There is a statement he made about 66:3 in his video on the timestamp 25:28 to support his position, now i don't know if he checked the previous verses about what the Messenger was talking about in 66:3 is the verses before:
66:1 ياايها النبى لم تحرم ما احل الله لك تبتغى مرضات ازواجك والله غفور رحيم
Ya ayyuha alnnabiyyulima tuharrimu ma ahalla Allahu lakatabtaghee mardata azwajika waAllahughafoorun raheemun
O prophet, why do you make unlawful what God has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.
66:2 قد فرض الله لكم تحلة ايمانكم والله مولىاكم وهو العليم الحكيم
Qad farada Allahu lakum tahillataaymanikum waAllahu mawlakum wahuwaalAAaleemu alhakeemu
God has already given the law, regarding the cancellation of oaths. And God is your Lord, and He is the Knowledgeable, the Wise.
Now keep this in mind, when the word hadith is mentioned, it is very important the context surrounding the verses that does involve the word hadith like in 45:6 or 39:23.
Now what is the cancellation of oaths? Check for example in 5:87-89.
Also i noticed when he speaks about wahy in his whiteboard about his premise of Qur'an Only on the right, the thing is though that the word wahy is not mentioned in 2:143.
Here is a comment by a brother in a another FB group in We are Quran Alone:
You said the first verse (2:143) mentions specifically that the messenger was on a previous qiblah
Then you read out 2:144 and said "indeed we see the turning of the face, so we shall surely make...."
Actually akhi ALL translations of 2:144 mention he was turning to the heavens and not just turning. Which translation are you using that has omitted the heavens?
So if in 2:143 he had his own qiblah, why in 2:144 does it say he was turning to the heavens?
Also akhi at the time of Musa (10.87) each person in their own home had their own Qibla of direction
Does this mean they all received their own Wahi?
We also have been shown there were multiple Qiblahs of prayer as stated in the ayat after, 2:145. In fact 2:142 says
That the fools ask why they are turning away from the qiblah that they had and the response is East, West belongs to Allah
So akhi my point is this.
If the prophet did have a qiblah before and you consider this to be a separate wahi he received, then why are the fools questioning his turning away from it and why is he turning to the heavens instead of a focal point?
Any thoughts on the video?