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May be WE are the Jinns/Djinns

Started by TellMeTheTruth, December 30, 2017, 06:50:34 AM

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microscopic world is invisible to human eye but its exists there are things we cant see with or without tools human eye have a limit from microscopic life to telescopic life depend on the ability of tool may b some more tools get discovered and we get more discoveries

i was watching a tv prog in which they detect paranormal with a electronic device lol God knows best
if there is law to see covered things or communicate with those creations we need to get guide from prophet suleman although he is not here now so we need to know how these beings can communicate with us


Quote from: huruf on December 30, 2017, 08:38:14 AM
jinn is not a different kind of being, but a trait that may or may not act in any being. jinn means "covered". We cannot see them really, not for what they are. May be they appear as something else r may be where we look we see something but do not realise or can identify what we see.

In this sense, people already gone or who lived ages ago, they might qualify as jinn. We cannot ascertain who or how they were. We cann imagine however we like but we cannot see them nor feel them. They are covered by time and ignorance.


Salam Sister! I would say, HUMAN are a different kind of species. It is we JINNS who have more senses than the MAN. As brother Imran told us that we can sense and perceive numerous senses through the organ called Heart (not Qalb) for example, love danger etc. I think Quran has not mentioned such experiences with Human Beings. Maybe!

I am glad that you reacted to this post. I am sure that I will get some knowledge of a great deal from you.



Quote from: imrankhawaja on December 30, 2017, 08:51:42 AM
microscopic world is invisible to human eye but its exists there are things we cant see with or without tools human eye have a limit from microscopic life to telescopic life depend on the ability of tool may b some more tools get discovered and we get more discoveries

i was watching a tv prog in which they detect paranormal with a electronic device lol God knows best
if there is law to see covered things or communicate with those creations we need to get guide from prophet suleman although he is not here now so we need to know how these beings can communicate with us

Brother Imran! I was with a view that some certain microscopic organisms could be from progeny of Shaitan (Not Iblees, I believe). I read an article that some type of microorganisms make mice to go towards cats so that cats could eat the mice and these microorganisms could complete rest of their life cycle inside the cats. Is this how Shaitan controls Human Beings and Jinns?

Allah bless you!


Quote from: TellMeTheTruth on December 30, 2017, 08:47:47 AM
Maybe you need to prove your points through Science and Quran. I would suggest you to take another look into the verses containing Qalb. Mostly it does not mean 'Heart'. Qalb basically means to make things upward/down in order to explore and understand the nature of things around us.
Understanding is something calculated within the 'brain' and brain د م غ is only mentioned once or twice in the Quran without any connections with intellectual understanding and sensuality etc. While the science says it is 'brain' responsible for our understanding in intellectual.

see my previous post i clearly say we use the words by different ways one is "qalb"

when abraham said satisfaction of heart its not the body part but a state of satisfaction


Quote from: imrankhawaja on December 30, 2017, 08:51:42 AM
i was watching a tv prog in which they detect paranormal with a electronic device lol God knows best
if there is law to see covered things or communicate with those creations we need to get guide from prophet suleman although he is not here now so we need to know how these beings can communicate with us
What guidance from prophet Suleman? Was he able to communicate with these microorgnisms? I don't know what you are thinking.



Quote from: TellMeTheTruth on December 30, 2017, 09:00:08 AM
Brother Imran! I was with a view that some certain microscopic organisms could be from progeny of Shaitan (Not Iblees, I believe). I read an article that some type of microorganisms make mice to go towards cats so that cats could eat the mice and these microorganisms could complete rest of their life cycle inside the cats. Is this how Shaitan controls Human Beings and Jinns?

Allah bless you!

yes brother i also read some articles in which a human being can become God
and human being is a part of God
i even heard stories that one folk see God with naked eye

but let people claim what they want
God bless you


Quote from: TellMeTheTruth on December 30, 2017, 09:03:59 AM
What guidance from prophet Suleman? Was he able to communicate with these microorgnisms? I don't know what you are thinking.



so thats how you interpret jinns as microorganism?


Quote from: TellMeTheTruth on December 30, 2017, 08:53:49 AM
As brother Imran told us that we can sense and perceive numerous senses through the organ called Heart (not Qalb) for example, love danger etc. I think Quran has not mentioned such experiences with Human Beings. Maybe!

sister look what i told
i told him the functions of heart actually and also say the word heart we can also use for different things  a word "heart" not a organ heart but as it appears directly towards the organ heart so people normally consider it as oragan heart same like this brother understood it

about a sound ( yes its a sense of hearing) and one can hear the sound of heart isnt it? even this sentence will go on both ways

sound of heart = heartbeat
sound of heart = voice from realself/character/conscience


Quote from: imrankhawaja on December 30, 2017, 09:11:30 AM
yes brother i also read some articles in which a human being can become God
and human being is a part of God
i even heard stories that one folk see God with naked eye

but let people claim what they want
God bless you
Right brother! So please do not tell me what you saw in some Tv programs or what you heard or what you think or feel etc. Just tell me about what are you certain of or tell from Al-Quran where the design/shape of human/Adam is mentioned. As per the word ADAM this name is extract from a color of soil/earth or blood or skin without hairب ش ر and it was not a proper name etc. If Adam's color was a mixture of color of dust/earth (light brown) and blood (blood Red) so all his descendants should be of the same color. Contrary to that we can see that we are of various colors: for example, far-eastern (yellowish), Africa and Makran etc. (blackish), Russia and polar areas (Reddish), Subcontinent (light and dark brown or medium black), Moscow and Red Indians (copper like golden), Europe (White).
Now you will tell me that this was due to climate etc.
We also know that many human beings are living in other than their native regions for centuries and there skin color vary just slightly and we still can tell or guess that what is their original region.
Quran has not talked about any skin colors of HUMAN BEINGS just told that Allah created them from one man and one female and divided them into groups/nations and different languages so that they could recognize each other (49:30). Do we recognize each other or do we see differences among each other? Do you think that all these groups/nations are descendants from one Male and one Female of the same color?

Sorry, I am not very good in English!



Quote from: imrankhawaja on December 30, 2017, 08:03:14 AM
peace brother

u can clearly see the mystery of death becoz nobody can tell u anything thats the mysterious ever thing
thats y i said the mystery what does not belong to this life is unsolveable untill we reach there

its same like u dnt know what tommorrow will bring untill it will come

human being is provided with a very little knowledge and the mysteries we solved or we discovered?
whatever human being dream its a part of imagination hence solveable or atleast know and how to discover

so how we discover something when we dnt know what we are discovering?
I believe that we are given a tremendous deal of knowledge in Al-Quran. Even about death and after death experiences. Don't you believe me? Read Quran, please! 4:97 for example.
Through Quran, I even know about the hereafter, which may come tomorrow or after a few years or even after a few centuries or millennium. I know what will happen.
