peace jkhan,
If God has not forbidden any food, what do these verses mean?
" from what God has provided for you, lawful and good /halalan tayyiban (16:114, & 5:88, 8:69, 2:168)
22:36 prescribes fadhkurusmallahi 3laiha before/during slaughter (when they lined up), and this phrase is specifically used when referring to animals as food (including birds), not any other food, also, it's not exclusive to hajj (6:138, 5:4). The timing of this obligation/remembrance, however, is not explicitly mentioned in these two verses, allowing for individual interpretation.
And Quran says "The ones who listen to what is being said, and then follow the best of it. These are the ones whom God has guided,..." (39:18)
And then we have
6:121 "And do not eat from what God's name/attribute/ism has not been remembered/mentioned on it, and that it truly is fisq..."
fisq is distinct from rijs/filth/impure (6:145, 5:3 etc.)
For concerns about animal welfare and ethical conduct, there are numerous verses that we can relate to,
Who created the death/lifelessness and the life to test you which of you is better in deeds (67:2) race/surpass each other in doing good deeds (2:148, 5:48)
..So whoever is expecting his Lord's meeting, so he makes/does righteous deeds (18:110)
And there is not a creature on the earth, nor a bird that flies with its wings, except they belong to nations like you belong. We did not leave anything out of the record; then to their Lord they will be gathered. (6:38) that We manipulated/subjugated it for you, so that you may be grateful (22:36)