MAIN ISSUE: How can our thoughts and actions become truly free?As for those who are kafir (unnaturalist), it makes no difference to them whether you warn them or do not warn them (on the natural or ecological order), they will not have iman (in Nature, Natural Order, Sunnatullah ALONE / Pure Natural Believers). (Quran 2:6)
Validity (Law of Nature, Sunnatullah - MATH) | + Truth (Natural Person - E) | = Soundness (Natural Law - ISM) | (Islam = make peace with Nature/Natural Order) |
Nature | + Nature | = Nature | Natural Person/Pure Natural Believer |
Nature | + Unnature | = Unnature | Animalistic Person |
Unnature | + Nature | = Unnature | Animalistic Person |
Unnature | + Unnature | = Unnature | Animalistic Person |
marriage equal to zinaNatural Person vs.
Animalistic PersonWe sent them the flood, and the locust, and the lice, and the frogs, and the blood; all detailed signs; but they turned arrogant, they were a criminal people (animalistic person). (7:133)
?A man is but a product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.? – Gandhi
(pig is, as pig does)
Those who are kafir (unnaturalist / animalistic person) have their enjoyment, eating as cattle eat, but the Fire will be their final residence. (Quran 47:12)
Human ShaytanShaytans from both mankind and from the jinn, who inspire (schism) each other with delusions (unnature) by means of specious words (fallacious argument) — if your LordLaw (of Nature) had willed, they would not have done it, so abandon them and all they fabricate (forced justice, political jurisprudence). (6:112)
They belong neither to you nor to them. (58:14) It is they who are Shaytan's army. (58:19)
Human IbleesIblees. He was of the jinn and departed from the command of his LordLaw (of Nature). Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than Me/Sunnatullah while they are enemies to you? (18:50)
Every one of Iblis"s regiments: arguing in it with one another, they will say, "By Allah/Sunnatullah/LordLaw of Nature, we were plainly misguided when We equated you with the LordLaw of all the worlds/NATURE. (26:95-98)
Which of you is mad? (68:6)
- delusional. characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
- Insanity. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy (unnature) from reality (nature).
Those who have iman and do natural actions [ie. Human Being], how few they are! (38:24)
IF Allah guides someone (Sunnatullah // nature // natural person // natural justice // ecological jurisprudence)
[THEN] He cannot be misguided (Taghut // unnature // animalistic person // forced justice // political jurisprudence).
Allah is mocking them. (2:15)
On that Day, We shall ask Hell, Are you now full? Hell will answer, Are there any more? (50:30)