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Jesus was not crucified, he said "I will not die but live"

Started by Quranic Warners, May 07, 2018, 07:04:39 PM

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Peace everyone...

I feel something seriously wrong...  Something that's astounding...
Have you guys read this before...
Let us die with guidance



Do you have anything to say about this Big boy John?
Let us die with guidance



PART 3 of 90 Verses says: Jesus is not God

1.   I'd like to add a comment to my previous post. The idiot/liar who composed the site I am addressing "asked" 'What about the salvation of people before Jesus?'. In several places in the Bible, God, the true God (in opposition to the Islamic demon that masquerades as the genuine), is ontologically defined as love. Nowhere in the Koran is God defined in such a manner. Given Jesus being the exact image of God, I am perfectly assured that God is far more loving than we can ever imagine. However, that can't be said regarding the dark and immoral god of the Koran, the demon Muslims worship. This god goes out of his way to deceive and torture people, and, apparently, enjoys it. Half the Koran is a litany of what tortures the rejected will suffer for rejecting your false prophet Muhammad.

The more relevant question is this: In rejecting Jesus while you are alive today, as you Muslims have done and refuse to repent of this sin, what will your excuse be to Jesus after you die?

2.   "Christians claim that in the birth of Jesus, there occurred the miracle of the incarnation of God in the form of a human being. To say that God became truly a human being invites a number of questions. Let us ask the following about the man-God Jesus. What happened to his foreskin after his circumcision (Luke 2:21)?" Did it ascend to heaven, or did it decompose as with any human piece of flesh? During his lifetime what happened to his hair, nails, and blood shed from wounds? Did the cells of his body die as in ordinary human beings? If his body did not function in a truly human way, he could not be truly human as well as truly God. Yet, if his body functioned exactly in a human way, this would nullify any claim to divinity. It would be impossible for any part of God, even if incarnate, to decompose in any way and still be considered God."

My response: Again, the deplorable ignorance of some fairly basic Christian theology is on open display here. If only this anti-Christian had read the Bible and/or asked knowledgeable Christians about the subject he would not have made such an embarrassing spectacle of himself.

John's Gospel tells us that "At the beginning God expressed himself. That personal expression, that word, was with God, and was God, and he existed with God from the beginning. All creation took place through him, and none took place without him. In him appeared life and this life was the light of mankind. The light still shines in the darkness and the darkness has never put it out...He came into the world—the world he had created—and the world failed to recognise him...So the word of God became a human being and lived among us. We saw his splendour". (John 1)

Christians have always held that God became Man, the perfect Man. This Man did not lose his divinity. This can be easily understood by his innumerable claims to being God, contrary to the uninformed, biased thought bubbles of Muslims. Jesus claimed that he was the final judge of men, was due the same honour as God the Father, had the power and authority to raise the dead, was the source of all life, that his name was YHWH, that the Father and he did not differ in deed or thought, was the exact image of God, was Lord of the Sabbath, had power over all of nature, that only through him and no other human was salvation possible, that all Old Testament prophecy was about him, that he was eternal and had never begun to exist, was sinless and thus perfect, and was fully God.

But, he also claimed to be fully man. He ate, slept, became tired, drank alcohol, walked, all men do. The key is, the very point that Muslims refuse to understand, is that God took on flesh, was clothed in a physical body.

Now of course, Muslims will obviously object, but then Muslims are putting their own limits on God, telling God what he can or cannot do. How blasphemous.

Muslims a priori reject Jesus being God. They have a preconceive that He cannot be God irrespective of anything Jesus himself has claimed and demonstrated. The question that no Muslim honestly considers is this: A person who claims that he is the final judge of men, is due the same honour as God the Father, has the power and authority to raise the dead, is the source of all life, that his name is YHWH, that the Father and he do not differ in deed or thought, is the exact image of God, is Lord of the Sabbath, has power over all of nature, that only through him and no other being is salvation possible, that all Old Testament prophecy is about him, that he is eternal and has never begun to exist, is sinless and thus perfect, and said that "if you have seen me, you've seen the Father", CANNOT be just human.

