peace someone12, all,
From my experience the people who claim various errors in Quran are usually poorly informed (e.g. inaccurate translation and/or Hadith-based translation) or biased (e.g. cherry-pick to present a certain slant to make it look like there is a problem). I had a debate one time with ex-Muslims about this, I'll see if I can find it later.
Quote from: Someone12 on October 10, 2019, 01:18:37 AM
No.60 to 57 for starters
60) his argument is Quran does not go into the detail or accuracy he would like. He points out no error/contradiction whatsoever.
59) quote from Asad's translation of 67:5: "As regards the term rajm (pl. rujum), which literally denotes the "throwing [of something] like a stone" - i.e., at random - it is often used metaphorically in the sense of "speaking conjecturally" or "making [something] the object of guesswork" (Jawhari, Raghib - the latter connecting this metaphor explicitly with the above verse -, Lisan al-'Arab, Qamus, Taj al-'Arus, etc.). Cf. also 37:6."
Having said that, the other cited verses can have wide interpretation. I haven't looked into it personally, but Asad's interpretation seems a possibility.
58) goes by Hadith-based interpretation and cites no explicit Quran error/contradiction
57) again, goes by Hadith-based interpretation and/or Traditional tafsirs/explanations by choosing the meaning of "fall" when the root can mean otherwise:
From project root list:
Kaf-Dal-Ra = To be muddy, be obscure, lose light, fall.
inkadara vb. (7) perf. act. 81:2
LL, V7, p: 124, 125 ##
Remember, this guy claims to have only selected the strong/clear examples. No diligent student of Quran could ever consider the above examples as strong/clear. Sure for Traditional Muslims it may be a problem, but not Quran based muslims.