QuoteIs the Quran a patriarchal text?
I think reading the Book can better explain that

Many sites exist to make that possible.
QuoteWhy are women spoken of often in terms of their sexuality in the Quran?
Maybe because some men seem to ignore any command given to them about their own sexuality.
Say to the believing men they should lower their gaze and they should guard their chastity. That (is) purer for them. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Aware of what they do.24:30
But I guess if you just look at all the verses about women you will be able to get a proper answer to your questions. Start from here:
http://islamawakened.comType "women" within their search bar to get to occurances of that word.
Quote(eg. Mariam is described as good for being "chaste";
Because people thought she was the opposite? You will still find writings today in which she is called a whore. Quran works as a corrector of erroneous beliefs of the past.
We also have Joseph in Quran who went through something similar and did have to pay a heavy price for it:
She said, "That is the one, you blamed me about him. And certainly I sought to seduce him, but he saved himself, and if not he does what I order him, surely, he will be imprisoned and certainly will be of those who are. He said, "My Lord, the prison is dearer to me than what they invite me to it. And unless You turn away from me their plot I might incline towards them and I be of the ignorant."12:32-33
Quotedress code for women
Societies from different ages seem to be obsessed with women's clothes and eye candy ingredients. Perhaps that's why?
(and slave women?)
A verse?
Quotewhom your right hand possesses
Only females?

Quotegenderless Allah always being referred to as He etc etc
Because "it" sounds weird???
That said, languages that provide no gender based words, don't have any "he" for him.