This is my story from the holidays I take with the Tuaregs on the border of Algeria and Mali..
I like to spend time (two weeks, sometimes more) with these wonderful people, and I am now accustomed to their dress code.Both men and women wear some kind of hijab.This has nothing to do with religion, it is to do with the harsh climate especially the sand storms.
This is to protect all the body and especially the face .
I feel comfortable in a robe(men s )and a turban with a face cover where only the eyes are uncovered, sometimes even the eyes are covered with a see thriugh cloth face cover ( part of the hijab/turban).
Their story is the same story of hundreds of generations experience before them of the Sahara climate and its survival.
The hijab compliments the way of life over there and is necessary regardless of the religion or its requirements.
Obviously, Qoran "modest dress" requirement is open to interpretations and traditions.
I do not think the hijab is necessary in some parts of the world where the dress code is different . GOD wants us to be "modest" not uncomfortable or odd. Also is it necessary?
Obviously, it is also a choice for most individuals. Those that are forced, the simple fact for them is they are controlled and oppressed in most cases also.
In a way it is wrong to take GOD s freedom of choice from individuals if they do not affect others and they are not corrupt or bad.
GOD bless you all.