I haven't yet felt like watching it... maybe some other time.
But the over-sexualisation in society is evident to me anyway.
For example, virtually all music is about sex, at least the main stream music.
It is actually exactly like drug abuse, but even more tricky.
It's like drugs because is causes physical pleasure.
Physical pleasure always turns into mental pleasure (because they are two sides of the same coin).
Mental pleasure can easily turn into habits and then addiction.
The tricky thing is that sex is a natural biological drive which is something good. So, cocaine is not something natural, normal and good, but sex is. Because it is natural and good, it is harder to see when it is going too far.
But sex is just one aspect of human life which can go wrong. It seems the human being can make just about any aspect go wrong. In some cultures where sex is taboo and repressed, violence is often glorified and takes the role of the perversion of the society. Small children running around with toys looking like real weapons pretending to kill each other. Innocent? Well, there are degrees to everything.
In some places sex is perverted, in others violence is perverted. They are all basic human emotions or drives.
One society looks down upon the sexual one and its vulgarity and perversion, whil the other society looks down upon the violent one and its vulgarity and perversion. Just different aspects of the same set of human weaknesses. Holier-than-you is a stupid way to go.
The whole point is that we are very un-spiritual. We are very carnal... indulging in sex and violence... and other stuff like greed, pride and arrogance. We are slaves to our basic, carnal emotions and drives... the beast. We are so close to the beast, and so far from the spirit.
As individual pieces of life (yet parts of a whole), spirits, we have been injected into this physical realm for some time. Spirit is impregnated into the dust and clay, and after a few years, we, the spirit, are released and the dust and clay is returned to this planets physical realm. But while in this robe of clay, we turn blind to our spiritual identity, and instead start identifying with our highly temporary vehicle of this body and Earth. We identify with our body, gender, race, looks, and even the mental constructions like ethnicity, religion, creed, ideology, memories, experiences. Yes, all these make us unique, but this is still not the real us. We are pieces of life, deep inside a marvelous physical-mental matrix of clay and dust. But regardless of how fantastic this physical realm is, there is more to it, but we miss it because we don't know how to sense it. This is the challenge of life, to stop being a blind slave to it in terms of real awareness.
I think it is equally crucial not to seriously associate anything with ourselves, just like we are told not to associate anything with God... and for pretty much the same reason.