairs
42:46 10. Fruits in pairs
43:45 9. Milk form livestock is pure and agreeable
44:44 8. Milk between filth and blood
45:21 7. Sperm comes from backbone and ribs
46:35 6. Sperm = Human
47:36 5. Sex is determined later
49:16 4. Sperm becomes blood
49:56 3. Flesh forms after bones
50:50 2. 8 types of livestock
51:36 1. The Earth is flat (and the Whale)

All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek knowledge and verify: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11. [url=""]My articles[/url]



Not all of then have been given satisfactory answers, some have been discussed years ago and with new scientific advancement now we can better understand and answer it, like the one talking about mountains stabilizing the earth, and some have not been discussed here at all, that is why I made this post so that they can be addressed in the same place once and for all


i think (55 seven earths) topic is hardly discussed in recent past..

planets or the layers inside the earth ? or  CONTINENTS ..


Perhaps you can help us out and highlight the ones that have not been covered before.
All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek knowledge and verify: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11. [url=""]My articles[/url]




peace someone12, all,

From my experience the people who claim various errors in Quran are usually poorly informed (e.g. inaccurate translation and/or Hadith-based translation) or biased (e.g. cherry-pick to present a certain slant to make it look like there is a problem). I had a debate one time with ex-Muslims about this, I'll see if I can find it later.

Quote from: Someone12 on October 10, 2019, 01:18:37 AM
No.60 to 57 for starters

60) his argument is Quran does not go into the detail or accuracy he would like. He points out no error/contradiction whatsoever.

59) quote from Asad's translation of 67:5: "As regards the term rajm (pl. rujum), which literally denotes the "throwing [of something] like a stone" - i.e., at random - it is often used metaphorically in the sense of "speaking conjecturally" or "making [something] the object of guesswork" (Jawhari, Raghib - the latter connecting this metaphor explicitly with the above verse -, Lisan al-'Arab, Qamus, Taj al-'Arus, etc.). Cf. also 37:6."
Having said that, the other cited verses can have wide interpretation. I haven't looked into it personally, but Asad's interpretation seems a possibility.

58) goes by Hadith-based interpretation and cites no explicit Quran error/contradiction

57) again, goes by Hadith-based interpretation and/or Traditional tafsirs/explanations by choosing the meaning of "fall" when the root can mean otherwise:
From project root list:
Kaf-Dal-Ra = To be muddy, be obscure, lose light, fall.

inkadara vb. (7) perf. act. 81:2

LL, V7, p: 124, 125  ##


Remember, this guy claims to have only selected the strong/clear examples. No diligent student of Quran could ever consider the above examples as strong/clear. Sure for Traditional Muslims it may be a problem, but not Quran based muslims.
All information in my posts is correct to the best of my knowledge only and thus should not be taken as a fact. One should seek knowledge and verify: 17:36, 20:114, 35:28, 49:6, 58:11. [url=""]My articles[/url]



WAKAS whats the justification of 7 EARTHS ?


The 7 earth one can be many thing
A. Just like the 7 heavens are in layers the earth is also in layers

B. There are 7 planets like earth in the heavens or

C.since ard literally means land then maybe it means the are 7 lands or continents


Quote from: Someone12 on October 10, 2019, 05:43:24 AM
The 7 earth one can be many thing
A. Just like the 7 heavens are in layers the earth is also in layers

B. There are 7 planets like earth in the heavens or

C.since ard literally means land then maybe it means the are 7 lands or continents

A its not proveable one have to dig a hole till the end. although only 3 (crust, mantle and core) are well-known as yet.
B there are billions of planets in billions of galaxies in heavens
C continets desinged by people .. and also how to design the continents ?

Asia,Africa and Europe shared one big  land mass...
South and North America also shared one big land mass..
Australia , Greenland, Antartica shared the land on their own..

moreover new possible continent  Zealandia currently New zealand got lot of its land underwater what make geologists think its another continent.

where and how do we adjust 7 ? at its accurate.