Jesus demands you take him on his own claims and merits, not the unwarranted terms someone ascribes to him. Any fool can invent an equally foolish story from their own craven imagination about Jesus, but it takes a really honest and brave man to take Jesus as he has himself revealed about himself. Jesus can't be dismissed with hand waving and certainly not explained away by citing a book written 600 years after the events.

If you really think foreskins, nails, hair and the like somehow finish off Christianity then you really are a deluded churl.

3.   The everlasting, one God, in whole or in part, does not die, disintegrate, or decompose: 'For I the Lord do not change.' (Malachi 3:6)

My response: Here's more evidence that the site's owner is either very stupid, ignorant or an outright liar. Again, he's ripped the verse from its context and only the most ignoble and obtuse would allow a verse lifted from its surrounds to be regarded as a sound argument.

What's ironic here is that this chapter declares the Messiah to be God. In the opening stanza God declares through the prophet Malachi that the messenger (that is, John the Baptist) "will prepare the way before me, and the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple, the Messenger of the covenant." God never returned to the Temple after its first destruction several centuries before Jesus; but Jesus did come to the Temple and in Malachi, God, "me" and the "Messenger of the Covenant" are all the same Being.

As for the 6th verse, the idiot who quoted Malachi has completely misunderstood or misrepresented the passage, something to be expected if you separate a verse from its surroundings. Here's what Malachi was saying. The Jews has rejected God, had taken up pagan and occult practices (v. 5), but because the LORD had made a promise to Jacob (v.6), and thus to Abraham and Isaac, he would not relent on that agreement and was imploring the Jews to return to him (v. 7). The bowdlerised verse the idiot relied on actually claims that God will not destroy Israel, will stick to his promise and thus will not change.

Go and read the passage for yourself and you'll see that the guy is either seriously intellectually challenged or stealing and distorting God's words.

4.   "Did Jesus' flesh dwell in safety after his death?"

My response: Again, if this moron had actually read the Bible he'd know the answer, but it's clear he wants to deceive Muslims.

Jesus said this: "I am the good shepherd, and I know those that are mine and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I am giving my life for the sake of the sheep. And I have other sheep who do not belong to this fold. I must lead these also, and they will hear my voice. So there will be one flock and one shepherd. This is the reason why the Father loves me—that I lay down my life, and I lay it down to take it up again! No one is taking it from me, but I lay it down of my own free will. I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it up again." (John 10)

Three days after his crucifixion, the tomb where he was laid was opened and there was no body. But let's backtrack a few hours: "When the Sabbath was over, just as the first day of the week was dawning Mary from Magdala and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. At that moment there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven, went forward and rolled back the stone and took his seat upon it. His appearance was dazzling like lightning and his clothes were white as snow. The guards shook with terror at the sight of him and collapsed like dead men. But the angel spoke to the women, "Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here—he is risen, just as he said he would. Come and look at the place where he was lying. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead. And, listen, he goes before you into Galilee! You will see him there! Now I have told you my message." (Matthew 28)

John, a witness to this most extraordinary event (ok, just maybe the creation of the universe from nothing might edge the resurrection out!), recorded the following: "But on the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala arrived at the tomb, very early in the morning, while it was still dark, and noticed that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. At this she ran, found Simon Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we don't know where they have put him." Peter and the other disciple set off at once for the tomb, the two of them running together. The other disciple ran faster than Peter and was the first to arrive at the tomb. He stooped and looked inside and noticed the linen cloths lying there but did not go in himself. Hard on his heels came Simon Peter and went straight into the tomb. He noticed that the linen cloths were lying there, and that the handkerchief, which had been round Jesus's head, was not lying with the linen cloths but was rolled up by itself, a little way apart. Then the other disciple, who was the first to arrive at the tomb, came inside as well, saw what had happened and believed. (They did not yet understand the scripture which said that he must rise from the dead.) So the disciples went back again to their homes." (John 20)

So what happened a few days later? Hold onto your seats, ladies, and read and learn: "In the evening of that first day of the week, the disciples had met together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood right in the middle of them and said, "Peace be with you!" Then he showed them his hands and his side, and when they saw the Lord the disciples were overjoyed. Jesus said to them again, "Yes, peace be with you! Just as the Father sent me, so I am now going to send you."

