Quote from: imrankhawaja on December 30, 2017, 09:11:30 AM
yes brother i also read some articles in which a human being can become God
and human being is a part of God
i even heard stories that one folk see God with naked eye
but let people claim what they want
God bless you
Right brother! So please do not tell me what you saw in some Tv programs or what you heard or what you think or feel etc. Just tell me about what are you certain of or tell from Al-Quran where the design/shape of human/Adam is mentioned. As per the word ADAM this name is extract from a color of soil/earth or blood or skin without hairب ش ر and it was not a proper name etc. If Adam's color was a mixture of color of dust/earth (light brown) and blood (blood Red) so all his descendants should be of the same color. Contrary to that we can see that we are of various colors: for example, far-eastern (yellowish), Africa and Makran etc. (blackish), Russia and polar areas (Reddish), Subcontinent (light and dark brown or medium black), Moscow and Red Indians (copper like golden), Europe (White).
Now you will tell me that this was due to climate etc.
We also know that many human beings are living in other than their native regions for centuries and there skin color vary just slightly and we still can tell or guess that what is their original region.
Quran has not talked about any skin colors of HUMAN BEINGS just told that Allah created them from one man and one female and divided them into groups/nations and different languages so that they could recognize each other (49:30). Do we recognize each other or do we see differences among each other? Do you think that all these groups/nations are descendants from one Male and one Female of the same color?
Sorry, I am not very good in English!