And then he breathed upon them and said, "Receive holy spirit. If you forgive any men's sins, they are forgiven, and if you hold them unforgiven, they are unforgiven."

But one of the twelve, Thomas (called the Twin), was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples kept on telling him, "We have seen the Lord", but he replied, "Unless I see in his own hands the mark of the nails, and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe!"

Just over a week later, the disciples were indoors again and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood in the middle of them and said, "Peace be with you!"

Then he said to Thomas, "Put your fingers here—look, here are my hands. Take my hand and put it in my side. You must not doubt, but believe."

And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" [The Greek is even clearer, which literally translated says that 'To Jesus, Thomas says, The Lord of me and THE GOD of me.

"Is it because you have seen me that you believe?" Jesus said to him. "Happy are those who have never seen me and yet have believed!" (John 20)

Jesus, as he said he would, resurrected fully in the flesh because "I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it up again."


Muslims deny and scoff at that historical fact and so is DEMONIC. John, Jesus' most loved disciple, addresses this rejection very succinctly: "Don't trust every spirit, dear friends of mine, but test them to discover whether they come from God or not. For the world is full of false prophets. You can test them in this simple way: every spirit that acknowledges the fact that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, comes from God, but the spirit which denies Jesus has come in the flesh does not come from God. The latter comes from the anti-christ, which you were warned would come and which is already in the world." (1 John 4)

Islam denies Jesus was crucified and physically rose from the dead. It, therefore, is not a religion from the true God, the God of the Bible. It's from that other fellow.


Quote from: John on October 12, 2021, 05:01:48 PM
I am perfectly assured that God is far more loving than we can ever imagine. However, that can't be said regarding the dark and immoral god of the Koran, the demon Muslims worship.

I am astonished to hear what you say...
QURAN commences with the mercy of God... He is full of mercy... But you failed to grasp the mercy and love of God..

We have no separate God.. We have the same God of Adam Nuh Ibrahim Musa Isa and all prophets.. If our God is the God of Musa then why you talk agaisnt the God Musa... Do we ever claim our God is different to all the monotheist who lived before Jesus.. More than 120 place name of Musa mentioned in Quran...  If the Gof of Musa and God of Mohamed is different then why Musa is in Quran... If Quran says God spoke to Musa then if that is the same God who revealed the Quran then why you are arrogant out of context..
If you claim what you stated above,  then you are clearly againat all the prophets who came before Jesus... Coz our God is one and He is the God for everyone..
By rejecting the true God, you factually reject the God of Ibrahim, God of Musa God of Nuh.. You reject the creator of Adam.. Do we have any other God other than what Ibrahim worshipped...

What is this guy on earth.....  Don't you understand the simplest of simple logic... Or are you gone mad... Better take your meds..
Let us die with guidance



Quote from: jkhan on October 12, 2021, 03:20:02 AM
How can you have muslim friends while you hate Islam?
I have christian or catholic, budhist, Hindu even Jew Friends mainly in office..  I never hate their religion.. But we always debate while having lunch or tea time or even while travelling.. You can't call one as friend while you mock coupled with hatred in their religion..
There is no reason to hate anybody's  religion.. Coz our friends are not responsible for their religion they are born with it opted... Coz that is their personal choice..

If you deny the deity, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, BY DEFINITION, you hate Christianity.

My parents were committed Communists. By your (illogical) reasoning, because I hate Communism I then must hate my parents (which I obviously don't).

This accusation of irrational conclusion could just as easily be lodged against any number of ideologies, including atheists, evolutionists, reality TV junkies...

In any case, your hypocrisy comes to the fore given that the Koran calls for the execution of polytheists, Christians, Jews, atheists, deniers of Muhammad's prophethood...

jkhan, you've proved to be intellectually dishonest so I don't expect a rebuttal to my demonstration that your argument is not valid. Face it, you have committed yet another logical fallacy.


Quote from: John on October 12, 2021, 11:39:08 PM
If you deny the deity, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, BY DEFINITION, you hate Christianity.

My parents were committed Communists. By your (illogical) reasoning, because I hate Communism I then must hate my parents (which I obviously don't).

This accusation of irrational conclusion could just as easily be lodged against any number of ideologies, including atheists, evolutionists, reality TV junkies...

In any case, your hypocrisy comes to the fore given that the Koran calls for the execution of polytheists, Christians, Jews, atheists, deniers of Muhammad's prophethood...

jkhan, you've proved to be intellectually dishonest so I don't expect a rebuttal to my demonstration that your argument is not valid. Face it, you have committed yet another logical fallacy.

Reply to the first para..

It is not we deny your book.. On the contrary we accept our book.. So simple... Be intellectually sound..

Reply to your other concerns..

If your parents committed communists, and still you love them.. Perfectly fine.. But why you hate communism...  Why one should put hatred into his head in the first place.. What's wrong with this guy...  Hatred in everything... If you not accept, just leave the dogma of communism.. Why hate.. You know the outcome of hatred.. You can't be peaceful with hatred..

Further, friend is not equal to parents... That too a muslim friend.. Coz if your friend is in fact a muslim,  he has his set of beliefs.. He will not allow anyone to touch his basics... If you openly say what you said out here to your friends then,  I don't think they will be your friends with heart anymore.. Unless they have some benefits in you.. That's hypocrocy...

Don't try to be too smart in old age.. We have learned many things within short period of time for which it took 70 years for you...  :rotfl:  ..modern generation..  :rotfl:
Let us die with guidance



Quote from: jkhan on October 12, 2021, 11:50:30 PM
Reply to the first para..

It is not we deny your book.. On the contrary we accept our book.. So simple... Be intellectually sound..

Reply to your other concerns..

If your parents committed communists, and still you love them.. Perfectly fine.. But why you hate communism...  Why one should put hatred into his head in the first place.. What's wrong with this guy...  Hatred in everything... If you not accept, just leave the dogma of communism.. Why hate.. You know the outcome of hatred.. You can't be peaceful with hatred..

Further, friend is not equal to parents... That too a muslim friend.. Coz if your friend is in fact a muslim,  he has his set of beliefs.. He will not allow anyone to touch his basics... If you openly say what you said out here to your friends then,  I don't think they will be your friends with heart anymore.. Unless they have some benefits in you.. That's hypocrocy...

Don't try to be too smart in old age.. We have learned many things within short period of time for which it took 70 years for you...  :rotfl:  ..modern generation..  :rotfl:

1. Muslims deny Jesus. Simple, Jesus is God, was crucified and on the third day rose physically. Your book denies this. Therefore it of the AntiChrist.

2. Communism arguably murdered more innocents than Islam did. And it did it in a much briefer period of time i.e. 100 years Vs 1400 years.

3. "Coz if your friend is in fact a muslim,  he has his set of beliefs.. He will not allow anyone to touch his basics... If you openly say what you said out here to your friends then,  I don't think they will be your friends with heart anymore.. Unless they have some benefits in you.. That's hypocrocy... " Listen to the young man's pretentious arrogance, presuming to know anything about my life, and my Muslim friends. (Just for the record, one of them says you are not Muslim and in fact, knowingly or not, work to destroy Islam.)

4. Son, if you live a few more decades, your self-belief that you actually know something will be (hopefully) seen as folly. You have not even begun to understand the world. I can see it from your complete lack of logic and your lack of education. You believe that cutting-and-pasting from a few anti-Christian websites is sufficient to overthrow 3,500 years of Judeo-Christian scholarship and testimony. That's self-indulgence to the max!


Amazing isn't it?

They follow what they preach for others..
Pagan at best..
Let us die with guidance



Let us die with guidance
